Welcome to Seaford Times. A nostalgic look back at photos of Seaford and Seafordians. To find out what we want to achieve, please view our ‘About Seaford Times’ page.
If you have photos of Seafordians of the past, then please consider scanning the photos, and sending them to seaford.times@gmail.com along with a little information about your photograph, and it will be included in the ‘Seafordians’ file, and may be placed on this website, and/or our Facebook Group.
On this ‘Home’ page you will find photos from the Seaford Times collection, articles found from old newspapers, posts placed on Seaford Times Facebook Group, and all sorts of Seaford related info.
The ‘Great War’ page has photos of Seafordians that survived the war.
The ‘History’ page looks back well into the past, using information from wherever Seaford Times can find it.
The ‘Obituary’ page is self explanitory. We notify you of Seafordians that have passed, along with the comments, and memories from people who knew them.
I hope you enjoy a trip down memory lane with Seaford Times.

Ainsley Reed went to Seaford Secondary School in the late 1950’s. He was part of the schools successful athletic,and rugby teams. He also played for Seaford rugby club, and he has kindly sent these photos to Seaford Times of the Seaford rugby club end of season dinner.
Unfortunately, there are no names to go with the evenings get together. Can anyone help?

Ainsley’s photo taken at the Salts.

The Shepherds Cottage on Seaford Head. If was occupied by Reuben Russell, his wife and daughter. When the golf course was laid down in 1887 the wooden building to the right was built so that Mrs Russell and her daughter could provide lunches (apparently chops were a favourite) and refreshments for the golfers. This became an unofficial ‘club house’ for the golfers. (The official club-house was inconveniently located at the Bay Hotel in Pelham Road) This photo dates from 1892. (Kevin Gordon)

Whilst we are all in ‘Lockdown’ and confind to our homes, how about reading about our town.
Seaford Times has written a book on the first century of Seaford’s own school. The book is suitably called ‘Seaford Senior School’ and explains how the Steyne Road, Church Street and Arundel Road schools came into existence.
The book is now only available to purchase by emailing seaford.times@gmail.com at a cost of £10.00 including post and packing. All proceeds will be donated to a charity. The book has a limited edition, and just over 50% have already been sold.
Last year Seaford Times donated over £200 to the Children’s Cancer charity Chestnut House. This year we are going to donate our proceeds to the Salvation Army, who help the homeless, and the Newhaven R.N.L.I. Local people who, by putting their own lives on the line, they help everyone in trouble at sea.