If your relation has passed away and they had any connection with Seaford, please consider sending Seaford Times your notification, along with a photograph. Unlike newspapers there is no charge for this service, and your notice will be seen by over 3000 (and rising) Seafordians that follow the Seaford Times website and Facebook page. Listed below are a selection of Seafordians, from the Seaford Times database, that many of us knew, who have sadly passed away over the last few years. Most are accompanied by a photograph, but not all. If anyone has a photograph of any of the deceased below, once again please consider sending a scanned image to seaford.times@gmail.com to add to their notification. If you have any memories of anyone below, please send us those memories and they may well be placed in their notification for their relations to view. If you object to your loved one being on this page, please contact us and the notification will be removed.

Susie Hayward. Her husband was my Drama and English Teacher at Seaford Secondary. His name was Nick Cash. He must be devastated poor man.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. We have known Mr. & Mrs. Cash for so many years. Our thoughts are with Mr. Cash at this sad time.
Belinda Macey. An excellent English teacher. Will be missed.
Stuart Gosling. She was my head of year. Her husband, Nick was my form tutor in year 7 (or 1 as it was then!)
Janet Comben. Very sad
Amanda Parks. A lovely English teacher and sad for Mr Cash who was my form tutor in first comp year
Linda Jackson. Sad news, thinking of Nick and the family, an excellent teacher with a kind heart
Sandra Langridge. Such sad news, thinking of Nick and the family RIP Jean
Dave Earl. Very sad news. She was my favourite teacher at Seaford Head. She was my form tutor year 3. I remember. I last saw her about 3-4 years ago and we had a lovely chat! RIP and thinking of Mr Cash at this time.

William Edward Kneller aged 90 sadly passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 12th December 2022 after a short battle with cancer.
William ( Bill ) , dad, grandad, great grandad was born in Seaford and will be greatly missed by all.
Sue Fears. RIP Bill thoughts with all the family at this sad time xx
Lynda Cook. Thinking of all his lovely family at this sad time
Hazel Cottis. Sad news.R I P Bill.
Linda Jackson-Ryannee (Tizard). Sad to hear of his passing. Rest in Peace Bill. He re-roofed my house in Guardswell Place. Lovely man.
Robert Minchin. The news was very sad. My condolences also. Had a few conversations with him while he was still able. I know he enjoyed his cowboy films among his other many interests.
Sheila Lambert. Bill, rest in Peace, you will be so sadly missed, x
Trevor Funnell. Very sad to hear that, Bill was a lovely bloke, condolences to the family.
Terry Cottis. RIP Uncle Bill
Penny Leach. Condolences to the family. He lived in our road years back and knew him and family well. We are sad to hear this news! God bless! Bill was a well known character, a lovely man ❤️ xx
Bob Male. R I P Bill many good memories thinking of families
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Terrible, terrible shame. What a great bloke, Jan and I are so sorry. All our thoughts are with all Bill’s family. RIP Bill. We were glad to have had the privilege to have known you so well.
Linda Jackson. So sorry for your loss
Ray French. Remember Bill from the seventies and eighties used to have a good laugh he was a good Seaford man RIP
Claire Raffell. Sorry for your loss such a lovely man
Wendy Breeds. What a lovely man RIP Bill, it was a privilege to know you , our thoughts are with all Bill’s family
Corinne Thomas. Sorry to hear such sad news. RIP Bill
Linda Bishop. Condolences to the family
Bill Wells. RIP and sorry for your loss. (Ex-Seaford, Vale Road)
Susan Bamforth. My thoughts are with your family ( née REED ) X
Julie Chamberlain. Sorry to hear this RIP
Linda Dobson. RIP Bill your now with your beloved wife and daughter. Thoughts are with your family xx
Janet Vacher. Condolences to the family! Another old Seafordian gone xxxx
Angela Bambridge. Sorry to hear this, I remember him and Sheila as newlyweds living at 1 Stafford Road.
Mike Marsh. Sorry to hear this sad news
Carol Green. RIP Bill, very sad .. thoughts are with all the family.
Helen Howard Ne Smith. Very sorry for your loss x
Janet Comben. Oh I’m so sorry.

Daphne Kingswood sadly passed away on the 3rd December 2022 after a long illness bravely borne. A loving wife, sister, cousin and friend, Daphne was well known in Seaford after working in local solicitors for many years.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. We are very sorry to hear this sad news. We knew Daphne and Kinger in our younger years.
David Morling. So sorry to hear this news. I remember Daphne – from my youth, she worked with my Mother (Pat Morling) a good friend of my cousin Jane Huntley/Williams. My thoughts to all her family.
Marie Jane. So sorry to hear this news.
Sandy Izzard. So sorry to hear the sad loss of Daphne. A great person. My thoughts are with you John xx
Gareth James Miller. Sincere condolences to John .
Alison Parks. RIP Daphne 😞xx
Verena Loveridge. So sorry to hear this sad news. Thinking of you John. Howard and Verena
Steve Powney. Very sad news always laughing with a great sense of humour x
Danny Macmillan. Great lady good fun….so sad…hope you are doing OK John…
Clare Ireland. Very, very sad to see this. RIP Daphne.
John Westwood. Thoughts with John.
Kevin Peter. Sorry for your loss Kev Val xx
Gayle Levy. Thoughts with John x
Jon Holmes. Truly very sad news.

JOHN POWNEY passed away on 22nd November 2022.
Belinda Macey. Our thoughts are with you all. He will be missed.
Chris Rolf. One of the good guys, condolences to all. Will raise a glass in his honour.
Glenn Sheppard. RIP John. Remembering the Bay days. John was captain of the Bay dart team. Great nights. My condolences to all the Powney family.
Sue Fears. RIP John. Thoughts with all the family x
Liz Cowlett. Sorry to hear this. Thoughts are with Steve, David and the family. Lx
Martyn Mason. What a lovely man my dad was great friends with John RIP
Stuart Baker. Knew him for years a great friend of my dad and he use to sign me in the con club. X
Carol Green. RIP John. Condolences Steve Dave and families. Spent a lot of time in your home growing up
Chris Clarke. R.I.P John .
Gareth Elliott. Worked for John many years ago , condolences to the family RIP John
Lilian James. R I P John. One of the Korean boyClive Dobson. It’s sad news RIP John
Michael Winser. Very sad to hear. Sincere condolences from the Winser’s.
Neil Furminger. Thoughts are with you Dave and Steve xx Massive loss
Steve Watts. Very sorry to read the sad news. Sincere condolences from the Watts family. RIP John.
Sandra Furminger. So sorry to hear this such a lovely man and a larger than life character RIP John you will be so missed by many.
Bob Male. Very sad news R I P John good memories thinking of all the family
Gilly Westwood. Rest in peace John xxx
Ivor Lawrence. Sad news indeed.
Linda Bishop. Condolences to the family . X
Tricia Eves. Condolences to all the family. X
Sheila Evenden. RIP. Sincere condolences to family and friends.
Paul Stoner. So sad. Thinking of family & friends. Rip John
Amanda Ball. Sending condolences to all the family. Rest peacefully John. Xx
Janet Comben. Oh I’m so sorry my love to all the family I remember when we were all at Butlins together my dad loved playing golf with him
Sharon Lesley Davis. RIP John such a lovely man
Val Hylands. Sending condolences to the family.
Joi Bennett. So very sorry to hear the sad news.he was a special friend. Condenses to all the family RIP John….x
Ray French. Remember John from our Seven Sister Pub days in the seventies, good man liked to joke RIP
Tara Highway. Condolences to all the family x
Jacqueline Lavery. RIP. John. Such a lovely man, condolences to all the Powney family, he will be sadly missed. Such a great character. Always had a laugh, fly high John joining all your mates and family up there.
Anne Scudder. Sending condolences to his family
Libby Roderick. He was a dear friend of Sid Willey! Hope they meet again.
Angie Hindocha. So very sad to hear this ,he was a lovely man .RIP

Malcolm John Cornford of Vale Road and Lewes County Grammar School for Boys, has died aged 72 of Motor Neurone Disease. Funeral 12th October at Eastbourne Crematorium
Jennifer Pacey. I am so sorry to hear this Lynda, I remember Malcolm from our younger days. My condolences to you and your family.
Susan Forshaw. So sorry to hear this. Condolences to you all . X
Chrissie AC. So sorry to hear about your brother. 72 is no age. My prayers are with you Glenn Sheppard. I remember Malcolm well. He used to play football for Vale Road against Chyngton. Very sad news. RIP Malcolm.
Sue Fears. So sorry to hear this thoughts with all the family xx
Brian Henty. Very sorry to hear the sad news Lynda thinking of you and your family. Brian & Gill Henty
Linda Bishop. So sorry to hear, Condolences to all!
Ian Everest. Although I haven’t seen Malcolm since our Church Street School days, still sad to hear his passing.
Rosemary Male. Very sorry to hear this Lynda, thinking of you and your family xx
Richard Job. So sorry to hear this. I was at the Boy’s Grammar with him, all those years ago ❤️
Rosie Wood. Very sorry to hear this sad news. I remember him well from school.
Susan Bennett. Lynda I am so so sorry to hear the news my love to you and Christine and all the family xx
Angela Bambridge. Sorry to hear this, I was in the same class as Malcolm at Church Street.
Clem Collins. I remember Malcolm from our Scouting days in the 1st Seaford. Sorry to hear the sad news.
Cliff Lauer. Very sorry to hear this, Lynda. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Stephen (Dibbs) Steer born 27/12/1972 very sadly passed away on 18/9/2022. Steve was a true Seafordian all his life, and very well known on the Chyngton estate. Steve was loved by so many. He will be truly missed by his best mate, sisters, partner, step daughters and grandchildren. Stephen Jon Steer funeral is on Monday 7th November 2022 at 1pm.
If anyone like to follow the funeral cortege please be at Seaford Methodist Church at the end of Millberg Road by 12pm to be with Steve for just last journey.xx
Ashley Maskell. So sorry to hear this news about Steve. I remember him and his sister Susan as they lived 4 doors away in Romney Close. Condolences to all the families R.I.P Steve.
Mandy Alan Woods. Sorry to hear this sad news love to the family from the Richardson family
Heidi Cowley. At peace now. God bless you x
Bob Lowe. Very sad news indeed. Steve was a very decent guy, and hugely popular, especially on our beloved Chyngton Estate. Taken from us far too early. My sincere condolences goes to Steve’s family. RIP Steve.
Chris Grog Greavison. Very sad a real nice fella RIP Steve
Tina Kenwright. So sorry to hear this very sad news about Stevie. He was a lovely man and in fact over the past year myself and my mum have bumped into him on a few occasions whilst out and about and have had some lovely chats. As a child I lived in the same Close as Stevie. So many fun times playing with all the other children in the road. Great childhood memories that I still talk about now and I will never forget. One being , trying to teach Stevie maths. We always had my blackboard out too and we sat in my front garden together opposite his house. Even to this day It’s been a joke at home as I’m still rubbish at maths . Rest in Peace Stevie. Thinking of your family too at this sad time.
Bob Male. Yet another Chyngton lad passed. Remember great times our gardens backed on to each other. Condolences to all the families R I P Steve
Audrey Keenan. Rest in peace Steve,way too young xx
Sheridan Jade Bryant. Rest in peace Steve, will miss our chats and laughs. X such sad news xx all thoughts are with the family at this sad and difficult time xx
Ali Parks-Trice. OMG NO!! Oh this is awful news, we always called ourselves the Chyngton Brethren. Dibs, not a nasty bone in your body, I truly am shocked and so very sad. We will all miss you Bro. Xxxx
Roy Ranger. Truly… A top salt of the earth lad. Sleep easy Dibs.X
Linda Woolgar. So sad cuz. No more pain
Christine Cavey. Oh no so sad lovely guy rip dibsy xx
Claire Raffell. Lovely bloke Rip Steve
Linda Jackson. Such sad news, Rest In Peace x
Zach Tidy. Terribly sad news, RIP buddy.
Ashley Swift. Lovely man, RIP Steve
Richard Bryant.RIP my friend Dibsy you will be missed x
Beth Jaques. RIP Steve, remember you well all those years ago from Elm Court x
Gary Ward. Bless him. Anther part of our family sadly passed
Jenny Tidy. I am so sad to hear this! I used to serve him in Sainsburys such a nice lad! RIP!
David Loader. RIP Dibsy, far to young for a great buddy, you will be missed!
Julie Jenkins. R I P Dibs you were way to young to leave us, you were one in a million,kind,caring and loving xxxx
Ivor Lawrence. Sad to hear of Stephen’s passing, lived just up the road and always had a smile and an Hello !
Anita Hannaford. RIP steve, so sad to hear this. xx
John Westwood Sad news know Steve from school days.
Mark Norman. Very sad to see this. I’d known Dibs since we were very young. RIP mate x
Emma Harman. RIP fella such a kind man thinking of his family
Georgina Howes. Was at school with him, such a lovely guy. RIP Steve 😞
Carol Lamberth. RIP Steve. From the Lamberth family . X
Sheila Durman. RIP Steve a lovely young man I remember when we ran a club for the estate Steve loved it when it closed every time he saw me he asked if we were going to do it again bless him he has been so happy these last few years always told me how happy he was gone to soon xxxxx
Richard Gillman. R I P Steve lovely lad
Laura Boniface. Very sad news. Such a nice bloke. RIP. 😢
Bob Lower. RIP cuz 😢😢
Ian GibSon. Very sad news. I’ve known Steve since our schooldays. RIP mate
Others paying respects:- Dena Parsons, Yvette Bullen, Janet Jenkins, Vikki Ardley. Vikki Matthews, Jon Dawson, Michelle Oliver, David Maskell, Wendy Morgan, Guy Jonathan Eves, Martin Dean, Sue Allen, Lou Vanson, Stuart Baker, Susan Allchin, Beverley Templeman, Maggie Grinyer, Sandra Sexton, Phil Boorman, Janet Maskell, Jackie Norman, Catherine Browder, Sue Phillips, Darren Edward Funnell, Merryl Redhead, David Maskell.

Kevin Clarke, who was born on 28th March, 1956 and passed away at home on the 1st September, 2022. He is much loved, terribly missed and will most certainly be remembered by everyone who met him.
Sandra Furminger. RIP Kevin xx
Helen Cox. Sorry to read this, Kevin was a lovely gentleman who took time to talk and always asked after the family. A neighbour who will be much missed

Stan Baker of Saltwood Road passed away on 20th August 2022.
One of the original residents of the Chyngton Estate, and known by so many of us.
Jackie Norman. So sorry for your loss, I lived oppersite him in Walmer road, I also had a paper round them. I’m one of the Lewry’s lived 66 Saltwood ❤️
Glenn Sheppard. One of us original Saltwood Roaders. Lovely man. Worked hard as a mechanic in the day, and had to work hard with Mrs Baker, when he got home. A tiring life for both, but they never complained. R.I.P. Mr. Baker.
Dave Scudder. R.I.P Stan the man.
Peter Clarke. So sorry to hear of Stans passing lovely bloke a joy to work with.R.l.P. Stan love to all the family at this difficult time.
Tricia Eves. RIP Mr Baker. Condolences to all your family. Tricia Eves (Rainey)
Heather J Baldwin. My thoughts are with the family who my sister, Lesley, and I grew up with.
David Harvey. R.I.P Stan Lovely man x
Laurence Baker. My condolences. Laurie & Family xx
Chris Clarke. My brother Pete worked with Stan at Stuart Moters as a trainee mechanic always and had a lot of time for him.R.I.P Stan.
Wendy Hobbs. My daughter also had them as a neighbour on the other side. I too was bought up in saltwood road and remember their younger son Michael very well.
Maxine Beer. Real character! He was a great bloke x
Adrian Bishop. Our thoughts are with the family Stan was a lovely man. Always has time to talk to my Mum and Dad RIP
Taz Taylor. This is sad news, Stan was a lovely man, he was a mechanic at Sutton Corner Garage right up to retirement. I went to school with Michael, he also had a daughter, Christine, and Andrew who was handicapped. Very fond memories of Mr & Mrs Baker. RIP Stan ❤
Sheila Durman. Sending condolences to the family knew them well.

I thought I should post the sad news that my dear cousin, Sylvia Lucas passed away, on 27 July 2022. Her funeral will take place on Tues 23 Aug 2022 at 12 noon, in the main chapel at Eastbourne Crematorium. Sylvia’s son, Allan, and sister, Valerie, have requested family flowers only, please, but if desired please kindly make a donation to any favoured charity of your choice
Joi Bennett. Sorry for your loss Teresa
Sheila Lambert. I also remember Sylvia, xx 💋
Rosemary Collict. Really sorry to hear this. I remember presenting her with a certificate when I was Mayor. RIP Sylvia and condolences to her family.
Glenn Sheppard. Such a shame. She knew so much about Seaford history. R.I.P.
William Kneller. Sylvia Lockwood that was at school with me.
John Earl. Very sad news. We live in the house built by Sylvia’s grandfather. We got to know her and Valerie through a cousin of theirs who lives near us. They all paid us a visit and loved looking around their old home. Sylvia gave us copies of photos of the house from when it was first built. She was a lovely lady. Thinking of you and the family.
Teresa Fowler. John Earl I don’t think we’ve ever met but I am the youngest of the cousins and, too, have fond memories of your house, as my Dad and I used to call there, on Sunday mornings, after working in my Dad’s allotment, before walking on to the Seven Sisters, where I had to sit outdoors, being too young to be allowed inside, in those days. I expect you probably know there is an identical house (called ‘Arlington Cottage’), built about the same time, as far as I know, for my granddad’s nephew, Charlie Fowler, who was only about 10 years younger than my granddad
Sheila Durman. A lovely lady sad news big hugs to family
Susan Forshaw. Sad news RIP Sylvia. Condolences to the family x
Tara Highway. Oh how very sad, Sylvia was SUCH a wonderful lady, deepest condolences to her family x
Vicki Henry. I remember her so well, a beautiful lady inside and out, rest in peace dear one and my condolences to her family xxx
Wendy Morgan. Such a lovely Lady! RIP Sylvia Lucas. 😢
Bob Lowe. Very sad news indeed. I knew Sylvia and her husband Arthur for many many years, mainly through the Seaford Silver Band. My love and sincere condolences goes to Sylvia’s family. RIP Sylvia xx
Julie Chamberlain. Lovely lady, will be missed by many. Condolences to all the family. RIP love Julie (Satchell)
Sandra Langridge. Such sad news, a lovely lady, thoughts are with her family RIP Sylvia
Tricia Eves. My condolences to all Sylvia’s family. Much love Tricia (Rainey) x
Sheila Evenden. So sorry to read this -Sylvia was a lovely lady – sincere condolences to her family and friends. RIP.
Cliff Lauer. Sorry to hear your sad news, Teresa.
Myrtle Kracke. Am very sad knew Sylvia when we were in Red Cross together remember her with fond memories x
Daphne Kingswood. I worked with Sylvia for several years at Barwells and shared a room in the attic with her there. Over the years Sylvia was involved in many things including the Stroke Club and Red Cross. She was very much community spirited. A lovely lady. Condolences to Alan and Val.
Liz Cowlett. I was sorry to hear this news. Sylvia was a lovely lady and will be missed. Sending love to all her family.
Sue Ridley. Very sad news, my dad played in Seaford Silver for many years and as a child remember Silvia, lovely lady, my thoughts are with you and your family. x
Carla Ashdown. So sad, Sylvia was such a lovely lady, may she rest in peace, condolences to her family
Sandy Izzard. So sorry for your sad loss. She will be greatly missed. A wonderful lady. I used to work with her. RIP Sylvia xx
Wendy Breeds. What sad news, Sylvia was a lovely lady , condolences to her family x

Lesley and Vikki are sad to announce the death of their father, Patrick Matthews, aged 89.
Grandad to 8 children and great grandad to 4.
Seaford born and bred. A true Seafordian, he was born in Alfriston Road.
He was well known at the Salts walking both Yogi and Elmo,his black giant Poodles .
Finally at peace and will be missed so much xx
Ray Malfroot. Pete and Pat had a pair of identical BSA Gold Stars’,B34 500s’ ,all chrome and very expensive, every Sunday morning they would roar off towards Alfriston.
William Kneller. A old friend gone how sad
Ray French. Pat built his bungalow on a plot of land in Kammond Avenue, next to the bungalow that I was born, I remember him and his wife working very hard on it, they always had time for a chat RIP
Robin Tuppen. Pat lived in the house by the twitten going down to East Dean and West Dean Rises I remember the family pretty well and our gardens we almost next to each other across the twitten. I lived in No.12 East Dean Rise. sorry to learn of Pat’s passing.
Bill Purcell. Be at Peace now Patrick. My condolences to all the family.
Mike Bourne. Pat was my cousin sorry to hear of his passing.
Sheila Durman. Thinking of all the family RIP
Marion Moore. My cousin x sad to hear ,would love to have known him more, his father was my mum’s brother.
Carol Winser. I was so upset when I heard that Pat had passed away – he was such a lovely man and I am going to miss hearing his voice and laughter – we shared many a conversation. Hopefully he is at peace now. Condolences to Vikki and Lesley and the rest of his family who he has left behind. Lots of love Carol I am so grateful to have known such a wonderful man – bless him. Dan has asked me to pass on his condolences to you and Vikki also. Take care. Xxx
Bernice Riggs. Sorry for your loss … Patrick was my Dad’s cousin xx
Chris Clarke. So sorry to hear that, I have fond memories of Pat and his sayings like wet day know rain .He did some fine brickwork for me and worked really hard through his life.R.I.P . Pat.
Bob Male. Sorry to here this.What a great tradsman and always had time to talk.Yet another Seaford character gone.Thinking of family. And of good memories R I P Pat Bob
Audrey Keenan. So sorry that you have lost your Dad Vikki Matthews xxx
Mervyn Hedges. Condolences, Pat was a lovely man
Neil Furminger. I’m sure Patrick was the lovely old chap that walked Elmo ( big black poodle) up The barn a few years back!
We thought Elmo was called “bye”
Linda Jackson. So sorry to hear your sad news, but lots of lovely memories to last you years
Kimmy Jane. So Sorry for your loss. I’ll let my mum know as Pat was her uncle,xx
Anna Garner. So sorry for you loss! Have lived down the road from him for 26 years such a lovely man! Always a smile & hello whenever we saw him! He loved his gardening x
Sandra Furminger. Lovely man Patrick RIP
Simone Lodomez. Thinking of you, very fond memories of both your parents in Kammond Avenue xx
Susan Bamforth. Sorry for your loss. I remember both mum and dad xx
Sue Phillips. So very sorry for your loss, thoughts are with the family 💔
Tamara Mortiboy. So sorry to hear , sending love and strength xxxxx
Sara Landless he really was a lovely man xx very sad for your loss xx
Linda Dobson. Lovely chap he use to come into our shop Petlove , Saxon Lane. R I P
Janet Jenkins. How sad he used to come in Sainsbury’s Cafe lovely man x x x
Also sending their condolences:- Laura Boniface, Mo Ashdown, Sandra Comer, Deborah Green, Janet Stoner, Cheryl Burgman, Linds Woolgar, Dave Earl, Janet Comben, Jackie Norman, Mandy Burton, Sheila Evenden, Jean Beard,

A Seafordian that everyone loved, Nobby Town, passed away on 19th July 2022.
His service will be held at Eastbourne Crematorium at 11am on 11th August 2022
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. So sorry to hear this sad news, one of the very best people you could ever wish to meet and know. R.I.P. Nobby.
Ray French. Played darts with Nobby at the British Legion back in the 60s & 70s he was a good man used to see him in town he never forgot you RIP friend
Ray Malfroot. Good man as was his brother John,two proper men.
Gina Winfield. Sincere condolences. Gxx
Gina Hart. So sorry to hear this. Sleep tight Nobby xx
Mo Ashdown. Rip nobby you will be missed xx
Sharon Curtis. What a lovely man who never seemed to change RIP
David Reed. Sad news, had many a laugh with him. Nobby worked with my Dad Brian for a number of years. My thoughts are with the family. RIP Norman.
Jennifer Jane Mewett. He was a really lovely man.We used to live opposite him in Claremont Road .
Ronald Elliott. Amazing man pleasure to know him and his lovely family xxx
Mick Evans. Bless him lovely guy known him since I was about five R.I.P
Jacqueline Lavery. Hi so sorry to read this Steve lovely man RIP. 🌹
Christopher Langridge. I worked with Nobby when i first left school ,what a nice man he was
John Jordan. A great guy known nobby many years since a kid .
Richard Woolmer. Thoughts with my mate Steve and brother Ian. Mr Town was a lovely man.
Linda Jackson. Rest In Peace Nobby, you always has a smile on your face and knew my dad Gus Lower and his brother Nipper x
Sue Tinnuche. Rip Nobby, friend of both my family and my husbands father , bet they’ll have some good dart matches xx
Merryl redhead. Sending condolences. He worked with my dad many years ago for Bannisters.
Diane Robb. This is such sad news, a genuinely lovely guy. R.I.P Nobby 😢
Ray Mcavoy Kifford. Nobby was a lovely man, RIP Nobby. 😢
Mike Marsh. What a nice man always had time for a chat . We had lots of fun in the old days playing Darts and having a pint
Vikki Matthews. One of my dad’s old muckers. 3 musketeers passed in 3 months. Love to the family xx
Lyn Gill. RIP Nobby, meet up again with Gloria & maybe my mum. & dad. ❤️
Susan Bamforth. Lovely man so sad for his family x
Jean Beard. Loved a chat with Nobby, we’ll miss him!
Sandra Langridge. Such sad news, lovely man, always had time for a chat, my thoughts are with the family RIP Nobby
Gareth Elliott. Sorry to hear this , RIP Nobby , thoughts are with Ian and Tom
Stephen Michael Templeman. Such sad news to here , I’m not to shore what to say about a lovely man as Nobby ! Only that he was a fantastic guy to have known” !!! ☝️
Jonathan Curd. Had many a happy night at darts on friday at British legion true gentleman RIP
Gary Ward. RIP Nobby. One of the most respected Gentlemen I know
A real shame
Derek Baker. Sad news, enjoyed playing darts with him in the old days.
Beverley Templeman. RIP Mr. Town. A lovely man who always stopped for a chat. Condolences to Tom and Ian.
Anne Scudder. Bless him, he was such a lovely man. RIP Nobby, go and reunite with Gloria 💙
Tricia Eves. I wish I had known. A ‘nice’ man in the true sense of the word. My condolences to his family.
Others paying their respects.
Julia Bond Garred. Charles Bateman, David Bond, Crown Bar, David Tolhurst.,
Simon Reed, Keith Mitchell, Wayne Elliott, Barry Thompson. Rosemarie Webb
Sharon Lesley Davis, Gilly Westwood, Linda Bishop, John Westwood, Irene Hearn
Sue Fears, Peter Clarke, Graham Baker-Isted

We are sad to announce the passing of Jill Margaret Georgalakis on the 4th July 2022, in her home in Seaford. Born in Hove 19th November 1933, educated in Bournemouth, Switzerland and Brighton. Architect, designer and painter. Wife of Costas, mother to Alexia, Victoria and James, sister to Christine and grandmother to Emma, Aphaia and Theo. Greatly missed..
Jennifer Jane Mewett.
So proud to have known her.The laughs we had .I miss her so much . Jenny x

Rosemary Jane Simmons sadly passed away on June 27th, aged 72.
Jane is the youngest daughter of Ray and Peggy Simmons, one of Seaford’s oldest fishing families.
Jane’s funeral is at 12:30, Tuesday August 2nd at St Leonards Church, Seaford.
Ray French. Remember Jane from school also the same year RIP
William Kneller. Another relative gone to young
Sue Dumelow. So very sorry to hear this sad news. Rest in Peace Jane.
Sheila Eager. Condolences to you all.
Gina Winfield. Sincere condolences to all family and friends Gxx
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Such a shock. We were in the same year at school. The last time we saw Jane, she looked so well. RIP
Linda Feldwicke. How sad, I often used to chat to Jane. R.I.P
Viv Long. Another dear cousin gone too soon, sleep peacefully darling xxxx
Susan Forshaw. How sad. I knew Jane well but lost touch in recent years. RIP Jane
Others paying their respects
Helen Howard Ne Smith. Roger Job.

I’m sad to announce the passing of Alec Plowman, 2 months after the death of his beloved wife Iris. His funeral will be 10th Mar 4pm at Eastbourne crematorium.
Any donations to St Wilfrids Hospice Eastbourne..
Claire Adfield. Together again with Iris. Lifelong friends of my parents, Reg and Mary. Thank you for all that you did for me and my girls – so many happy memories ❤
Keith Mitchell. RIP Alec enjoyed many games of squash with you.
Carol Lamberth. Hugs from MO
Terence Howard. Alec Plowman was a carpenter at Bannister’s Builders in Newhaven in the 1960s. Alec and I worked together for a few years until I moved away to Hastings in the early seventies. The last time I saw him was in Hastings, either late seventies or early eighties when he noticed me shopping and stopped for a chat. He told me he always came to Hastings to change cars at a dealer here. So sad to hear he and his wife have passed away. He was a good friend and colleague.
John Westwood. Sad to hear that Lee.
Penny Halmshaw. They are together RIP.
Ian GibSon. So sorry to hear this Julia and Lee. My thoughts and condolences to you both
Ivor Lawrence. Sad indeed, we always had a chat and a laugh, mainly trying to remember each others name. My Sister lived next door to Alec and Iris for many years. RIP.
Paul Stoner. So sad. Thinking of you all & sending hugs
Kay T Welch. I am so sorry to hear this, I used to work with Alec many, many years ago and after I moved to Seaford a few years ago I saw him in town a couple of times but was always rushing somewhere and vowed to say hello the next time I saw him..It never happened. He made us laugh so much in the office at MAFF. Much love to his family.
Heidi Francine Evans. So sad to hear, grew up with Lee thoughts and love to him and Julia xx
Guy Neale. Very sad to hear. Thoughts with you Julia and Lee.
Vida Turner. We will miss our chats over the garden fence. RIP xx
Peter Sowter. So sad for you Julia and Lee. Alec was a fine man, a real gentleman.
Janet Vacher. So sad! Memories of them both and playing squash with Alec and their wonderful relationship with cousin Margaret, rest in peace together xx
Jo Russell. Rip

Fred Weston sadly lost his fight with Covid at Eastbourne Hospital on Saturday 12th February. He left peacefully whilst listening to his favourite songs, to join his late wife June.
An engineer, notorious shopkeeper (Durbin & Allwright, Chiswick & The Shop – Bishopstone, Seaford), tea-dance host, care-home sing-song organiser, husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, his life will be celebrated on Friday 18th March at Eastbourne Crematorium.
Bob Lowe. Very sad indeed to hear about Fred. Knew him for many years. A really nice guy. Will be so missed for sure. RIP Fred.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Very sad news. They were very much loved by all their customers in Bishopestone.

Anne Bonniface (Simmons) sadly passed away on February 4th, aged 74.
Anne is the eldest daughter of Ray and Peggy Simmons, one of Seaford’s oldest fishing families.
Anne’s funeral is at 12 noon, March 3rd at St Leonards Church, Seaford.
Rose Dobson. Sorry to hear this news we had some good times in our teens
Viv Long. A lovely cousin, who will be sadly missed xxxx
Linda Bishop. Sad to hear x
Sue Dumelow. Very sad news. Many happy memories of friendship with Anne in our younger days.

Eric Michael Long, sadly pass away on the 29th of December 2021.
Well known in and around Seaford, lived in Bodiam Close, went to school at Seaford Head, Joined the Merchant Navy after leaving school. Left the Merchant Navy to become an electrician with Main Systems.
Eric was battling with MND, on the 28th of December he was admitted to hospital with breathing problems.
The funeral is scheduled to be held on the 14th of January 2022. Not sure of the time yet. As we are not able to go to Australia for the funeral, Lee and his girls are planning to have it live streamed for those wishing to attend. Please message me and I will forward the link as soon as we have a time.
Our love for him and our fond memories of him will stay in our hearts and thoughts and never fade.
Posted on behalf of
Lee, Toni, Nikki, Abbi, Julian, Gianna, and Louise.
Hils Luckett. Terribly sad news, so sorry, thinking of all the family xx
Shirley Lowe. Devastated to hear this sad news, was my next door neighbour. RIP Eric Vivienne Walkington. Really sad news. He will always be remembered. My thoughts are with all the family at this difficult time.
Mervyn Hedges. Sorry to hear this news. Great memories of Eric. Condolences to the rest of the family.
Bob Male. Sorry to hear this news rip Eric
Gina Hart. So sorry to hear this. Thinking of you all
Lee Turrell. Sorry for your loss I lived opposite at number 1 I was a bit of a nightmare for most of the neighbours so rip Eric
Steve Watts. Sincere condolences from the Watts family. RIP Eric.
Catherine Powell. Such sad news. Love to the family. X
Beatrice Harrison. Sorry to hear about your loss x
Sheila Durman. So sorry to hear your sad news my husband use to go fishing with Eric and Mick in the boat. Thinking of you all xx
Lisa Kingshott. Sorry for your loss.
Poppy Polling. Sorry to read your sad news
Linda Feldwicke. So sorry to hear this sad news. Thinking of all the family x
Martin Hills. Sad news. RIP Eric.
Anne Scudder. So sorry to hear this. Thinking of you all at this sad time 💙
Kev Powney Rest in Peace Eric, we grew up together in Bodiam Close along with several other lads. I will always remember our times playing football, cricket, going fishing and even mid night swims down the beach. We really did have a great childhood growing up on Chyngton estate. You will be fondly remembered by all of us who grew up on the Chyngton Estate I am sure.
Gillian Macey. Condolences on your loss. Although I did not know Eric well I knew him at school. Still very recognisable in this photo. 😔
Lynda Morgan. So very sorry to hear your sad news. Richard and I remember him well. Helen Davies. Saddened to hear this – heartfelt sympathy to all the family 😞
Yolande & Dave Green. So sorry to hear this sad news. I share the same birthday as Eric and he was a lovely person. We often thought of him especially after Louise told us of Eric’s illness. Dave and I were at school with him and our children were at Chyngton with his children before they went to Australia. Our thoughts are with all his family at this sad time.
Pauline Smith. Very sorry to hear this sad news.
Ashley Maskell. So sorry to hear your sad news Julian thinking of you all at this very sad time.
Dug Chant. Sorry to hear your news x
Graham Kneller. Thinking of you guy’s
Liz Cowlett. Oh Julian I’m so sad to hear this news. Our families were close when we were younger and I have many fond memories. I am thinking of you all. Liz Satchell.

Pat Morling (widow of Basil Morling d1985) passed away peacefully this afternoon she was in her 93rd year. At peace now.
Christine Mitchell. Sorry to hear your news x
Chris Raw. RIP Pat 💕
Angie Goering. Very sad news!! – I will pass this on to dad Reg Bond who I know will remember her very well. RIP xxx
Sharon Blagrove. What a lovely smiling face. Hope she is flying high with the angels x
Alice Helm. Sending love and happy thoughts x
Poppy Polling. Sorry for your loss xx
Kathy Gledsdale. Sorry for your loss.
Julia Bond Garred. So sorry to hear your news. Xx
Janet Vacher. Condolences Dave., remember working with Pat at Fuller Cooper in the 80s xxx. bless her xxxx
Pete Wheeler. Sorry to here of your mums passing RIP.
Sandra Comer. Sorry for your loss x
Wendy Morgan. So sorry for your loss. 😢
Greg Brinkley. Sorry David 😔
Carol Lamberth. So sorry
Janis Trehearn. Sending a hug 💙
Janet Comben. So sorry
Carol Therin. Sorry for your loss 🤗RIP sweetheart 💖
Christine Thompson. Rip pat

Iris Plowman nee Baker- born in Chichester Road Seaford in 1938 sadly passed away 10/12/2021 after a very short illness. Much loved wife and mother. Xxx
Caroline Pavitt Lees. Sending Love and our thoughts to Alec, Julia and Lee, really sad news!❤
Linda Woolgar. Condolences to the family
Peter Sowter. So sorry. Iris was a lovely lady and will be sadly missed. A true old Seafordian. Our thoughts are with you Julia, Lee and Alec
Liz Cowlett. Sorry for your loss RIP
Ian Gibson. Julia and Lee, very sorry to hear your sad news. My condolences to you both
Jon Holmes. Much love to Julia and Lee.🥰
Steve Braiden. Julia and Lee, I will be thinking about you at this sad time, may your mum RIP
Paul Stoner. Thinking of Julia & family at this sad time. Rip Iris
Janet Comben. Oh so sorry
Janet Vacher. A great friend of our cousin Margaret! Condolences to the family xxxxxx
Janis Trehearn. Love and thoughts to Iris’ family xx

Stan Thurston. Passed away peacefully at Eastbourne DGH 4th December 2021. He was 98 He will be missed by his family and all his friends.
Ashley Maskell. Such a lovely man. I always waved or chatted to him when passing buy. My condolences to all his family.
Viv Long. So very sorry for your sad loss, condolences to all the family. Audrey was a lifelong friend of my late Mum, and Stan fitted in nicely to the friends group. He will never be forgotten, sleep peacefully dear Stan xx
Helen Cosham. So sorry for your loss. My late dad Alfred Cosham is I believe a cousin of Stan & Audrey. I have their address in dad Christmas card book. Please pass on my thoughts & prayers to Audrey.
Linda Jackson. So sorry for your loss, a lovely gentleman x
Sandy Izzard. So sorry. A lovely man. Xx
Tricia Eves. A lovely gentleman. Very sorry for your loss. xx
Janet Comben. So sorry
Jenny Haynes. I am so sorry to hear this, how is mum? I was a friend of Audrey for many many years , we had a few lovely dinner parties at my house with them both, I lost my husband last year. Thinking of you all at this sad time , from Jenny xx
Jennifer Jane Mewett. A true gentleman.Thinking of you.xx
Glenn & Janet Sheppard. What a shame. Such a lovely bloke. We always chatted to him when we saw him whilst walking our dog. R.I.P.

Margaret Darwall-Smith passed away on 23 October 2021 aged 90.
In 1952 Mrs. Darwall-Smith moved to Seaford and became Assistant Director of Music at Micklefield girls’ school in Seaford.
Later, moving on to St. Wilfrid’s, and then Newlands schools in the same position.
Mrs. Darwall-Smith was also an influential member of the Seaford Choral Society, and was still teaching Seafordians to play the piano well into her 80’s.
She will be sadly missed by all of us who knew her.
Bob Lower. I did a lot of work for her a truly wonderful lady
Gina Winfield. Margaret was a lovely lady and helped me a lot with the Lifeboat functions. Lots of fun and great sense of humour. Very much missed. Gxx
Kate Smith. She was a customer at my shop, Bishopstone Nurseries . A lovely lady x
Penny Cockell. She and I started at Micklefield the same term in 1952 – I was a new girl and it was her first teaching post having completed her training. Such a lovely lady – always a smile and a ‘how are you?’ – when we met….. Much missed…..
Kevin Peter. I worked at Newlands School with her for many years a lovely lady
Peter White.Seaford Scene did an excellent article on her and her contribution to Seaford Life. She accompanied oh so many youngsters for their music exams! She really deserved the accolade of “Lady Seaford”: made her chuckle. A great friend. Sadly missed. Her late husband Randall was of course the Head of St. Wilfreds.
Hazel Cottis.I remember when she was at Micklefield school.A lovely lady in every way.
Rosemary Kemp.We played duets when I moved down to Seaford. What a lovely lady and musician. xx
Janet Maskell. True lady in every sense.
Carol Lamberth. Tony and I knew Mrs D-S well. Tony’s mum and aunt worked for her and when her son Robin was small we used to baby sit occasionally .
Lynne Whiting. Sad news. My aunts used to work for her. She was a nice lady and once when I visited Seaford she brought my aunts to the station and drove us up to Chyngton to my aunts’ house.
James Torr. I remember her well, my music teacher at St Wilfred’s. I always liked
Mrs D-S. sad news
Others sending their condolences.
Janet Hamill, Liz Terry, Chrissy Ward, Angela Ann Chalkley, Rosemary Collict. Wendy Breeds.

Terry Winser sadly passed away on 20th August 2021 aged 91 years.
Local Newsagent in Seaford for many years.
A much loved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather.
Tony Baitup. I used to ride on running boards delivering Sunday papers for Terry. RIP
Kristine Aldridge. Lovely man, a true Seafordian.
Cliff Lauer. Terry sorted me out when I was suddenly asked to ‘make up’ my Sunday round in the shed at the back of the shop. The pile of papers was a mile high, I swear!
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Very saddened to hear about Terry. (Mr. Seaford). What he didn’t know about Seaford, wasn’t worth knowing. Our thoughts are with Sheila and the family. R.I.P.
Andrew Palmer. My first payday was also from Winsers. If I remember right you learnt the ropes by going out in the van before going solo on your bike! RIP Mr Winser.
Ray French. Onother of your paperboys 1963/4 RIP Terry
Chris Rolf. Thinking of you Sheila and the family. Terry was one of the, “good ones”.
Julie Chamberlain. Betty Satchell nee Purcell sends her condolences to all the family at this very sad time. RIP Terry xx
Bob Lowe. Very sad indeed to hear of Terry’s passing. A truly lovely guy who was so easy to get on with. My sincere condolences goes to Terry’s lovely family at this very sad time. RIP Terry. xx
John Ramsay. Remember Terry fondly , as I was the Sellotape rep. he was always most friendly and up for a deal , a lovely man .
Janet Maskell. RIP Terry. Had some fun times at Newlands. Love to the family xx
Tizzie Coleman. My parents loved Terry and Sheila, and my Dad spent hours in their lovely shop nattering away. So sad and always in my memory.
Robin Tuppen. Terry was one of my brother Peter’s best friends. Adieu Terry. My sincere condolences to his family.
Neal Dench. Really sorry to hear this. Best wishes to his family.
Chris Tracey. For many Seafordians of a certain age, our first job was at Winsers Newsagents. Always treated us well. RIP Terry.
Carol Harding. Lovely man a great friend of my dad Les Maskell x
Claire Betty. RIP birthday twin. Shall miss seeing your face x 💔
Pete Wheeler. A lovely bloke,remember Terry not only as my first boss back in 62 but in friendly competition selling evening papers and comics on Friday afternoons in Clinton place outside Barclays against Chummy Elliott.
David Maskell. Rip Terry! Great memories of a great man. Thought the world of his beloved Sheila. Love to all the family.x
Mary Coplestone. My love goes to you all ! Such a wonderful man that I spent hours talking to ❤️❤️And he was always quick to say how much he loved to the moon and back “my Sheila”’ xx one of the best xxx
Jacqueline Lavery. So sorry to read this, a lovely man thoughts are with the family ❤️
Ken Bull. Delivered many papers for them,mainly Chyngton & collected money on. Sunday morning,lots of memories,RIP Terry
Linda Jackson. Love to Sheila and family, many happy memories our families shared x
Bob Male. Thinking of you Sheila and family Always remember doing Chyngton rounds. He used to leave 1 bag Walmer Rd on way to Litlington sometimes a 2nd. Could never do enough though. Such a good family. Sheila still got the old Times papers that were under floor covering at shop if your can remember them. Stay strong Sheila I now you will. RIP Terry.
Tanya Jennings. RIP I remember being your paper girl, my 1st job. Thoughts are with you all at this sad time x
Tessa Innis. Oh so sad I loved that newsagents so many years ago now condolences to you all
Nick Randle. Oh blimey this is sad news, did a paper round for Winsers for some years. R.I.P. My condolences to all family
Teresa Kiernan. RIP Terry, Condolences to all the family. Best paper shop in Seaford x
Steve Watts. I worked for Winsers as a paper boy around 1968. I was 12 years old at the time. RIP Terry.
Ian Morgan. So sorry to hear Terry passed away. I remember all the good times when we worked at Newlands. My thoughts to Sheila and Carol. X
Sheila Durman. So sorry for your lose my girls worked for you years ago they loved it big hugs to all the family xxx
Lesley Curtis. Terry used to have an aviary. My parents ran The Cinque Ports and our cat used to take an interest in the birds, much to Terry’s dismay 😆
Robert Falconer. Rip my friend take care all the family xx
John Westwood. Yes Delivered lots of papers working for Terry great person. RiP Terry.
Christine Mitchell. Remember him well & the shop in the High Street…thoughts are with the family.
William Kneller. A very good friend. I have known him all my life. RIP.
Helen Cosham. Rest in peace Terry. My late parents Mary & Alf Cosham used to bring us in his shop for sweets back in 60s to 80s. My dad often spoke about Terry & Sheila.
Cliff Lauer. Always some words of encouragement from Terry early of a Sunday morning, as I made up my round in the shed up back and the pile got higher and higher. Boy, did those papers weigh a ton! Good memories. RIP, Terry.
Janet Comben. Another old Seaford gone my mum said he used to chase her round the playground not sure if that’s true big hugs to Sheila and family x
Ian Reeves. Sad day. Delivered lots of papers for him some time ago now!
Sandra Langridge. So sorry to hear this, thoughts are with Sheila and family RIP Terry
David Morling. Sad news, I remember him well – a real character and a lovely man. RIP.
Jan Apps. So sorry to hear that. Sending love to his family. Our family lived opposite the news agents and my brothers did paper rounds for them. X
Tricia Eves. My heartfelt condolences to Sheila and family. With love Tricia Rainey x
Janet Vacher. So sad, another Seafordian gone! RIP, condolences to Sheila and family xxx
Julie Pettitt. Very sorry to hear this. Love to all the family.
Further condolences to Terry’s wife Sheila, and family were also sent by the people below.
Andrew Palmer. Bill Wells. Martin Hemingway. Ray French. Hilary Luckett. Hazel Cottis. Lynda Cook. Sue Fears. Linda Woolgar. Chris Clarke. Neal Dench, Joi Bennett,
Sylvia & Barry Stone. Christine Thomsett. Tina Darby, Ivor Lawrence. Pamela Andrews Mutch. Chris Hutchinson. Linda Jackson-Ryan. Maggie Grinyer. Sandy Izzard.
Karen Billings. Linda Feldwicke. Irene Hearn. Linda Bishop. Jose Allfrey. Lesley Curtis.
Kristine Aldridge. Ian Huntly Patrick & Helga Eager. Angela Goodyear, Steve Byrne, Gina Hart, Mo Ashdown. Bill Wells. Julie Chamberlain. Sandra Comer. Bev Durman. Karen Ames. Sheila Eager. Denise Russell. Helen Howard, Lesley McGuire.
Phil Wiltshire, Eileen Hamlet.

Barbara Ince nee Huggett, passed away peacefully on the 2nd October 2021 age 88, After a long battle with Alzheimers
Barbara was born and raised in Brooklyn Road, Seaford, and last worked in Woolworths before she retired
She was a much loved Mum to Angela, and Nan to Grace.
Anne Scudder. RIP 💜
Katrina Cliff. Oh no so sorry for your loss Angie. 😢🌹
Gillian Macey. Remember her well. Condolences to family.
Gerri Morgan. Sad news didn’t know this lady but loved going into Woolworths smelling the bath salts section when I was a kid in York lodge Claremont road. Perhaps our paths crossed. RIP
Jacqueline Lavery. Sad news RIP 🌹❤️
Linda Bishop. Sad to hear, condolences to all x💕
Susan Mead. Sad news. Remember her in woolies
Julie Chamberlain. Sad news, R.I.P xx
Trudi Tullett. So, so sorry to hear this 😞 Sending lots of love to Angie, Grace & family at this very sad time xx
Mo Ashdown. Rip Barbara ❤️❤️
Linda Jackson. Sad news, remember Barbara in woolies with my mum Monica xx

As many of you are aware, Karen (mum) sadly passed away last Tuesday, 17/08/21. We have been comforted by the all the kind words and messages of support, and want to express our apologies for anyone we’ve not been able to let know before now. Mum will be sorely missed by so many.
Katherine Tadman. RIP Karen condolences to the family x
Sandie Gocher. I will miss her so much x
Maggie Grinyer. RIP Karen. Very sorry to read this sad news. Thoughts are with the family x
Julia Pummell. Thinking of you all at this sad time x
Sheila Eager. So sorry x
Lynda Cook. So very sorry to hear your sad news 🥀
Sue Fears. RIP Karen condolences to all the family x
Julie Chamberlain. So sorry for your loss.
Hazel Cottis. Sad news.Thinking of all the family.RIP Karen.
Merryl Redhead. So sorry for your loss.
Helen Howard Ne Smith. So sorry to hear this . Bless her .
Sheila Evenden. RIP Karen.
Tracy Burnham. Rip
Bill Purcell. Be at peace now. My Condolences to you and your family.
Janet Stoner. Rip

Doug Russell, passed away on 5th May. He will be known to many locally having lived in Seaford since November 1967 and often seen riding his bike around town. He was widely involved in community groups and activities including Seaford Bowling Club, Governor at Seaford Head and Chyngton Primary School, the Friends of Bonningstead and teaching Spanish through U3A.
Janet Comben. So sorry for your loss another good seaford one gone he will be missed Peter White. So sorry to hear of Doug’s loss. He was a colleague at County Hall Education Department and a friend in the Friends of Bönningstedt (Seaford’s Twinning Association). A gentleman, a supportive colleague, with a wry sense of humour. My Sympathies to all the family.
Linda Jackson. So sorry to hear of your loss, a governor at chyngton for many years and a great help to many children, love and hugs to you all x
Annette Joy Jemison. I’m so sorry to hear this news. Doug was our lovely neighbour at Milldown Road back in the 1980s. A lovely man.
Eileen Hamlet. Sorry to hear your sad news, your Dad was lovely xx
Debbie Spragg. Sorry to hear your sad news Lorna. I lost my dad in February. 😢xx
Christine Bull. Sorry to hear about your Dad such a nice man x
Anne Scudder. So sorry for your loss. I remember meeting him several years ago taking a walk with your sister Debbie 💔 RIP xx
Helen Howard Ne Smith. So sorry Lorna for your loss . X
Margaret Parkinson. Lorna, I am very sorry to hear about your Dad.
Mandy Alan Woods. Sorry to hear of your sad news we worked together a lot during our time at Chyngton a really nice man. Our thoughts are with you Lorna and the family
Jean Cash. Sorry to hear Lorna. He was always so supportive of the twinning at Seaford Head School when I was a young teacher
June Smith. So sorry to hear your sad news. Your dad was a lovely man. I can remember him always having a smile for everyone whether at Chyngton school or at the bowls club. Our sincere condolences to all your family. Xx
Cilla Stevens. So sorry to hear of Doug’s death. When I was a young Primary teacher he was my French advisor for several years. He was always so kind and helpful. A really lovely man who will be missed by many.

Ray Pierce passed away on 27th April 2021.
He was a true gentleman, a wonderful father and a special friend.
13:9:1940 – 27:4:2021…….RIP (Ray & Celia Malfroot)
Jenny Tidy. So sorry to hear this! RIP Ray! I used to look after Katy many years ago.
Bob Male. R.I.P Ray memories of passing time going back the years with him at seafront
Simon Blain. I cut his hair for many years , always a truly lovely man , will miss his smile & our chats , RIP x
Carol Lamberth. Sorry to hear the news about Ray he was great friends with Tony .
Iain Wilson. Ray was a wonderful and dedicated carer for his disabled daughter Katie for many years, and did so at a time when it wasn’t the norm for a man to do so. Huge respect and may he rest peacefully.
Claire Betty. 💯 I used to go in and play with Katie .. such an awesome dad. Such a lovely lovely man.. so sorry to read this xxx
Linda Jackson. Sad news, he was my mums cousin Monica Pierce, rest in peace
Ray Malfroot. Anyone that knew him,would agree with me,” Simply the best”,he was my best man 58 years ago and took all his troubles with a smile.
Beckie Simmons. Oh that’s sad. RIP xx
Jai Scudder. Sad news. Him and my dad were friends for many years.
Susan Allchin. He was such a lovely man x
Kim Simmons. May time ease your sorrow and memories bring you peace
Jenny Haynes. Very sad news, always had that smile for everyone.
Tricia Eves. My condolences to Ray’s family and friends. As you say a true gentleman.
Glenn Sheppard. I used to drink with Ray at the Bay in my younger days, as did so many others. I haven’t seen him for years, but I knew that smile straight away. He was always laughing, or smiling. Sad news. R.I.P. Ray.
Carla Ashdown. He was my landlord 25 years ago and was such a nice man. RIP
Also condolences from:- Charlotte Talbot. Lyn Gill. Coral Finnie, Janet Vacher, Keith Mitchell, Frankie Graham,
Celia Malfroot. We would like to thank every-one for your lovely kind wishes, messages, love and memories of dear Ray, his family will find this a great comfort.
Thank-you so much Ding and Ray ❤️

JOHN EARL, a true Seafordian, passed away today, 8th April 2021, aged 84. Former Clear View Ltd and C.H. Seymour Ltd, Sussex County football player and an all round great man”.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. What an unbelievably lousy year this has been. John was such a smashing bloke. Always so helpful and friendly. Jan and I will miss not meeting up, whilst shopping in various places, and chatting with him and his lovely wife Pat. A true gentleman. We are so sorry, and our thoughts are with Pat and family at this time.
Sheila Evenden. Sincere condolences -RIP.
Dug Chant. I worked with him at Clearview so sorry to hear your news
Sandra Comer. Heartfelt sympathies to all of John’s family x
John Graham Rayner. So sorry to hear such sad news about John condolences to Pat -RIP
Sandra Langridge. Sad news, thoughts are with Pat, Dave and family xx
Sue Madel. Thoughts are with you x
Linda Jackson. Sad news, always had a smile and time for people
Barry Thompson. Very sad news,another true Seafordian gone.R.I.P.John.
Hazel Cottis. So sorry to see this.I remember him working at Clearview so many years ago.Thinking of all the family.RIP John.
Tony Baitup. So sorry to hear of your loss
Mick Hamill. So sorry to hear of John. We were neighbours at West Dean Rise. R.I.P.
Janet Vacher. So sorry to hear that xx. Our thoughts are with his family!
Brenda Westcott. So sad and sorry to hear this. I knew him at St Andrews Bishopstone. My thoughts and prayers are with Pat and his family. He will be missed so much. X
Liz Cowlett. Condolences to his family. RIP John
Andrew Hall. Condolences to Dave and his family
Liz Holland. So sorry to hear this, John was such a lovely man. Condolences to yourself & Pat x
William Kneller. So sorry to hear this is a really good friend
Jennifer Matthews. Such a lovely man, was so kind to me when I lost my daughter….will be very much missed at Bishopstone church, thoughts are with you all🥲
Ann Powell. Rip John. Fred and ann
Jane White. So sorry to hear this news. Sincere condolences to all the family
Jenny Haynes. So sorry to hear this sad news, condolences to his dear wife and family, was only talking to them in Morrison’s a couple of weeks ago about my husband Frank who died last May, they were friends from school. Take carexx
Sarah McStravick. Sorry to hear David
David Almasi-Tucknott Arps. Such a lovely man, very sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are with David and his family
Lorraine Piggott. Really sorry to hear this,the family lived opposite us many years ago and I went to school with Dave x
Richard Rozzier. Sad news Dave I remember him well.
Jon Holmes. How incredibly sad. Known this fantastic guy for over 35 years. Love to Pat and Dave. X
Steven Earl. Sad to hear this Dave. As a relative through second marriage of grandparent we enjoyed searching through the ancestors. RIP.
Jackie Norman. So sad to hear this, RIP John, 👼👼
Jane Lucy. So very sorry to hear about John .A truly genuine, kind man,always cheerful and good natured. He and Pat are much loved members of St. Andrews and close neighbours. He will be missed so much. My sincere condolences to Pat and their family. with love and so many good memories, Jane Lucy
Sheila Durman. Sad news a lovely man condolences to u all
Matt Fellingham. Massive condolences to you all. I knew John though my time as a apprentice at Ch Seymour’s. RIP
Lisa Kingshott. Sorry for your loss 😞
Brian Henty. I have known John for many year’s and very sorry to hear this sad news.My sincere condolences to Pat and the family.
Bob Male. So sorry to hear this was always good to talk to. Remember him well at speedway also throughout work.R I P John
Steve Woolridge. So sorry to hear this sad news David. Many many years since I last saw him but a true gentleman.
Gina Hart. So sorry to hear this, condolences to you and your family
Helen Howard nee Smith. Bless you Dave . Sorry to hear this . Xx
Corinne Thomas. Sorry to hear this such a nice man
Elaine Goldsmith. We will miss you John RIP
Wendy Akhtat. So sorry for your loss. RIP John
Kev Powney. lovely man, well thought of by my familly and a really helpful guy when I worked for clearview. Very sad news indeed Rest in peace.
Robin Tuppen. Not many of us true Seafordians left now! RIP John.
Susan Forshaw. RiP thinking of you all x
Philip Tobin. Sorry to hear this sad news John was a top man RIP

John H. Evans. Passed away on 25th March 2021, at the age of 90 years.
John may not be a Seafordian, but he was a very important person to many pupils of Seaford Secondary School between 1956 & 1960.25th March 2021
Ainsley Reed. Sir taught me many things at Seaford Secondary modern School, but the most revered by me was ‘never think you are inferior or the underdog, you are equal to everyone’
It was great to re-live those days at Seaford, and in particularly, the trip to Wales as a
14 year old, playing, or trying, against some very good Welsh boys in the Rhondda valley.
On that trip, we all stayed with his parents and friends in Sherwood Place, Llywynpia
He was more like a father than a teacher, and we all learnt the meaning of Welsh hospitality. The trip from Seaford and back was also memorable, traveling in a converted ambulance, with no seat belts and few stops.
Barry Thompson. Glad a few of us met up with him a while ago.R.I.P. Taffy.
Gerry Lambert. A sad loss, many a laugh with him
Carol Lamberth. Tony always talked about him.
Linda Lammiman. RIP John. x
Dave Lisseter. So many foundations laid….RIP Taffy….remembering the wonderful times.
Tony Buck. So sorry to hear this news, was so looking forward to seeing him after the pandemic. RIP John. 😢
Chris Rolf. Great teacher, and a great Welsh man. Thank you for my love of rugby. R.I.P.
Jane Berg. Remember him well. RIP Taffy
Brian Henty. Very sad news .He was an inspiration to me and many who had the pleasure of knowing him .RIP Taffey
Bob Lowe. Very sad news indeed to hear about our “Taffy”. He was an extremely popular games teacher, who did so much for the school, especially on the Rugby side. He had a heart of gold. He’ll be very much missed for sure by so many of us. I’m so glad that I met him again after so many years, at one of Taffys reunions. It was an incredible evening. We’ve now lost two of our games teacher’s within days of each other. The other one being Mr. Waring. RIP Taffy.
Jean Beard. Such sad news. He was the teacher who made us think we could achieve our dreams! A lovely man, it was great to see him at the recent reunions! (From Paul)
John Pettitt. Sad to get this news a great games teacher and inspirational read he’s book and interesting to see what happened to his life after teaching. RIP.
Joi Bennett. He was a great teacher with a good sense of humour..rip.john….
Andy Anderson. So, so sad to hear this, I had a long chat with him 3 or 4 weeks ago when he sounded pretty chirpy. He had just had his new book published and promised to sign my copy when I was able to visit him again.
As has already been stated he was an inspirational teacher who made a massive and lasting effect on my life as I know he did on many others. His amazing life after leaving Seaford is documented in his first book “Only Angels Have Wings?”,a really entertaining read. My thoughts are with you and yours Marianne. Rest in peace, John.
Roger Job. Remember him well. RIP Taffy 🍷
Alec Dewhirst. So sad to hear, about Taffy he was a great PE teacher.I remember in the dinner hall playing in door Rugby 🏉,with those coconut mats at each end. God bless you RIP.
Patrick Nolan. Very sad good teacher
Joseph Hogsden. I only contacted him two weeks ago, to reminisce about old times at Seaford Head school where I attended between 1955-57. Very Very sad. Joe Hogsden.
Graham Batchelor. Very fond memories of my time at school with Taffy and, especially, playing rugby for the school. He was an inspiration to us all and it is notable that Wales should mark his passing with winning the 6 nations.
Bob Male. R I P Jon. A fighter to the end good seeing and talking to him. A Welsh man through and through gave me a good start in sports
Michael Hurst. Good memories of a great PE. Teacher and mentor.
Glenn Sheppard. Very sad news. A man that could inspire people. He inspired me when he was in his late 80’s. R.I.P. John.

It is with sadness that I share the news that my Mum, Gloria Roberts /Tucknott née Bray passed peacefully away on March 17th aged 95 years
Teresa Kiernan. Such a lovely lady x
Angie Hindocha. So sorry to hear this ,she was such a lovely lady ,R.I.P.
Sarah McStravick. Sending love and remembering the lovely gentle Gloria on stage and off stage
Claire Walton. I remember Gloria from the Little Theatre xx
Carla Ashdown. Sad to hear this news. Gloria was my late fathers aunts. May she rest in peace, with love Jane and Carla x
Joi Bennett. Very sorry for your loss.RIP. Gloria…..

Graham Russell. Rip Dave
Gina Hart. Sorry to hear this RIP Dave
Sandra Langridge. RIP Dave
Bob Lowe. Very sorry indeed to hear about David. I remember him so well when we were kids.. He lived back then at 45, Saltwood Road, literally about 100 yards from where Glenn lived. Dave was a really nice genuine guy. So many of our school mates that we grew up with are no longer with us. Makes you think. RIP Dave.
Mike Marsh. Had a lot of fun in the old days . RIP Dave
Ken Bull. Very sad news,friend from Primary schooldays & a very good fisherman,Rip Dave Scudder. Sad news R.I.P Dave.
Vicki Henry. RIP Dave
Monty Larkin. I seem to recall he was joyful, smiling fella at school.
Jackie Norman. RIP Dave ❤️
Brian Coombs. Sorry to hear that. RIP Dave.
Tricia Eves. RIP David. Tragic for his Mum Bonnie Hills (now 95) just awful.
Evelyn Simmons. RIP cousin David, remembering all the good times we had as kids.
Sandra Comer. RIP Dave Hills my dear cousin xxx thoughts with his family xxx
Bob Male. This is awful news 2 Chyngton originals on the same day.Great memories throughout our time growing up fishing etc R I P Dave
Patricia Pratt. Rip David Hills 😢
Andy Baker. RIP Dave
Susan Nathan. RIP David Hills my cousin thinking of all the family x
Anne Scudder. Sorry to hear this sad news. RIP Dave x
Frank Winser. A lovely man, thoughts with his family, love from Rhodes,gr, xx
John Jordan. Wooow that’s so sad. I was talking to Dave at Xmas..R.I.P. Dave…
Trevor Tolhurst. RIP Dave . Always remember that 750 Atlas he had.

Joyce Mason of Walmer Road passed away on 11th March 2021.
Jean, Ian, Sharon and Emma. Rest in piece Joyce, thank you for giving our mum so many happy memories xxx
Lesley and Trevor. Mum, Gone from our sight, But never from our Hearts, With lots of love Lesley and Trevor xxx
Lorraine Pope. Lovely memories of our neighbours Joy and Peter Mason. Great friends of our parents Les & Enid Watkins in Walmer Road. Sincere sympathy to Lesley and Tony..
Sheila Evenden. RIP -another person who I remember from childhood at Chyngton Estate now sadly passed -sincere condolences to her family.
Mervyn Hedges. R.I.P joyce, a lovely lady. Condolences to tony and leslie.
Gina Hart. RIP Joyce
Linda Jackson. I’m so sorry to hear your sad news, sending love to you Lesley and Tony, many happy memories X
Trudi Tullett. Thoughts to Joyce’s family at this sad time. Used to work with Joyce at the Friday Ad when I was a Saturday girl x
Janet Jenkins. So sorry to hear your sad news i used to work with Joyce in Dunn’s many years ago. some times Joyce would take me to her house for lunch i was about 15. xxx
Jacqueline Lavery. RIP , thoughts with her family 🌹🌹
Dorian Watkins. Indeed- absolutely lovely family- spent a lot of time over the road in their house as a kid- my best wishes and condolences to Tony, Lesley and their families.
Liz Cowlett. Sad news. Condolences to her family
Jane White. Such sad news. So many happy memories of time spent in number 8 during our childhood. Condolences to Tony and Lesley, such a difficult few months for Joyce’s family xx
Linda Feldwicke. RIP Thinking of the family x
Christine Pilote. So sorry to hear your sad news. Condolences to Lesley and Tony. Such fond memories. xx
Bob Male. Remmember her very well such a lovely lady.Have good memories of her. So sad for Lesley and Tony and families
Sheila Durman. Sorry to hear ur sad news big hugs from Sheila and John
Glenn & Janet Sheppard. Sad news. Mrs Mason was a lovely lady.

Iris Glasson. 17th June 1942 – 8th March 2021
Much loved Wife, Mum, Sister and Friend. Iris sadly passed away on 8th March 2021.
Her passing was sudden and totally unexpected and we will miss her so much.
The service is at Eastbourne Crematorium, Hide Hollow, Langney, Eastbourne, BN23 8AE at 12.00pm on Wednesday 7th April. Donations in memory of Iris to the British Heart Foundation.
Ian. In memory of Iris who will always be in my thoughts. Such fond memories growing up of holidays and days out with our families. You will be dearly missed but always remembered.
Bev & Nev at No40. Dear Derek & Lorna. Our thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Hopefully the pain will ease and you will find comfort in all your happy memories of Iris.
Jean & Derek. Derek & Lorna. Thinking of you both. Iris our lovely neighbour of many years. You will be missed.
Karin and Pete. In memory of our dear friend Iris who sadly passed too soon. We have been friends for over 45 years and fondly remember all the good times we shared on outings and holidays. We will never forget her.
Ruth Smith. Our thoughts and love are with you both Derek & Lorna. Iris was such kind lady & aunt. I’m so sorry to hear of you loss. Thinking of you, Ruth, Jez, Harriet, George & Emmeline xxx
David and Louise. A great loss of one who was a long time good friend to me, David, and especially to my late wife Lesley. We share your feelings ,Derek and Lorna and our thoughts are with you.
Ken & Loraine. Iris, you were a wonderful sister and will be sadly missed. We have such cherished memories of the times we had together. Rest in peace. All our love Loraine & Ken xxx
Lindsay and Jim. n memory of lovely Iris – our fellow cat lover. With heartfelt condolences.
Andrew Brett. Derek and Lorna Thinking of you at this difficult time with fond memories Love Andrew,Belinda & Fearne xxx
Caroline,Simon and Sophie. Iris was such a lovely, special lady. She will be very sadly missed xx Thinking of you xxx
Christine Thompson. Lovely lady sorry to hear of your sad loss
Bernadette Raine. A very lovely lady. How sad.
Fred and Wendy Breeds. To dear Derek and Lorna, Iris was such a great friend and we will always remember the fun we had on a Thursday morning , lots of love xx
Fay Lem. I have such lovely memories of my Auntie Iris and she will be missed so much. Sending lots of love to Derek and Lorna at this time. Fay, David and Aimée xx

ROBERT (BOB) IZZARD local Seaford Carpenter and keen birdwatcher and photographer. Sadly passed away at home, with his wife Sandy, on the 18th February 2021. Aged 74. After a brave battle with bone marrow Cancer.
Much loved Husband of Sandra, Father of Rosalind and Andrew. Grandfather of Charlotte, Daniel, Kacie and Romeo. Brother of John, Susan and Rosemary.
He will be sadly missed by his family and friends.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. This is very sad news. A Seafordian that everyone knew well. Our condolences to Sandy and all the family.
Viv Long. A great friend and in law. Remembered with affection always, sleep peacefully xx
Daphne Kingswood. Sandy so sorry to hear the sad news about Bob.
Judy Armson. Sorry to hear this, condolences to you
Richard Gillman. so sad lovely man R I P BOB
Ian Morgan. A great brother in law who will be sadly missed but will always live on in our memories. Xx
Gina Winfield. Sincere condolences.
Penny Leach. Sincere condolences to you ❤️
Andrew Isted. Worked with Bob many time. Sadly missed. Rip Bob
Lin Buchan. So sad …such a lovely man. Condolences to Sandy during this difficult time.
Penny Lower. Our condolences Sandy. He will be sadly missed- he was a great perfectionist and good company. X
Chris Dennis. Condolences to Sandy and the family, knew Sandy and Bob all my life, was the pageboy at their wedding RIP Bob
Roz Long. My beautiful Dad, miss you loads ❤
Bob Male. Sorry to here this good memories meeting him at the sea front and working with him buildings etc R I P Bob condolences to family
Jenny Haynes. Dear Sandy, lovely photo of Bob, really feel for you, take care of yourself and Roz and all your family xxxxx
Elaine Barbara-Horney. So sad to hear your news, we send our love

John Wareing, A Seaford Secondary Scool teacher for so many years passed away in February 2021.
There were so many memories sent to Seaford Times that itwas not possible to include them all.
Jenny Tidy. I was in his very first class at Seaford Head all those years ago! A good teacher and a lovely guy! Thinking of Patsy and the family at this dreadful time!
Michelle Oliver. So sad, he was my CDT teacher at Seaford Head. Sending regards to the family xx
Carol Lamberth. He was a great teacher and a lovely man. Tony and John were great friends for many years.
Alice Helm. He used to throw chalk and board rubbers at us if we misbehaved 😂
John Graham Rayner. So sorry to hear of the passing John Wareing . He was my form master taught me english also sailing, canoeing and rugby. Played against him when the 1st fifteen played the old boys. RIP
Bob Lower. Very sad news a great teacher and a real nice man RIP and thoughts to his family
Scott Lavallee. RIP Mr Wareing, one of the better teachers
Ian Fears. One of the few i liked , canoed down River Wye with him he was ok .
Denise Welch. Great teacher and nice man I remember my class with him well thoughts go out to his wife and boys x
Linda Jackson. Sad news, one of the good teachers
Barrie Sadler. Condolences to all John’s family. A super colleague,when I joined the staff in 1970 he was the first to speak to me. I also made a fibreglass canoe & learnt how to get out in the pool.
Dayn Clarke. John Wareing was an awesome teacher. We made dozens of fibre glass cannoes with him and had loads of canoeing sessions on and down the Cuckmere river to practice sea canoe surfing in the mouth of the river cuckmere. Loved and greatly respected his no… See more
Bob Lowe. Very sad news indeed to hear about John.I first met John and Dennis James at the Secondary Modern School back in 1960, my very first term. My sincere condolences goes to John’s family. RIP John.
Pete Wheeler. Great teacher who I had respect for in English,sailing and sport RIP John.
John Moore. What a fantastic teacher & great memories of canoeing and boating down at the Cuckmere. RIP
Monty Larkin. A great teacher – English, history. Also took me for PE which I hated but he’d make allowances. Years later we collaborated on some local history research. I’ll always remember him…
David St Paul. Wow, I remember him so well. English and Games teacher. He and Mr James the welsh PE Teacher. They were a formidable duo.
Jean Cash. Such sad news We wrote to him at Christmas but had no reply. I shared a classroom with him in my first year of teaching. I taught with wet suits dripping from the ceiling and all the windows open even in winter in the T huts.But we got on well and he was always helping me with advice. Our thoughts with his family.
Lynda Cook. He was a good old style teacher. I remember doing sailing with him on Piddinghoe pond. Sending regards to his family xx
Linda Lammiman. RIP John. Happy memories of working with you at Seaford Head School. xx
Angie Webster. Omg how sad even tho he gave me a few bruises with that bloody board rubber r.I.p Mr Wareing
Craig La Vallee. Was my favourite teacher at school, really enjoyed his lessons, was at his house about a year ago an he was very frail, there was still tht cheeky smile, he will be very much missed 😔
Michael Springall. A real character use to enjoy his lessons R. I. P
Maggie Grinyer. Oh I remember him I nearly drowned in a canoeing lesson. But huge respect he was a great teacher RIP
Marc Winchester-Horscraft. RIP, thoughts to his family. A great teacher to multiple generations. X
Brian Coombs. John Wareing – an old school disciplinarian but nonetheless a good teacher who did his best for his pupils and the school. Very sad to learn of his passing and surprised to learn he was only 15 years older than me! Rest in peace.
Steve Powney. R I P john thanks for your time and effort with your canoeing instruction although your English teaching was slightly wasted on me
Nick Cash. John and I started teaching at Seaford County Sec in the same year; I had to go out in a canoe at Cuckmere Haven with him with a movie camera because Killer Price wanted a film to show parents.

Patricia Lorraine Hamill. 6th March 1932 – 27th January 2021
Patricia sadly passed away on 27th January aged 88 years. Much loved Mum and Nana to Dee, Kevin and Gemma Steer, she will be sadly missed.

Pat Heritage died peacefully on Wednesday 20th January in Avalon Care Home in Eastbourne. Sadly she became a victim of Covid but she is now reunited with her beloved husband John Heritage. There will be a small family service at Eastbourne Crematorium on Friday 19th February and we will arrange a memorial service to celebrate her life when restrictions allow. Seaford Funeral Service are dealing with all arrangements. Mum requested family flowers only but donations can be made to “Choose 2 youth” or Kent, Sussex and Surrey Air Ambulance.
Julie Pettitt. Condolences to you and your family Jane. I remember your mum fondly. We always had a chat when she came in my shop.
Janet Comben. So sorry to hear this news she was always such a lovely lady she loved going to St Luke’s and did so well after her husband died big hugs to you all x
Lesley Hill. So sorry to hear your news Jane, all those years we lived next door to each other! Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time x
Robin Tuppen. My sincere condolences Jane to you and your family John was my geography teacher and my interest in his subject continues today when I am 72 (73 next month). So his subject has made a big impact on my life.
John Earl. Jane so very sorry to here this news ,always enjoyed talking to Pat and getting up to date with family news .I remember Pat and Johns wedding so long ago John in his dress uniform if I remember and reception at Grannys in Clinton Place .God Bless them.
Catherine Powell. So sorry to hear you sad news Jane. So much sadness at the moment. Sending our love to you all. Xx❤
Lyn Dakers-Black. Sorry to read your news. John was our geography teacher at the secondary school. I believe that he & Pat were also members of the operatic/dramatic societies. X
Jenny Tidy. So sorry to hear this I used to have lovely chats with her in Sainsburys where I work she had such an infectious laugh and John was my Geography Teacher at Seaford Head all those years ago! Thinking of you!
Sandra Comer. So sorry to hear of your sad news. Sending heartfelt condolences to you and your family x
Christine Pilote. Dear Jane, so sorry to hear your very sad news about your lovely mum. I have such happy childhood memories living next door, she was always so kind to me. Sending you all my love, take care. xx
Sheila Evenden. So very sorry to read this sad news. RIP -sincere condolences to family and friends.
Dorian Watkins. So sorry to hear this sad news Jane, my condolences to you and your family.
Julie Chamberlain. Condolences to you and your family, RIP xx
Susan Forshaw. So sorry to hear this news. I knew her well from growing up in chyngton. My thoughts are with you x
Bob Izzard. Sorry to hear of the sad loss of Pat. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Xxx
Kev Powney. Very sad news, all us old chyngtonians knew her and her husband. Lovely woman.
Ann Powell. So sorry to hear your sad news. Remember them both when they had their first born and i think they lived in a flat in Clinton Place x
Sue Madel. So sorry to hear a lovely lady x❤
Myrtle Kracke. Sorry to hear your news my thoughts are with you and John and family
Sheila Evenden. Always think of the old families who lived in Walmer Road when I walk past -as if they’re still there in a way -so sad so many of them no longer with us.
Howard Walton. Sorry to hear the news Jane, our thoughts are with you, take care.
Richard Tobin. Sad to here a well known person from the chygton estate rip
Linda Funnell. Sorry to hear of your loss Jane. Condolences to you and your family.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Very sorry ti hear this sad news. She was a lovely lady.
Shirley Eyles. Condolences from Pamela Marsh and Shirley Eyles. Mum will be sorry to hear another of her St Lukes Church friends has passed away. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Amanda Parks. So sorry to hear about your mum what a beautiful picture condolences
David Morling. Sorry to hear of your loss. One of my Father’s contemporaries.
Joi Bennett. So sorry for your loss..your dad taught me in school 🏫 had the greatest respect for him..rip x
Mervyn Hedges. So sorry to here your sad sad news. Such a wonderful lady, and highly respected. I knew your mum very well and obviously owe my geography knowledge to your dad. It is a sad time we live in. Deepest sympathy and best wishes, Meryn.
Mandy Alan Woods. So sorry to hear this a lovely lady remember her well and your dad as a child and at school X
John Earl. Lovely photo I remember the day .x
Merryl Redhead. So sorry for your loss. I used to have lovely chats with your mum & dad. Your dad was my geography teacher.
Julie Turk. So sorry for your loss. Your mum was such a lovely kind lady x
Catherine Chitty. Mum, Norma Earl would like to send her condolences
Gina Winfield. So sorry.xx
Jean Cash. Sorry to hear this. A very special local couple
Chris Rolf. Condolences to you and your family. I new them both. You farther taught me also at Seaford Head.
Elaine Booth. Sorry to hear of your sad loss. A lovely lady
Becky Francomb. I remember both your Mum and Dad from St Lukes with great affection. What a lovely couple, so interested in, and encouraging of, the young people. Please accept our sincere sympathy.
Brenda Grant. Sorry to hear of your loss Jane. X
Letitia Winser. So sorry .. such a lovely lady . I got to know her through Tots and Toddlers group☹️
Brian Coombs. So sorry to hear your sad news. Pat was a lovely person.

Brenda Hutchinson died peacefully at Threeway’s Nursing Home on 27th January 2021 aged 88 years. Much loved Mum to Tim, Chris, and Sue, and Nan to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A private service will be held at Eastbourne Crematorium on Tuesday 23rd February. Family flowers only please. Donations in memory of Brenda for Blood Cancer UK (Leukaemia) c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service. Thank you. She will be greatly missed.
Tim & Sally. Mum, Your wings were ready but our hearts were not, missing you, love from Tim & Sally xxx
Elaine, Stephen and Ian. With fond memories of Auntie Brenda, from Elaine. x
Philip. Missing you every day x
Sue, Andy, Philip & Myles. Love and Miss you so much Mum.
Andrew Hall. Thoughts are with you and your family at this time x
Candy Andrews. Thinking of you all ❤ Xxx
Merryl Redhead. So sorry to hear about your mum from 13 Bodiam Close.
Elaine Goldsmith. So sad to hear condolences to all the family x
Wendy Hobbs. When we were children we spent time at your house whilst our mum worked. Remember your mum and you 3 children well. Sorry to hear your news. Another original Chyngtonian gone xx
Carol Harding. Thinking of you lovely lady x
Linda Feldwicke. Thinking of you and your family, remember your mum from Bodiam Close. x
John Earl. God bless you Brenda, rest in peace love Pat and John .
Mandy Alan Woods. Sorry to hear this sad news from Mandy Richardson and my mum dad sally and Dennis Richardson lovely. lady remember her in. my childhood have tea at your home xx
David Jackie French. So sorry for uou loss. I remember Brenda when she workred in the daries on claremont rd. X🙏
Kev Powney. My mums best friend for many years. RIP.
Tim & Sally. Mum, Your wings were ready but our hearts were not, missing you, love from Tim & Sally xxx
Elaine, Stephen and Ian. With fond memories of Auntie Brenda, from Elaine. x
Philip. Missing you every day x
Sue, Andy, Philip & Myles. Love and Miss you so much Mum.

Aubrey Trevelyan Everest. It is with great sadness that we announce that Aubrey pasted away in January 2021. A Seafordian that all Seafordians knew, or knew of.
Chris Clarke. I remember some of the antics he used to get up to when we worked on Pettitts. He could fix and repair anything. R.I.P Aubrey.
Barry Thompson. Sorry to hear that, what a character. Used to see him up Shrimps yard every Saturday morning.R.I.P.
David Tolhurst. Met Aub when I worked at Pettit’s late 80s really nice guy and real laugh R I P Aubrey
Vikki Matthews. Real Seaford character. The tales he had to tell me about my dad and brothers.. loved our chats x My granny always called him Obee x
Glenn Sheppard. Aubrey was certainly a Seaford Character. R.I.P.
Lorraine Dillon. Sad news. Always remember him on his push bike, we knew him as Obee. Rip.
Phil Ward. Sorry to hear that. I lived opposite Aubrey in Cinque Ports Way. He always had a fag in his mouth when he rode his bike or moped. RIP. Aubrey.
Lucie Tidey. So sad to hear this -he was a great friend of my dads xxxx
Gareth James Miller. RIP Aubrey .
Elaine Goldsmith.Our back gardens back on to each other’s known him and his family since our families moved into the houses they live in today RIP obee
Linda Jackson. Think so many people knew Obee/Aubrey in Seaford, he could mend just about anything
Emma Harman. RIP Aubrey thinking of his family
Ken Bull. Did many a plumbing job for me over the years,but didn,t much like electrics,always got my dad RIP Obie
Julie Jenkins. His back garden backed on to ours remember the long shed along the fence where he kept his tandems, RIP Obee, love to Rose,Paul,Tim & Joanne xxxx
Bob Lowe. Very sad to hear about Aubrey. He was a brilliant plumber, and worked out plumbing his way… “Aubrey’s Way”. He lived just behind us back then, so it was very convenient for us to ask him if he could do some plumbing for us. Any problems facing him, was never a problem, he’d soon work out a way to fix it, and fix it to last. Not too sure if Aubrey ever did have a driving licence. I never ever saw him behind the wheel. A very nice guy, and not a bad word from anyone said about him. looks wise, he always reminded me of Norman Wisdom, lol. My sincere condolences to Aubrey’s family. RIP my friend.
Ken Hart. R.I.P Aubrey
Neil Larter. Sad to see this,what a character,very clever man and he never drove, everywhere on bicycle,I’m gutted R.I P Aubrey
John Pettitt. Aubrey worked for Pettitt & Sons for many years always on a bike and was a great plumber RIP.
Neil Larter. Remember as an apprentice being with Aubrey as he climbed up inside the open chimey at the star in Alfriston,he disappeared up this chimney to clean it out,didnt recognise him when he reappeared,he was totally black,he never complained though,my condol… See more
Sandra Langridge. So sorry to hear this RIP Obee x
Ian Everest. Cousin Obie was raised at Rodmell where his dad (Bert) worked on the farm and his mother (Louie) was Housekeeper and Cook to Leonard and Virginia Woolf.
Jenny Haynes. Oboe was a relative to my grandmother, we used to visit Aunt Louie more often when she moved to Chyngton cottages in her latter years, lovely people. R.I.P Obie . He used to spend a lot of time in the forge with my late husband Frank.x
Janet Comben. So sorry
Phil Boorman. Lovely man and a great neighbour, always had time for him. Rip Obie and thoughts with his family.
Bob Izzard. Sorry to hear about Aubrey. I worked with him years ago on Pettitts. Nice man
Ian Fears. Remember him very well Colin Seymour regarded him extremely high and he was always in Clearview doing our plumbing jobs I often had to go to his house in CPW to set up his very expensive hi-fi which he really loved ….. good days
Patrick Eager. B. Bye bye Aubrey in the past we had a lot of fun what a great bloke
John Earl. God bless you Aubrey a good friend .
Jacqueline Lavery. So sad to read this , in years gone by he was always chatting to my dad and helping him out with his plumbing jobs ,and of course was always on his bike , he never changed and he never aged such a lovely man rip.obie 💔
Martin Coombs. RIP Aubrey
Maggie Grinyer. RIP Aubrey, you share your middle name with my son x
Sylvia Stone. RIP Aubrey. You always stopped to chat. Thoughts are with your family at this sad time
Ray Mcavoy Kifford. You will be missed Obie, you were a good friend and neighbour when I lived a few houses down from you in CPW. We would chat for ages outside my gaff, leaning against my tractor. Goodnight old mate, RIP. 😢
Mervyn Reed. Obee very clever with bikes
Francis Wait. Another great character gone. He will be sadly missed. I remember him with affection. He was always willing to help.
Richard Tobin. Very sad news a well know resident of hythe crescent no 5 if my memory serves me right RIP obie
Tracy Russell. So sad to hear this. Thinking of all his family, will miss chatting to him ❤
Lynne Davey. So sorry to hear that Aubrey has died – my dad used to call on him regularly for his wizard plumbing skills. I was a Chyngton kid and I remember him well.
David Almasi. RIP Aubrey. Such a lovely and talented man and a true Seaford character. -

Kay. You once told me to call you John but no, you will always be Uncle John to me. I miss our phone calls when you made me laugh and we put the world to rights. Sleep well xx
Graham Russell. Rip
Helen Howard Ne Smith. What a lovely man he was . An absolute character in the Butchers and although a terrible flirt , made me feel special . Condolences to Jan and family . Xx
Jose Allfrey. I met John for lunch at St.James always a very happy person.
Janet Vacher. Remember him well in town! Condolences! Xx
Ambers Florist. Such a lovely fun man xx a real Seaford character xx
Stephen Steer. RIP John a pleasure to know you if only for a while a true gent a lunch club pick up was a blessing
Richard Bryant. RIP John I remember the nice chat we had in the morning when I was your carer.

Hazel Trenfield. Hazel died on 8th November 2020 aged 86 years She was a wonderful Wife, Mother and Grandmother and will be missed by all her family and friends.
12th November 1933 – 8th November 2020
Simon Welch. I knew Mrs Trenfield had passed some time ago and I did pop up to see her husband Cedric to pass on my condolences but I just wanted to add she was a lovely person to me and others during my time at Cradle Hill School in the 70’s and I’m sure she is sorely missed by her family and all those her knew her.

Margaret Mary Couzens. 30th April 1928 – 28th October 2020
Douglas Couzens. Donated to St Wilfrid’s Hospice in memory of Margaret Couzens. With fondest love from Elsie, Doug, Heather and Liz
Andrew and Sue Day. In memoriam Margaret Couzens.
Glenn & Janet Sheppard. We remember Mr. & Mrs Couzens well. A lovely couple. We were saddened to hear this news. Our condolences to her family.

Tony Lamberth has died very suddenly and totally unexpectedly. Tony has been a valuable member of the Museum’s “heavy gang” and has been working on the re -building of the Edwardian shop for the last couple of months. His contribution to the Museum over many years has been central to so many of the improvements that have been completed.Our condolences to Carol and family.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. We were so shocked to read this. We only met up with him while both dog walking on the Downs. Our thoughts are with Carol and the boys.
B. So sad. Carol told me today. Such a great man. He will truly be missed. Xx
Janet Vacher. Oh no! Such a shame! Our thoughts are with Carol and family
Sarah McStravick. Very sorry to hear this news, thoughts to Carol and family
Janet Comben. So sad such a shock I spoke to Carol this morning walking the dog such a lovely man
Linda Lammiman. Shocked and saddened to hear this news. Love to Carol and boys. xx
Robin Tuppen. So sad as we were school friends. On Saturdays Tony, Derek Betts and I used to go window cleaning. Had to be home in time for Dr. Who though! RIP Tony.
Roger Rooke. I knew Tony well from school days and we sailed cadet dinghies together at the sailing club. Sad to hear this news and thoughts are with friends and family.
Ronald Green. sad news remember Tony well from our year at school.
Peter Sowter. Shocked and saddened. Tony was a wonderful neighbour and friend. Our thoughts are with Carol
Vikki Russell. Sorry to hear this. Remember Tony well as our canoeing teacher! X
Jill Fowler. Shocked to see Tony has died. I worked alongside him at pilgrims school Firle Road. My condolence to Carol.
Roger Mayles. Tony was such a nice chap, always had time for you and such a nice smile. Thoughts are with the family.
Tony Firmin. Dear Carol. So sorry to hear this. Much love to you and the familyxx
Debbie Spragg. So sorry to hear this sad news. Remember Tony well from Seaford Head School, always willing to help us out. Love to Carol and family. Xx
Jenny Tidy. So sorry to hear this I was at school with Tony! Sending hugs to his family!
Jackie Norman. So sorry to hear this RIP Tony
Dave Greenwood. So sorry to hear such sad news about Tony my thoughts are with the family
Tricia Eves. Sad news. Condolences to his family.
Simone Lodomez. Much love , thinking of you all, many happy memories of seafield close 💛
Paul Bowler. A great guy, he will be missed at the museum where he played such an important part in the rebuilding of so many of the displays. Good by old friend, I’ll miss you.
Dave Scudder. Such a shock i used to see Tony down the cuckmere river walking his dog all ways smiling and had a chat about our rugby days so sad.
Stephen Steer. My deepest condolences and sympathy my thoughts are with you Carol and the boys. Knew Tony well growing up as a kid living next door to his mum sleep well Tony
Paul Stoner. Do sad. Thinking of Carol & family at this sad time. Tony will be missed by so many but no one can take away the memories. RIP Tony.
Helen Howard nee Smith. How sad , I will always remember him taking us out canoeing . His enthusiasm in teaching us and friendliness from days at Cuckmere house school. Condolences to Carol and the family , my thoughts are with you. X
Lesley Curtis. Terribly sad. Many condolences to Carol, Paul and all the family x
Gillian Macey. Condolences to Carol and family. 😪
Mandy Alan Woods. So sorry to hear the sad news,got to know him when I worked with him at the museum great bloke will miss him
Keith Mitchell. So sorry,god bless Tony
Mike Marsh. So sorry to hear this .our thoughts are with Carol
Phil Ward. So sorry to hear this, I last saw Tony and Carol up The Legion before this damn pandemic. RIP Tony.
Patrick Powell. Condolences to the family was at school with him great guy. RIP.
Simon Francis. Had many happy years with Tony at Elm Court Youth Club. Condolences to Carole and the two sons
Gill Francis. I worked with Tony for several years at Elm Court Youth Center. So sad, love to the family.
Sue Fears. So sorry to hear this thoughts with Carol and the family 😥😥
Kevin Gordon. Tony was a great man who gave many hours of his own time to help the people of Seaford. I only know him from the Museum where he was always cheerful and hard working. We could do with more people like Tony.
Ann Powell. So sorry Carol for your sad loss. Love Ann x
Tina Cottis. So sad to hear this news carol,He was a lovely man, Our thoughts are with you.xx
Alison Brown. So very sad to read this . Bob and Alison send condolences . We will always have fond memories .
Bob Male. Hard to believe we go back a lifetime always such a nice guy thinking of Carol R I P Tony
Linda Feldwicke. Sorry to hear this sad news. Condolences to the family.x
Ali Parks-Trice. I am so sad to read this. I knew Tony and his dear mum and auntie, and Carol. A genuinely lovely man. Rest in eternal peace Tony. Thoughts are with you all xxx
Barrie Sadler. RIP Tony. Remember you from Pilgrims when I was up the road at Bowden House.
Sheila Durman. Condolences to the family R I P Tony big hugs to u all
Chris Hankin. So sorry to hear this, such a nice decent person. Condolences to all the family from Mary and I.
Kevin Peter. Sorry to hear the sad news I was at school with Tony Regards Kevin Boniface
Ken Bull. So sad,goodbye old friend RIP
Mandy Alan Woods. Tony invited me to join him working at the museum which I did and enjoyed his company skilled carpenter. Also invited Mandy and I to join him with our caravan when he went on his first outing with his motor home
Janet Vacher. Memories of him so many years ago, creating a sliding door in our parents kitchen., and of course boys club and rugby club xxx

Mr Peter Kenneth Mason. 31st March 1927 – 10th August 2020.
Peter passed away peacefully on 10th August aged 93 years. Much loved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather.
Jane Bates-Joyce. Peter was a lovely, kind man Who will be sorely missed by friends and family. Rest in peace. Xx
Val. Happy memories of so much time spent with you Peter and your family. Kind and loving gentleman xx
Lesley and Trevor. In memory of you Dad, for the charity that was close to your heart xx
Jean. In memory of a lovely man who was like a father to me xxxx
Emma. A true gentleman who will be dearly missed xxx
Sharon O’Connor. I have such fond memories of family gatherings when we were younger and I am so pleased we managed one last one at Christmas. RIP Peter, you will be greatly missed xxxxx
Lorraine Pope. In Memory of a kind, gentleman, friend and neighbour to our family for many years. Lorraine Pope & Dorian Watkins.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. So sorry to hear this sad news. A lovely couple. our thoughts are with Mrs. Mason & her family at this time.

Vyvian Tolhurst. .29th November 1928 – 2nd August 2020. Vyvian passed away peacefully at home on 2nd August aged 91 years. Much loved Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. She will be sadly missed.
Jamie. Lots of love Jaime, Vikki, Reece & Alicia xxx
Jackie. Fly high with the angels, sleep tight x
Glenn & Janet Sheppard. Very Sad to hear of Mrs. Tolhurst’s passing. Such a lovely lady. We knew her well.

Joyce Turner on the 1st of July. Mum died peacefully, aged 87, at home and was surrounded by her family.
Beverley Templeman. So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all.x
Penny Cockell. So sorry to hear this news. Yes, I remember her from Lees Butchers and Bond’s in Alfriston Road. My grandmother and my Mum and Dad all shopped at Lees and we (Mum, Dad and me) at Bonds. Sending love and prayers…..
David Tolhurst. Hi Lynne sorry to here your sad news x
Tricia Eves. My condolences to you all. Tricia Eves (Rainey)
Jenny Jeremiah. I worked with Joyce at Bonds Stores. Lovely lady x
Tracey Tobin. Sorry for your loss, go gentle during this difficult time
Christine Mitchell. Remember your mum at Lees butchers..sorry for your loss..
Mervyn Hedges. Sorry to hear of your sad loss. Joyce was a lovely lady, and i have fond memories of her on the estate. Deepest sympathy to you all.
Denise Russell. Thinking of you all, sorry for your loss. Xx
Sue Townsend. So sorry for your loss, thinking of you all x
Sandra Comer. Really sorry to hear your sad news. Condolences to you all x
Bob Lowe. Very sad to hear this. Remember her well when she and her lovely family lived just a few doors up from me at 56, Walmer Road. My sincere condolences go to your family. RIP xxx
Robert Falconer. Really sad news please all take care xx
Barrie Sadler. RIP lovely lady, you will be missed.
Vivienne Vandenbegin. So sorry to hear. I met her at lioness meetings. 😢
Julie Pettitt. She must have worked for my uncle Robert Lea. Sending sincere condolences on your loss. Xxx
Liz Cowlett. Sorry for your loss. Mum will be sad to hear this. Liz Cowlett (Satchell)
Jacqueline Lavery. What’s a beautiful picture of Joyce Lynn , ❤️also still looking same and that laugh. (That’s Joyce ) always when I saw her 3 weeks ago ,she always made me smile ,, my mum and Joyce ……,you and me in prams !!!! Lovely memories ❣️ x
Steve Watts. Sincere condolences to you & the family Lynne. xx
Dena Parsons. Sorry to hear your sad news
Nik Marcho. Sorry to hear this ,she was a lovely lady
Sandra Langridge. Remember her so well, lovely lady, thoughts are with you and your family xx
Jackie Norman. So sorry to hear this sad new, lovely lady. Fly high with the angels x
Tina Cottis. My mum, Sheila Finnie, and her used to have a good old chat together, She was a lovely lady, you and your family did her proud Lynne all those lovely recipes you’ve made for her ,Am thinking of you.🌹🌺
Jacqueline Wheeler. Sorry to hear this news Lynne.
Wendy Hobbs. Sorry to hear. My dad used to work with your dad and used to give him a lift to work in Newhaven, so we knew both your parents. My surname was Ovenden and my dad’s name was Stan.
Lynda Morgan. Sorry to hear your sad new. I remember her when she lived in Walmer Road. Xx
William Kneller. Sorry Lynne, she’ll be having coffee with Sheila again. Lorraine Dillon
Remember Joyce well at the post office on the estate. Sorry for your loss, hold good memories. Xx
Cindy Sharpe-Faal. So sorry. May she rest in peace 🙏
Anthony Coleman. Sorry to hear that Lynne
Jill Fowler. Ah, so sad we were friends our group including Angela Gowin did go to each others houses. I lived in Bodiam close. Girls, so sorry to hear, she was a lovely lady. God bless. X
Karen Billings. Oh! Lynne, I am so sorry to hear that 😢 Sending love ❤ and hugs❤❤Bev Gregory. That is a lovely picture Lynne. Lots of love 💕
Sandra Sexton. So sorry for your loss Lynne 🌸 x
Lyn Gill. Thinking of you all at this sad time. ❤️ I’ve known your Mum all my life. I’m Eileen & Trevor Spink’s daughter. They will be altogether again. Take care. XX
Shirley Lowe. I remember your mum when she worked at Chyngton PO. Lovely lady. 💕
Susan Forshaw. Remember your mum well lynne. Lovely lady ❤ x

Sue Madel. So sorry sad news xx
Jenny Tidy. She was a lovely lady thinking of Paula and Lesley and families at this sad time! X x
Viv Long. So sorry, she was a lovely lady and used to enjoy our chsts before she moved love to Paula Lesley and their families xx
Barry Thompson. Lovely lady.R.I.P.
Bob Lowe. So very sorry to hear this. Remember her so well when I was just a kid. Love to Paula, Lesley and their families at this very sad time. She was blessed with a very long life. It doesn’t get better than that. RIP xx
Yolande Green. Very sad news. I worked with her in Boots for a few years and she was a lovely and funny lady.
Dawn Eager. Aah lovely lady,I remember her very fondly from East street x
Bob Male. That’s very sad remember her from when I was a kid in Walmer Rd .Also pass time when around the town after moving to East st. Thought s go to Paula and Lesley. 99 yrs Wow R I P Verena
Ray French. I have a picture of her that I summited in the past of her and Paula & Lesley at the Queen’s Carination in 1953 when they lived in Seafield Close before moving to Walmer Road she was a good friend of my mum back then. The picture is in my family tree, she will be remembered R I P
Sam Rogers. This beautiful precious lady is my dear grandmother. ❤️xxxxxx
Neal Dench. Oh how sad. I have very fond memories of Val. A good friend to my Mum over the years. I tried to get in touch when mum passed away last year but didn’t have a contact address.

Harold Turton. 22nd December 1922 – 3rd June 2020
Harold sadly passed away on 3rd June 2020, following a stroke. A WW11 Veteran and an “Old Seafordian” aged 97.
Brian Turton. Thank you to all at St Wilfreds for all the care you gave to Dad and continue to give to so many others in the community.
Chris Turton. Thank you to everyone at St Wifrid’s. You made Dad’s final days dignified and comfortable and offered us great support.
Barbara and David Pilgrim. We have very fond memories of Harold at family gatherings and we send our love to all the Turtons.
Joan and Brian Clark. In memory of a gentleman for whom we had the greatest respect and affection.
Michael & Ber. Brian, Your Father has gone to rest, but he will always be close to you and a source of comfort at times when least expected. We will thinking of you all.
Den & Magga. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time,
Maryam and Feroz. We are thinking of you and your family in this sad time.
Sue. Sending love to Harolds family at this sad time.
Glenn & Janet Sheppard. We were very upset to hear, belatedly, about Harold. We have so many great memories of our times together. Our condolences to Morna, their boys, and Pam.

David Terence Johnson. 12th June 1936 – 23rd May 2020
David died on 23rd May 2020 aged 83. David is survived by his dear wife Joyce and his daughter Tracey and sons Martin and Stephen. He will be sadly missed by his friends and family.
Thanks for the memories, Forever in our hearts, Your loving wife and family. Xxxx
Edward and Fiona Gorringe. Thank you for all your constant and thriving hard work.
June and Ray. David, so loved by us all. Lots of very happy memories.
Sarah and Trudi. Sent in loving memory of our lovely Uncle David- we will all miss him. With love
Steve & Martine. In memory of Dave you will be sadly missed by all your family and friends. You were a true inspiration and help to me, a true gent.
Janet and Stuart. In loving memory of dear Dave, a wonderful friend. Many happy times spent together creating precious memories.We will miss you so much, and will never forget the lovely man we called our best friend.
Lynn, Lee and Janine, Kim and Sid . Remembering David, a very much loved brother-in-law and uncle who will be so sadly missed. Our love goes out to you all.
Ian and Jackie. In memory of Dave who will be very much missed by all his family and friends. Thinking of you all. Lots of love.
Peter Wilson. David & I both had Parkinsons and that was how we met while attending a meeting after our diagnosis.That meeting led to 5 years of wonderful days out walking and talking with much laughter and fun.
The Olley’s. A charity very close to our heart, keep up the good work. Our pleasure to have known such a wonderful man as David Johnson.
Sylvia and Philip. In memory of David who will be greatly missed by all his family and friends.
Glenn Sheppard. Sad news indeed. Mr. Johnson was helpful to me when starting my business, and always had time to ask how I was doing. R.I.P.

Haynes, Frank. It is with great sadness that we announce that Frank Haynes Seaford blacksmith gave up his long battle with cancer on Sunday 24th May. He died peacefully at home in his sleep, with support and TLC from St Wilfred’s Hospice nurses and his loving wife Jenny and son Lee there to comfort him.
Rosalind Honey. R.I.P.Frank. Lovely man . Thoughts with his family.
Emma Louise Harris. So sorry to hear of your loss thinking of you all.xx
Natalie Bowler. Deepest sympathy and love from our family.
Anne Scudder. Sorry to hear the sad news. Thinking of you all xx
Maggie Stuart. RIP Frank, love and thoughts to you all
Tara Highway. So, so sorry to you all x
Di Dudley. So sorry to hear this sad news. Lots of love and thoughts to you all. Xx
Helen Edmeads. Sending you all lots of love!xx
Sat Sahota. Lovely, cheerful man. Very sorry for your loss, he’ll be missed xxx
Stella Branch. Sending our sympathies to all who loved him. Such a lovely man.
Sherry Curtis. So sorry for your loss.
Lorraine Piggott. Thinking of you all at this sad time xx
Rosemary Male. So sorry to hear that Jenny, thinking of you at this sad time xx
Jean Gregory. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Frank was a lovely man and loved by everyone that knew him xxxx
Keith Tobin. RIP grandad Frank he was a lovely grandad to my son Adam and a lovely great grandfather to my grand children such a lovely man.
Myrna Copeland. Sorry to hear of your loss. thinking of you all.xx
Dave Winser. Was a lovely man sorry for your loss
Jackie Webber. Our deepest sympathy. Thinking of you Jenny and your family xx
Alka Brown. So sorry for your loss. Thoughts are with you you and your family at this sad time. xxx
Lynda Cornford Green. So sorry to hear this Jenny. Xx
Gill Howard. R.I.P Frank such a lovely man.
Eve Herbert Sadler So very sorry to hear this Jenny our Condolences to you and your family at this very sad time xx
Lindsay Tearle. Thinking of you all x
Victoria Maleski. Sending love to you all xx
Eloise Holland. Jenny so sorry to hear this sending you lots of love xxxxxx

LONG, ERIC. died peacefully in his sleep on the 20th of February 2020. At the ripe old age of 89. He was a real Seaford old boy, great fisherman and known by many old Seaford people. Always had a great story to tell of his escapade’s in his youth during the war, and later as a Red Cape (Military Police). He will be greatly missed.
He will be cremated at Eastbourne Crematorium on 13th of March at 10 o’clock.
Our love for him and our fond memories of him will never fade.
Julian, Eric, Gianna and Louise.
Sarah Williams. I’m so sorry to hear of this. I used to live opposite him in Bodiam close and we would always have a good old natter, and with Angela too. They were a lovely couple and will be missed. Sending thoughts to the family x
Linda Barrett. To all the family so sorry for your loss.
Linda Jackson. So So so sorry to hear this sad news, always had a smile and loved to chat when i I saw him out love and hugs to all the family x X x
Glenn Sheppard. Such a terrible shame. We always had a great chat about old Seaford whenever we met over the years, going back to the 1960’s. A true Seafordian and friend. Our thoughts are with the family at this time. R.I.P. Eric.
Susan Mead. So sorry to hear this. I was really fond of him. Such a nice man. My thoughts are with his family
Jenny Haynes. So sorry to hear your sad news, he will be greatly missed xxx
Sandra Feltham So sad to hear this news 😔. I used to look after Angela and it was clear he loved her so dearly. His coffee making wasn’t bad either. Condolences to the family 💙
Denise Welch. My dad went to school with him and I have grown up knowing the family so sending my love to all the family xx
Elaine Goldsmith Sorry to hear about your dad thinking of you all at this sad time x
Shirley Smith Sorry to hear this bad news he was a lovely man and is now renighted with auntie Angela xxx
Coral Finnie So sorry to hear this great friends of my late father in law and husband RIP Eric xx
Jose Allfrey So sorry to hear this sad news.I will miss our chats as he took his morning walks.We are both February babies and in the same class at school.
Lesley Wetlesen Seaford is so losing our great old timers. Condolences to the family.
Grete-Elisabeth Bratlie R.I.P Eric. Xx I also used to look after his wife Angela and had many lovely chats with Eric- he’s now reunited with her. His love for his wife was so evident. God Bless them both 💜💜Condolences to all the family.
Ken Bull Will miss our chats especially about fishing. near neighbours for many years RIP
Imogen Kaye Condolences to you all….what a great age to get to ❤
Sandra Comer Really sorry for your loss. RIP Eric x
Hazel Cottis My late husband was an old Seafordian and we both knew Eric well.Always time for a chat and try to put the world to rights.Condolences to all the family.R I P Eric.
Helen Howard Ne Smith Sorry to hear this , love to the family .
Anne Scudder RIP Eric
Sue Townsend So sorry to hear this, thinking of you all at this sad time xx
Other sending their condolences:- Sonny Luxford, Teresa Kiernan, Sheila Evenden, Imogen Kaye, Trish Lapsley,

LAYZELL, HELEN. (nee Kneller). Only 58. Suddenly passed away on 15th January 2020. The funeral will be at St. Leonards Church on Wednesday 5th February. Donations please to the British Heart Foundation.
Khrystal Barton. Sorry for your loss Luke. Stay strong xx
Claire Rowsell. Luke I’m so sorry darling.. if theres anything we can do.. please let us know xx
Vikki Matthews. I’m so sorry to hear this. Big hugs xx
Sam Price. So sorry to hear this Luke ! Thinking of you buddy ! Xx
Zoe Cousins. So sorry for your loss Luke. Here if you need me at all.
Victoria Pindard. Oh Luke I am sorry to hear that. You know where I am if you need anything xxx
Jazmine Richards. Helen used to be my support worker, she was the best support worker. I used to see her in town r.i.p xx she was a lovely lady.
Cyrus Desir. My condolences Luke
Adam Mersh. Sorry mate x Hope your ok x
Beverly Archer. So sorry Luke x
Linda Pindard Marchant. Hi luke I’ve just heard about your mum I’m shocked and sad. So sorry Luke so young I don’t know what to say love you lots and lots xx
Colin Mccreedy. Hope your ok mate thinking of you buddy.
Sally Tuppen. So sorry to read this xx
Rupert Fielder. So sorry for your loss buddy. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Davina Lanagan. Really sorry to hear this news. So young too.X
Matthew Rayner. Im so very very sorry my friend. I to wasn’t there to say goodbye to someone special. She will always be watching down on you my friend
Wesley Thomas. Really sorry to hear the sad news.
Lisa O’Shea. So sorry for you loss Luke. X-xx
Loretta da Silva. So shocked to hear this Luke and Amy all my love to you all xxxx
Adam Baxter. Thinking of you buddy sorry for your lose X
Zoe Saunders-Wood. So sorry for your loss x 😪
Tina Gotts. So sorry Luke. Thinking of you & sending you hugs. xx
Wendy Gadsdon. I’m so sorry to hear this Luke! Love to you and the family x
Isha Van Blerk. Thinking of you.
Jay Howe. I’m so sorry mate x
Gill Rowsell. So Sorry to hear about your mum. Sending our love. Xx
Daniel Macdiarmid. Sorry to hear this mate, try to keep your chin up fella 😔
Jadey Greg-Baxter. Thinking of you Luke xx
Mikel Aucoin. Im sorry for your loss.
Hannah Foreman. I’m so sorry for your loss x
Ian Qpr Brewster. Luke, I am so sorry to see this news. Thought and. …..well, you know Bro x
Oona Mwahh Horrocks. So sorry to hear that.. Sending big loves. X
Florence Kneller. We will be thinking of you all on this sad day xx
Ginger L Kneller. So sorry for your loss!!!
Lorraine Piggott. Hi I was a close school friend of Helens,I’m so sorry to hear this sad news xx
Shirl Violet. So sorry to hear of your loss Bill. Glad you have the boys to comfort you. Take care of you. Big hugs from Brighton XX
Gilly Westwood. So so sorry Bill just so awful for you and family . Take comfort with each other love Gill and family xxx
Nina Santi. Oh Bill my heart goes out to you, so sorry for your loss x
Steve Watts. Very sorry to read your sad news Bill. Wishing you and your family all the best.
Bob Male. So sad to hear this Bill thinking of you and your family.
Linda Dobson. So sorry to hear this sad news thinking of you x

Barrett Jonathan (Jono) On 3rd January 2020 aged 56 years.
Beloved son of Mick and Diana, Father of Marie and Lucas.
Sadly missed by all his family.
Funeral service at Seaford Cemetery Chapel on Friday 24th January at 1.00pm. Family flowers only please, donations for The Woodland Trust
c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service 22 Sutton Road Seaford
BN25 1RU Tel: 01323 893889

Green. Daphne (Jean) Died peacefully on 3rd January 2020.
Beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
Celebration of Jean’s life at St Leonard’s Church, Seaford on Wednesday 22nd January at 1.30pm.
Donations, if desired, for The Anthony Nolan Trust c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service 22 Sutton Road,
Seaford, BN25 1RU. Tel: 01323 893889

Dennis C Williams passed away peacefully on the 2nd January 2020 at the ripe age of 92. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather to his Wife/Children and Grandchildren.
“Just like it is impossible to measure the weight of the water that exists in the whole world, it is impossible to thank you for all you have done for us” We love you Dad/Grandad.

WILFRED GEOGHEGAN. With great sadness I write on behalf of myself, my siblings and my mother to advise that my father Wilfred Geoghegan, sadly passed away on the morning of New Years Day.
Dad was a Seafordian through and through, born in Lexden Road and lived and worked here throughout his life.
We know he was well known in the town and we would like to inform you that his funeral will be held at Eastbourne Crematorium on Monday 27th January at 2.00pm.
Wayne Funnell Great friend sadly missed
Janet Comben So sad another good one gone
Jenny Tidy So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with your family! X x
Kevin Boniface So sorry to hear of your sad loss I grew up with Wilf xx
Barry Thompson So sorry to hear that Wilf has passed away. Lovely chap known him since we were youngsters. R.I.P. Wilf.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Sorry to hear this sad news. We first knew Wilf when he and his wife used to catch the same bus home as we did, after working in Newhaven. That’ll be early 1970’s. R.I.P. Wilf.
Tricia Eves My condolences to all the family. Wilf dealt with our first mortgage a long time ago. Very sad news.
Susan Forshaw Lovely man he helped me a lot when my husband died. RIP Wilf Steve Powney Sorry to hear of your loss top man
Bob Male Yet another great guy gone.As was said before Seaford man through and through. Will be sadly missed thinking of family R I P Wilfred
Bill Purcell Be at peace now Wilf. A good friend from school days. My condolences to all of the family.
Ivor Lawrence Had a lot of dealings with Wilf over the years, always found him so helpful and always had a great smile when we met. We would chat in the street for ages. Sad indeed.
Rita Collins Sad news. I bought a bungalow in Peacehaven through him in 1985! God bless x
Joanna Miriam Szalay. Sad news , such a nice man when I knew him as a youngster and my Mum worked for him in Newhaven solicitors
Chrissie Mac Very sorry! My thoughts are with his family, in particular his sister Maggie: a very dear friend of mine
Susan Mead Sorry to hear this . I worked with Wilf years ago at a solicitors in Newhaven. He was a lovely man
Sally Thompson Sad news. Bought our first house with his help in 1987. Love hugs and prayers to all the family
Robert Mandeville We heard the sad news from Lesley next door. All our condolences to your family and your mum especially. He was very efficient dealing with us, and gave lots of good legal advice. A very intelligent and knowledgeable man. RIP.
Many others sent their condolences for the loss of Wilf including:- Jean Cash, Emma Godden, Anne Scudder, Kerry Wordsworth, Irene Hearn, Lynda Morgan, Jude Hussain, Peter Thomsett. Alec Dewhirst. Ron Elliott, Coral Finnie, Frankie Graham, Patricia Ann Auwkit, Angie Hindocha, Julie Chamberlain, Christine Cavey, Chrissy Ward, Lyn Gill, Sue Fears.

Sad news to announce over the Christmas season. Popular Seafordian and coach driver, ERIC MACE, passed away on 23rd December 2019.
His funeral is on 20th January 2020, at Eastbourne Crematorium at 2.00 pm then after at Friston Village Hall x.
Sheila Evenden RIP -a lovely man -sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Lorraine Pope Sincere sympathy to Christine and her family on the loss of a lovely man.
Sue Fears RIP Eric such a lovely man. Thoughts with Frances, Christine and the family at this sad time xx
Barrie Sadler RIP Eric!most likeable man who went out of his way to help his clients. Had some great times with Seaford Head kids in Barry and with our Austrian students.Thoughts with his family.
Neil Larter RIP Eric, our next door neighbour in Walmer road for many a year,my thoughts to Christine and family
Tricia Eves My sincere condolences Christine and family.
Lin Buchan The last link with our parents He was amazing man and had a wonderful life … So sad he is no longer with us
Joanna Miriam Szalay Oh that is sad news , he was a wonderful bus driver and took me to school form Denton to Newhaven in the 60’s and 70’s
Glenn Sheppard. Sad news indeed. So popular. When the British Legion arranged their yearly outing, they always wanted Eric to be their coach driver, and he was. R.I.P.
Peter White Sad loss. A Lovely man. Related to Fireman Mace.
Lesley Hill Condolences to Christine and family, Mum and Dad also send you their best, we’re all thinking of you at this sad time. Such a lovely man, many happy memories from Walmer Road.
Linda Feldwicke Very sad news. Thoughts are with Christine and family. x

JOAN PARSONS sadly passed away on 22nd December 2019 aged 99 years. Much loved Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother and Great Great Grandmother. Donations in memory of Joan for Alzheimer’s Society c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service.
A service will be held on Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 10.30am Eastbourne Crematorium, Family Chapel.
A reception in her memory will be held after at the Seven Sisters Hotel, Alfriston Road, Seaford, from 11.45am

EILEEN STEER (nee Isted) of Seaford past away on 1st December 2019. Her funeral will be at Eastbourne Crematorium on 17th December at 11.30.
Sheila Evenden RIP.
Vikki Matthews I’m sorry to hear this! My condolences to the family x
Maggie Grinyer RIP
Penny Leach God bless xx
Helen Layzell Lovely lady, always smiley x
Bob Lower RIP aunty Eileen xx
Eira Okeeffe Lovely lady my condolences to her family x
Phil Ward RIP Auntie Eileen.d
Bill Purcell R.I.P Eileen. Eileen such a lovely lady and will be missed by all of the older Seafordian’s.
Mandy Alan Woods Sorry to hear that I can remember going for tea at her house with Susan after school love to you all mandy Richardson now Woods xx

GREG FLYNN passed away last Saturday November 30th 2019.
Greg’s funeral is on Friday the 20th December, and his wake is at The Royal British Legion Seaford from 4 o’clock.
Brian Coombs So sorry to hear that Glenn. Deepest sympathy to Anne and family.
Linda Lammiman RIP Greg. Such lovely memories of working with him at Seaford Head.
Jean Woodward Lovely man – also knew him from Seaford Head school x
Laura Flynn Love you Dad. X
Pete Wheeler So sorry to hear this,I met up with Greg briefly 2years ago at a get together after 50 years from when he lived in Rye close.RIP old mate.
Roger Rooke Memories of happy times with Greg at Seaford RFC. Best hooker in Sussex.
Karen Shearing So sorry to hear many memories from Seaford Rugby club playing days, and the jumble sale.always had a smile
Sue Fears So sad thoughts with Anne and family at this really difficult time. He was a lovely man RIP 💙💙
Julia Bond Garred How sad. I remember Greg fondly. X
Linda Feldwicke So sorry to hear. Remember Greg at Elm Court when I worked at the playgroup. x
Barry Thompson So sad,known Greg since our Chyngton days in the 50’s.R.I.P.Greg.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Very sorry to have heard this sad news. What a character. Loved his family, loved his rugby, and always cheerful whenever we met. We’ll miss not seeing him around. Our thoughts are with Anne and the family at this terrible time. Jan & Glenn.
Linda Bishop Sorry to hear this!! R I P X
Lynda Cook Sending Anne, Michael, Laura and family our love at this sad time. Greg was such a lovely man x❤
Chrissie Mac A lovely, down to earth, honest man. Very sorry to hear this sad news. May he rest in peace 😪🤗
Linda Jackson Such sad news x
Graham Batchelor Oh Dear ! Used to play rugby with Greg. Whats happening with all my school chums ? Robin T will remember Greg only too well !!!! My best wishes to his family.
Lesley Wetlesen Really sad news! Love to Anne and children! Sue too! Xx
Coral Finnie So sorry to hear this sad news sending love to Anne Michael and Laura RIP Greg X
Ann Powell Remember him especially from his time at Seaford Head school. All the best to Anne and family.
Tony Firmin Memories from Seaford Head School. Always happy and polite. Love to all the family.
Lynda Morgan Very sad new. RIP x
Ken Bull Many happy memories of growing up with Greg,especially camping/ fishing down the cuckmere river as boys,great adventure,will be sadly missed
Tricia Eves My condolences to Ann and family. Fond memories Tricia Rainey
Wayne Elliott So sorry to hear this,RIP mate
Jean Beard Such sad news x
Debbie Spragg So sorry to hear this sad news. Greg was a lovely man and always willing to help me at Seaford Head school. A great character who loved his rugby and a Guinness! My thoughts go out to his wife Anne and family. Xx
Dave Lisseter Played rugby with Greg. He was great in hooker position. So sad. Condolences to family.
Linda Dobson So sorry to hear this sad news love and hugs to Anne,Michael and Laura.
Lyn Gill Such sad news. Love to Anne & all the family. X
Bob Lowe Very sad to hear of Greg’s passing. I knew Greg from when we were tiny kids. A lovely man through and through. Not a bad bone in his body. My thoughts are with his family at this very sad time. RIP Greg.
Chris Hankin Saddened to hear about Greggs passing, he was a decent, humorous, likeable bloke. Going to miss seeing him over the allotments. Condolences to all the family.
Gill Francis condolences to Anne, whom I used to work with. x x
Peter Sowter Shocked and saddened to hear of Greg’s death. A lovely man who will be greatly missed
Bob & Rosemary Male Another Chyngton lad taken far to early. Good memories of Greg from early age.Thinking of Anne and family. R I P Greg.
Pamela Andrews Mutch Thoughts and prayers with the family, lived across from our house in our younger days, happy memories keep in your hearts .Bless you!
Christopher Bishop Sad news. Remember him well. RIP.
James Bassett Sad news knew him when he lived in Pelham Road used to play on what was a bomb site (where police station is) remember his Viva car and going clubbing in Eastbourne with him and Ken Bull
Lesley Curtis Sorry to read this. Condolences to all his family and friends
Vanessa Hart Very sad news I grew up in Rye Close to & remember being fascinated at how far he could throw that ruby ball.xx R.I.P
Michael Flynn Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes. It’s comforting to read how highly thought of Dad was. He really was one of the good ones. Really going to miss him. X
Alan Hutchinson. A long standing stalwart of Seaford rugby club and a good friend for many years. I will miss him greatly. Sending our condolences to Anne and family.

RAY NORMAN 1936-2019. Old Seafordian, Ray Norman, passed away peacefully at his home on Tuesday 12th November. He was a much loved Uncle, Brother and a friend to many.
His cremation will take place at Eastbourne Crematorium, in the main chapel on Monday 9th December at 1.45. A celebration of his life will follow at The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, BN25 4JS
Vikki Russell. Lovely Ray. My dad played football with him. Sending love to all.
Chris Powney. RIP Ray
Dave Scudder. A true gentleman so sad to here this always smiling and a good golfer played many a round with him R.I.P Ray.
Pam Jones. A lovely man, RIP Ray x
Jacqueline Dowling. So sorry to hear about Ray
Ken Bull. Goodbye to a lovely man
Jane Mabb. Aww bless him I rember him and Roy and pat. RIP rayx
Paul Hill. Such a lovely man RIP
Bev Tester. Oh lovely Ray ❤️
Steven James Knight. Always looked on Ray & Roy as uncles. RIP Ray☹
Anne Scudder. Sorry to hear this, he was a lovely man. Only saw him a few weeks ago. RIP Ray
Cindy Beeney. He will be surely missed, such a lovely man, a great loss 😞 xxx
Sandra Langridge. Bless, RIP my ‘mixed pairs dart player’ thoughts are with all the family xx
Katherine Tadman. Such a lovely man RIP xxx
Christine Thompson. Lovely man always cheerful
Bill Smith. A nice guy , worked with his brother at bass the brewers for 13 years , I knew Ray because of his love for horse racing he will be sadly missed ,
Brenda Grant. RIP Ray.
Peter Lambert. Always thought Ray was going on forever, now he’s gone to meet up with Roy, cheers to you both … !!
Sue Turner. Ah that’s sad. I remember when he and Roy used to come into the bar in the Star Inn Alfriston, every Sunday , where I worked.
Sue Fears. So sad such a lovely man and such good company RIP Ray you will be greatly missed 💙💙
Christopher Braiden. Will miss him he was a good friend RIP Mate
Coral Finnie. Such sad news RIP Ray 😪
Jean Tierney. Probyn. R.I.P Ray x
John Earl. God bless you Ray ,friends for 75 years wonderful times playing football up Barn rise fields with Roy and Frank and Dave Haynes love to all the family John and Pat xxx.
Tricia Eves. Condolences to you all. Roy was such a nice man. Glad I knew him.
Lyn Gill. R.I.P. I miss his laugh already. Reunited with Roy, Daphne & Dol.
Thinking of all the family. X

Morgan-Jones Anthony Thomas Sadly passed away after a short illness on Saturday 2nd November 2019.
We invite you to celebrate his life with us at St Leonards Church, Seaford, BN25 1HL on Wednesday 20th November at 1.00pm.
No flowers please, donations for Intensive Care Unit at the Conquest Hospital and
Motor Neurone Disease Association c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service, 22 Sutton Road, Seaford BN25 1RU. Tel 01323 893889.

BETTY TOBIN passed away after a short illness, on 28th October 2019. Her funeral is on the 20th November 12.15 at Eastbourne Crematorium.
Jose Allfrey. So sorry to hear this news .I have known Betty since school days.
Linda Feldwicke. Sorry to hear this news. Thinking of all the family. x
Sheila Evenden. RIP Mrs.Tobin -sincere condolences to all the family.
Jacqueline Lavery. Rip ,love to your family
Christine Thompson. Sorry to hear about Betty lovely lady rip xx
Sandra Comer. So sad. Thoughts are with the Tobin family xx
Lynda Morgan. Very sad new RIP Betty xx
Stephen Michael Templeman. We lost my dear mum one year ago. I understand and know what you are going through , having been their myself ! My most sincere condolences !
Zach Tidy. Very sad news, I had the pleasure of working with Betty at Pilgrims School many, many years ago. Thinking of her family at this terribly sad time x
Hilary Luckett. RIP Aunty Betty such a lovely lady. Very sad x
Jenny Tidy. I worked with Betty at Pilgrims School for a few years! Sending love and hugs to Phil Keith Andy Tracey and families! X
Sandra Sexton. Sorry to hear this news, condolences to all the family x
William Kneller. Sad news
Shirley Lowe. Very sad news.RIP Aunty Betty. Xx
Julie Chamberlain. RIP, thoughts are with the Tobin family xx
Roger Mayles. Sorry to read the news.
Chris Powney. Condolences to all the family, what a fantastic cook at my old primary school Annecy
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. A lovely lady who we knew very well. R.I.P.

JIM PAYNE, a very loved Seafordian passed away on 29th September 2019. His funeral will be held at Eastbourne Crematorium on 16th October at 14.30.
Glenn Sheppard. What a lovely man. I can always see him on his bike whilst working around Seaford. A great Sussex County Cricket supporter. Our thoughts are with Anne and her family. R.I.P. Jim.
Vikki Matthews Sorry to hear this
Sheila Evenden RIP -sincere condolences to all his family and friends.
Sue J Sherwin Lugg Sincere condolences. Thoughts are with Anne and her family.
Janet Comben Bless him a lovely man another local one gone x
Sandra Comer Aww so sad thoughts are with his family x
Reg Bond One of my best teenage pals. We were both called up for National Service in January 1947 and started our RAF career by Travelling to Padgate together. We went through hell together and came out smiling. 1947 was the coldest winter for 40 years
Bob Lower R.I.P Jim
Linda Woolgar Thoughts with all the family, R. I. P. Jim.
Lynda Cook Sorry to hear this 😥 my thoughts are with Anne and her family xx
Hazel Cottis So sorry to hear this.My thoughts are with you Anne and your family.x
Julie Pettitt A lovely man. My thoughts are with Anne and family at this sad time.
Lynda Morgan Very sad news xx
Merryl Redhead Such a lovely man. Loved his cricket.
David Porter What a great man, a proud Seafordian, he loved his town, his cricket and his Family. I had the absolute pleasure of working with Jim and although he saw me as a 16 yr old ‘little sod’ I can proudly say that Jim taught me all I know and was a great inspiration to me. So glad I got to see him again earlier this year. RIP Jim……love and thoughts to your family xxx
Bob Lowe Terribly sad to hear of our lovely Jim’s passing. We were so lucky to have Jim and Anne living right behind us. I often saw Jim in his white overalls, going off to work on his bike to do some painting and decorating.Jim was simply a very very nice guy, and a very decent person. He’ll be terribly missed, no doubt about that. My love goes to his wife Anne and family. RIP Jim.
Robert Falconer Great pal l new him well rip jim
Lindsay Woods A lovely man, he did loads of painting for my mum. Always remember him with his bike and ladder. no forgetting his paint speckled glasses!
Bob Male Great guy R I P Jim
Rhiw Sider A great mate of my Dad. Fond memories.

TOM BOXALL. We are very sad to share with you that our Dad Tom Boxall passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Wednesday 4th September 2019.
He was well know in the town for Littlewoods Football Pools, bingo calling at Clinton Hall, and a keen photographer with Seaford Photographic Society.
Steve Cottis Sorry to hear this Sara 😢 thinking of you xx
Fiona House Bless him, a true Gentleman and what a character. Thinking of you all xx FIFi (he was one of the few people allowed to get away with calling me that)
Eira Okeeffe Thinking of you at this sad time,lovely man Tom reunitrd with Yvonne xxx
Tina Cottis. So sorry ,Was a lovely cheery man ,Always ready with a joke.love to all family xxxx
Julie Chamberlain RIP Tom,I remember Clinton Hall Bingo very well xx
Liz Cowlett My mum Betty Satchell says her memories of your dad are very precious. X
Bill Purcell My REspect to a true gentleman. R.I.P.Tom.

VERA ROSE SMITH (nee Boydon) Formerly of Bishopstone Suddenly at home on Friday, August 30th, aged 88 years. Much loved wife to Peter.
Family flowers only. Donations can be made in Vera’s memory to the Dogs Trust a plate will be provided at the service. All enquiries to JG Fielder & Son Funeral Directors on 01904 654460
Ian Everest. Vera worked in the Westminster Bank (as it then was) at Hurdis House. Her husband Peter worked on the farm at Bishopstone for a number of years. They met when Vera was on holiday at the caravan site in Newhaven with her parents and Peter was doing his National Service at Newhaven Fort.
Hilary Luckett Thats very sad, Sue, Pam and I worked with Vera at NatWest for quite a few years, and until a couple of years ago she used to send me a Christmas card. She also worked at Clinton Place branch for a short while.
Andrew Palmer I remember Vera very well. R.I.P.
Jan Sheppard. I remember Vera when she worked at the National Provincial Bank at Hurdis House, then later at what became National Westmnster in Clinton Place, Such a lovely smile and always cheerful Sorry to hear this news.

CREWS, JAMES ‘Jimmy’ Of Seaford on 18th August 2019 age 89 years.
James worked at the Parker pen factory for 21 years.
Funeral Service Tuesday 10th September 2019 at Eastbourne Crematorium Family Chapel 1.30pm. Family flowers only, donations if desired RNLI Newhaven c/o
Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service 22 Sutton Road Seaford. BN25 1RU
Tel:01323 893889

SALLY WOODGATE passed away on the 17th August 2019. Sally was known and loved by so many people in Seaford.
Christine Thompson Sorry to hear lovely lady
Teresa Westwood So sorry to hear this such a lovely lady xx
Ann Powell So sorry to read this.
Teresa Fowler A very kind person who will be much missed xx
Paul Stoner So sorry to hear. RIP Sally
Deborah Green Such a lovely caring lady will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by many condolences to her family xx
Peter Lambert A lovely lady, she did so much for so many people, it was an honour to have known Sally over the years, she will never be forgotten.
Tara Highway One of my most favourite ladies, so many amazing memories from my childhood, Sally will be sorely missed by all 🖤
Sarah Mc The very definition of a good neighbour in fact a great neighbour. Thinking of Simon and family at this time x
Nikki Wells Very sad news she was such a lovely lady remember her well from my childhood in Seafield Close ❤️
Sue Fears So sorry to hear this RIP Sally xx
Christine Ridehalgh So sorry to hear this, such a lovely lady 💕 xx
Eileen Hamlet Such sad news, lovely lady xxx
Linda Feldwicke Very sad news, such a lovely lady. xx
Julie Turk Sad news, Sally was a lovely lady x
Emma Scudder Sorry to hear this. A lovely lady who always stopped to say hello even if she hadn’t seen you for years.
Kalia Springall RIP Sally x
Dee Bayley Lovely lady ,worked with her at the preschool in chyngton with Kerry Kracke Lindsay Stevens
Diane Helm A lovely lady, worked with her at preschool. She will be missed .
Evelyn Simmons First met Sally over 50years ago when we lived in Newhaven, she used to cut my hair. Later we were neighbours in Seafield Close. Our thoughts are with Simon and family at this time.
Lindsay Stevens Very sad news lovely lady worked with her at Playgroup .she also made me some lovely cakes x
Mary Young Such a good neighbour and lovely lady! She will be greatly missed. RIP x
Hazel Cottis A lady in every way.Always had a smile for everyone.So sad.
Sheila Eager Very sad news . Such a lovely person .
Laura Flynn Oh no! Such sad news. This lovely lady made my wedding cake. Thoughts and love to Sally’s family. X
Heather J Baldwin Dear Sally. So many memories and connections. Our thoughts are with Simon and family.
Frankie Graham A lovely lady,last saw her as a volounteer at the Hippodrome theatre in Eastbourne, RIP xx
Viv Carson Oh so sad. A lovely customer. We shall miss her.
Gaye Robinson Remember her well from my childhood in Seafield Close. My thoughts are with her family.
Lynn Richards A lovely lady. Part of the ‘family’ that was Seafield Close. Thoughts are with her family.
Marita Edwards RIP Sally. Lovely lady. My thoughts are with her family and close friends x
Linda Barrett Such very sad news. Lovely lady we got together when Lewes District Council toppled the head stones at Seaford cemetery. Sally and Brian did so much when we formed an action group to make the council reinstate the headstones for everyone laid to rest including their sons and my daughters. She was so elated we succeeded. We became firm friends after that. So so sorry to hear this. May you rest in peace with dear Brian. My condolences to Simon.
Leann Flynn Our thoughts are with Sally’s family – she also made our wedding cake! Such a lovely lady xxx
Scott Lavallee Thoughts are with Simon
Jane White Sally was one of the most gentle, kind, caring people I have ever known. Giving so much to do many. Now reunited with Brian. Love to Simon, Jo, Aimee, Rosie and Freddy xx
Linda Funnell Such a friendly lady. She will be missed by many.
Liz Cowlett Brian and Sally were such a lovely couple. Together again. Thinking of their family at this sad time.
Tina Cottis Very sorry to hear this sad news ,Always so friendly ,Will be sadly missed .xxxx
Sue Townsend RIP Sally. Such sad news. A lovely lady, we worked together in Boots for many years. My thoughts are with her family x
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. So sad when such a lovely person leaves us, We all have fond memories of Sally, and Brian, together again. R.I.P. Our condolences to Simon.
Emma Pharoah I am so sad to see this. I worked with Sally in Boots, she was such a bundle of love and fun. The outfits she organised for the Christmas shopping nights were awesome! We used to have such a laugh. And her cakes, well they were too good to miss out on!! A truly lovely lady with a heart of gold. May you rest in peace our Sal. Xxx
Madeleine Furminger Sally was a lovely lady. Love to Simon, Jo and family. Xxxx
Rita Collins Lovely woman.so sad god bless

Dewdney Robin Anthony (Tony) In Seaford on 26th July 2019, Retired Customs Officer. Beloved Husband of Edna.
Funeral Service at St Leonard’s Church, Seaford on Thursday 7th August at 2.00pm. Family flowers only please, donations if desired to Parkinson’s UK or Chestnut Tree House Hospice c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service, 22 Sutton Road, Seaford, BN25 1RU, Tel: 01323 893889

BARBARA SHEPHERD (nee Sowter) late of Blatchington Road, Seaford passed away peacefully on 20th June at Worthing hospital.
William Kneller. I remember Barbara when I was young and lived in Clinton Lane. Her father had the shoe repair shop at the bottom of lane.

KEN ELLIOTT passed away on 13th June 2019.
His son Kevin left this message on his Facebook page:- The funeral will be on Monday the 1st of July at 1pm in the main chapel at Eastbourne Crematorium, and a celebration of his life at the Shore Bar Seaford afterwards.
Ian Everest. Very sorry to hear this – In my year at Seaford County Secondary School. A highly skilled plumber.
Christopher Langridge. So sorry to here about Ken .
Lesley Curtis. So sorry to hear this, Ken was a lovely bloke.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. I became friends with Ken when we started Secondary school. We had some great times playing football in the school teams, then drinking down the Bay with ‘Dogger’ and visiting the Terminus to have a drink, and play darts with Chummy every Friday night. We chatted only about a week ago, and he looked so well. At least he’ll be happy to be with Vanessa again. Goodbye mate. R.I.P.
Martin Bayley. Smashing bloke was Ken had many laughs in the pub and at work 🍻 RIP 🍻
Terry Buckley. So very sorry to hear about Ken. Often chatted to him in the British Legion. My sincerest condolences.
Diane Carey. At school with Ken and he always looked out for me, Devastating news and my thoughts and prayers are with Kevin and Kerry, I will miss him. Sleep well Kenneth, now reunited with Vanessa ❤️
Barry Thompson. Very sad news, I only chatted to him a week or so ago. Taken far too soon. R.I.P. Ken.
John Tolhurst. I knew Ken for years, He helped when we had the family home in Brooklyn Road with lots of plumbing work, was a lovely bloke helped anyone, will be sorely missed, Used to see him in the shore most weeks always had a chat with him
Frank Winser. So sorry to hear such sad news R I P Ken.
Yudge Carney. Sorry for your loss Kev RIP Ken.
Sandra Comer. Such sad news RIP Ken x
Sandra Langridge. Sorry to hear this sad news, known him all my life, lovely fella, thoughts are with the family RIP
Phil Sage. Top man R I P Ken
Stephen Templeman. Seaford’s much loved man!!!
Kevin Clark. Sad news RIP Ken Knew him from years ago.
Sue Fears. Very sad RIP Ken xx
Karren Tucknott. So sad RIP ken xxx
Pauline Mcmahon. R.I.P. Ken. Xxx
Chris Clarke. Very sorry to hear this, I knew Ken from school and when he was an apprentice plumber for Morllings R.I.P Ken .
Eira Okeeffe. RIP Ken. My thoughts are with your family especially Kerry and Kevin xxx
Peter Young. RIP. Ken lived across the road from me for many years in Brooklyn Road
Patricia Auwkit. He looked more like his father as he got older. Bless him, so sad.RIP Ken XX
John Earl. God bless you Ken , rest in peace condolences to all the family .
Bill Purcell. R.I.P.Ken. Condolences to all the family.
Ray French. Started school at Church Street with Ken then through secondary School then into our teenage years he loved to chat, You will be missed my friend R.I.P
Ron Hughes. RIP ken my condolences to family
Bob Lowe. Very very sorry to hear about our Ken. He was just simply a lovely guy, who I first met way back in our school days back in 1960. Ken got on so well with everyone. My love and sincere condolences goes to Kens family. RIP Ken.
Linda Barrett. So sorry. Such a nice man. Rip Ken.
Sheila Evenden. RIP Ken. A true gentleman taken far too soon
Janet Comben. Rest in peace Ken
Bob Male. A genuine typical Seaford man R I P Ken good memories
Jacqueline Lavery. R.I.P Ken xx

JOYCE FALCONER, passed away on 12th May 2019. Beloved wife of Robert Falconer, loving daughter Sandra, her adored son – in-law Len, her grandchildren Carina Bucknall, Louisa Grant, Sam Comer, and their partners Andrew Bucknall, Karl Grant, and Claire Comer. Her much loved 14 great grandchildren and baby bump yet to put in an appearance. She was a much loved sister, sister-in-law and aunt. Sadly it was mammy and daddy’s 63rd wedding anniversary today.
Susan Nathan. Fly high Auntie Joyce 💔💔💔
Sheila Evenden. So sorry to read of your sad loss Sandra -especially on such an important milestone. Sincere condolences to you all. I remember your family from my days living in Saltwood Road. RIP
Linda Feldwicke. Thinking of you.x
John Earl. Dear Bob, so sorry to hear of your loss Joyce was such a dear friend so many years ago when we were kids .Love from the Earl family God bless her John xx.
Janet Stoner. Rip
Janet Jenkins. Thinking of you all x x x
Lesley Wetlesen. Sorry to hear this another Saltwood Road loss! X
Heather J Baldwin. Such sad news Bob and Sandra. Thinking of you all. X
Joi Bennett. So sorry for your loss….
Jenny Haynes. So sorry to hear your very sad news, much love Frank and Jenny Haynes.xxxx
Tricia Eves. Sincere condolences to you all.Tricia Rainey (27 Saltwood)
Linda Barrett. So sorry for your loss. Linda Barrett. 3,Saltwood Road.
Neil Larter. So sad to hear Sandra. She was a lovely lady. xx

CHARLES (JOE) FUNNELL. Passed away peacefully on 3rd May 2019 aged 87 years.
Much loved husband of the late Mary, father of Michael and Juanita, grandfather of Michelle and Scott.
Penny Leach. God bless Joe. He lived in the flats where my dad lived, and was the loveliest man!! Everyone loved him. Never without a smile! His sister will miss him dreadfully too. He was so good to her. RIP dear Joe x
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. What a lovely man. We don’t think we had ever seen him without a smile. We were both very sorry to hear this sad news. Condolences to his family.Jan & Glenn.
John Westwood. God bless Joe good friend of my dad.
John Earl. A good Seaford man who’ll be greatly missed God bless Joe .
Phil Ward. Always a smile ☺
Sue Fears. An absolute gentleman and such a lovely man 💙💙
Linda Jackson. Always had that cheeky smile, remember when they lived in Cinque Ports Way x
William Kneller. I started school. with Joe new him all my life.

AUDREY WOOD from Beacon Road passed away on 8th April 2019.
Audrey worked in the Cancer Research shop in Broad Street for many years.
Penny Halmshaw. So sorry, a lovely lady always ready for a laugh
Viv Long. Such a lovely lady, very sad news
Sheila Eager. Lovely times had with her, such a character x
David Jackie. French Sad loss. We had some good laughs.
Jacqueline Lavery. I had the pleasure of doing Audrey,(Woody ,) hair, lovely lady RIP x
Linda Woolgar. Always enjoyed chatting with her
Gina Winfield. Sincere condolences.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Very sad news. What a lovely friendly lady she was. RIP.
Kay Goodey. So sad had a lot of talks with her so positive in her attitude xxx
Wendy Morgan. So sad! What a lovely lady she was! 💗
Janet Jenkins. How sad what a lovely lady she was x x x
Mary Coplestone. Sad news Indeed ! RIP dear Audrey xx
Cath Tarrant. Oh so sad 😞Worked with Audrey at ESB Insurance 30 years ago. She was so nice and such a laugh. Xxx
David Chapman. So sorry
Angie Hindocha. So sad ,R I P. Lovely lady.
Mick Evans. RIP lovely lady looked after her car for years.
Rachel Lilly Alalawi. Oh no…. shes going to be sadly missed. RIP Audrey fly high xxx

LIZ EVENDEN (Lil) On 2nd March 2019. aged 86 years.
Beloved wife of the late Ken Evenden, much loved mum of Sheila. Grateful thanks to all the staff and residents at Burdyke Lodge, Seaford for making her last year of life happy.
Funeral Service at Eastbourne Crematorium main chapel on Wednesday 20th March at 2.30pm. Flowers or if desired donations
to a charity of choice.
Enquiries c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service, 22 Sutton Road, Seaford, BN25 1RU.
Tel: 01323 893889
Sheila Evenden. Will love and miss you forever mum -sleep peacefully -now no longer suffering.😥💔♥️
Linda Funnell. Sheila Evenden I’m very sorry for your loss. Hope you’re ok. 💐
Lynda Cook. Oh Sheila, so very sorry to hear your sad news 💔 thinking of you xxx
Vicki Henry. Sheila I am so sorry to hear your sad news please accept my love and condolences xx
Sandra Comer. Aww so sorry to hear this. Our thoughts are with Sheila at this sad t xxx💔💔💔
Karren Tucknott. I’m so sorry Sheila xxx
Lesley Wetlesen. I remember your mum and dad so well, thinking of you xx
Sheila Eager. Lovely lady
Lynda Morgan. Very sad news. RIP x
Fiona Brooks. I so sorry to hear your news Sheila. Thinking of you. x
Hilary Luckett. So sorry to hear this Sheila xxx
Linda Jackson. Thinking of you Sheila x
Heather J Baldwin. So sorry to hear your news Sheila. Take care. x
Julie Pettitt. A lovely lady. I shall miss chatting with her in my shop. Condolences to you Sheila and all her family.
Myrtle Kracke. A lovely lady thinking of you Sheila
Angie Taylor. Hi Sheila so sorry to hear your sad news I remember your mum living just up from my gran when I was little. Lovely lady. Sending you all my love from Angie .x
Vida Turner. Sad news. I worked with Liz in the Rent Office at the Downs years ago.
Barry Thompson. Sad news.R.I.P. Liz.
Merryl Redhead. Sorry to hear this Sheila x
Jackie Norman. So sorry to hear this sad new, my prayers are with you x

KEITH HYLANDS who was Seaford born and bred passed away on February 21st at St Wilfrids Hospice Eastbourne, he bravely battled various health problems for two years but lost his fight at the age of 73.
Keith’s funeral will take place on the 11th March at 12:15 at Eastbourne crematorium.
Keith leaves behind his loving wife Val, children Peter, Wendy and Paul also his grandchildren Max, Alex, Elise and Ava.
No flowers but any donations to St Wilfrids Hospice would be appreciated.
Gerry Lambert. So sorry to hear about kieth, lovely person, will be sadly missed, thoughts are with Val and family
Jackie Hazelden. Used to go on holiday with Keith and his family and my parents back in the 70s. Sad news and my thoughts are with his family
Dave Scudder. R.I.P. Keith.
John Morgan. Very sad to hear about Keith a real Seafordian thoughts with his family
Janet Vacher. So sad! Our thoughts are with his family!
Coral Finnie. So sad love to his family
Jenny Jeremiah. Thinking of his family at this sad time!
Robin Tuppen. I remember Keith very well, especially from the Hylands Stores era – a proper Seafordian! My thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.
Pamela Braddock. R.I.P. Keith you will be missed.
William Kneller. RIP Keith to young
Brian Henty. RIP Keith. Have known you since we lived in Vale Road
Jen Barnes. So sorry to hear this very sad news. Many lovely memories of our holidays & good times in the 60/70’s. Love to Val and family xx
Ann Robinson. R I P Keith Hylands
Lynda Morgan. Very sad news. Such a lovely man. RIP Keith. Our love to Val and family xx
Barry Thompson. R.I.P. Keith taken far too early. Thinking of you Val. x
John Earl. God bless you Keith , long time friend with John and Jean and Ron .Love to you all and rest in peace Keith .John and Pat .
Bob Male. Yet another great Seaford man lost at such a young age.Genuine guy through school and good to see when we were at work .Not forgetting seeing him meals at the Plough. All good tlmes R I P
Luke Harris. A real gentleman
Rosemary Andrews Tampin. RIP Keith.
Joi Bennett. Same age as myself. RIP so very sad.
Patrick Eager. Bye bye Keith. Great bloke
Glenn Sheppard. Very sad to hear this news. Keith and Val are a lovely couple. My thoughts are with all the family at this time. R.I.P.
Gerry Lambert. It was call vale stores, bottom of vale road
Bill Wells. RIP Keith and condolences to all the family.
Gemma Sellence. Paul Hylands and Val Hylands I’m so so sorry to read this my thoughts and prayers are with you xx
Steve Powney. Very sad to hear of the passing of Keith his family used to run vale stores and remember running errands for my mum as well as later on doing paper rounds with brother davee heartfelt respects to the family.

JOHN HANSON passed away suddenly on 16th February.
Many people will, I’m sure, remember John both as a young man when he worked for many years with his father in Direct Supply Fruit Stores in Clinton Place. His eccentric and flamboyant mode of dress set him apart from the crowd.
At the time of his death, John was living in Eastbourne with his second wife, Diane.
He was dearly loved by all who knew him and will be sadly missed. The funeral will be held 14th March 2019 at the Langney Crematorium in Eastbourne at 1pm Family flowers only or donation to Friends of Eastbourne Hospital.
Frankie Graham. I remember John from the good old days RIP xx
Clive Lewis. Will be missed very much, a cousin, a friend, but more like a older brother. Love you John Clive and Sue xx
Barry Thompson. R.I.P. John. I remember the Cortina,good days.
Ian Everest. Very sorry to hear this. Condolences to Hanny
Colin Baker. So sorry to hear this about John, as a teenager he was known as Digger.
Bob Male. RIP John remember him and his dad in shop in Clinton Place.
Gill Bridge. So sorry wonderful guy
Tojo Melville. they lived near me …I played with Sandra…R.I.P. John.
Chris Rolf. My condolences. I knew John for many years. Always had a smile.
Lyn Gill. RIP John. Remember him well.
Joi Bennett. So sad. I worked with his 1st wife for years.i remember going to Chelsea ground with them after work one evening. R.I.P. dear friend..
Susan Forshaw. Remember him well. Rip john x

DOREEN SAUNDERS. Peacefully on 16th February 2019 aged 89 years. Much loved wife of the late Bruce, devoted mother and grandmother. Funeral Service at Eastbourne Crematorium Main Chapel on Thursday 7th March at 2.30pm. Family flowers only please, donations if desired to Diabetes UK c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service, 22 Sutton Road, Seaford BN25 1RU, Tel: 01323 893889.

HILARY SORRELL. It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Hilary Sorrell on January 23rd in Eastbourne General Hospital, following a short illness subsequent to treatment for throat cancer.
Hilary lived in Seaford for nearly 40 years and latterly worked at Nova House until 2009. Prior to this she owned and ran “Something Different” on the High Street for some years.
She will be sadly missed by her husband Dick Sorrell, children Helen & Ben & 6 grandchildren.
Mary Coplestone. So sorry to hear this news Dick. Hugh and I send our condolences to you and your family.
Joi Bennett. So very sad. These lovely people are never replaced ..RIP. x
JuJu Fernandes. Absolutely loved Something Different, RIP xx
Dave Scudder. Sorry to hear the sad news my thoughts are with you.Take care.
Tara Highway. Something Different was an AMAZING shop, RIP x
Cassie Burgess. Lovely lady. So sad. X
Jane Lovesay. This is sad news indeed. I hadn’t seen Hilary for a long while, but knew her when I was a child. My thoughts are with the family, especially Helen and Ben (childhood friends and neighbours). Peace and love to you all xxx
Glenn Sheppard. So sorry to hear this sad news Dick. My condolences to you and the family.

NORA MORGAN. Suddenly on 29th December aged 68 years. Much loved, partner of Dave Cobden, Sister and Auntie.
Funeral Service at Eastbourne Crematorium Main Chapel on Friday 18th January at 2.30pm. Family flowers only please, donations if desired to Cancer Research UK c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service 22 Sutton Road Seaford BN25 1RU Tel: 01323 893889

DAVID CHARLES GREEN. 83 years old died peacefully at 8-40 am on the 9th of November, 2018. David, a Seafordian for over 70 years, worked for Morlings and Pettitt & Son, and had lived in Saltwood road for sixty years.
Linda Jackson. Sending love to all his family at this time x
Jackie Norman. I remember Mr Green, he was a kind man, always chatting when I walked past. My prayers are with the family, R.I.P x
Sandra Comer. Sending love and sympathy to all of David’s family. Xx
Colin Baker. So sorry to hear the sad news. I worked with Dave in the late fifties, brilliant Carpenter, learnt a lot from Dave.
Sheila Eager. So sorry lovely man
Lesley Wetlesen. Great friend of mum and Dad’s. Love to Dave, Brett and families. Xx
Rebecca Phipps. My lovely stepfather in law.
Pauline Smith. Sending sympathy to David’s family. Thinking of you x
Gill Bridge. Sending Love to Family and friends and prayers
Neil Larter. I was under his wing on Pettitts brilliant carpenter,always remained calm,RIP David one of the nicest men to have known,very upsetting,my condolences to Brett and Dave
David Tolhurst. Sorry to here this news I first met Dave while working at Pettitts in the late 80s lovely man. My thoughts are with his sons Brett and Dave and family’s .
Heather J Baldwin. Lovely gentleman and part of my childhood. My thoughts are with the family.
John Earl. Sincere condolences to Dave’s family, a lovely man .
Merryl Redhead. So sorry to hear this sad news. Sending love to David, Yolande and family x
Linda Dobson. sorry to hear this love from the Dobson’s
Sheila Evenden. RIP.
Sandra Langridge. Sorry to hear this sad news, thinking of his family x
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Very sad news, but a welcome release after a long illness. Our sincere condolences to Dave & Yo, Brett & Angela, and their families. R.I.P.
Jenny Haynes. I was Eileen and David’s little bridesmaid in a pale yellow dress and headband. I remember it well , only about 6 or 7 at the most xxx
Paul Hill. Such a nice man I know my Dad will be very sad
Eric Colbran. I worked with Dave on “Godfrey bros ” in the late 50s . He always had time for every one . R.I.P.
Janet Maskell. Very sad to hear of Dave’s passing but perhaps a release after such a long illness. My Tony & Dave worked their last job together and were always laughing and joking. I expect Tony’s up there now waiting to tell Dave another joke. RIP Dave. Sincere condolences to all the family.
Paul Edwin Giles. I was David’s accountant until I retired in 1998; he was a pleasure to act for and a real gentle man. My sincere condolences to his family.
Peter Barton. I remember him well Lovely Guy

DOREEN TEMPLEMAN. Affectionately known as Mrs T. Sadly passed away on 7th November aged 87 years. Sadly missed by all her family. Funeral Service at Seaford Cemetery Chapel on Wednesday 28th November at 12.00 noon. Family flowers only please. Donations if desired to Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service 22 Sutton Road Seaford BN25 1RU Tel: 01323 893889

NICK FEARS. On 8th October 2018. Sussex Express announced the passing of an old Seafordian most of us knew very well. Nick Fears, aged 72 years.
Nick will be deeply missed by all his family and friends. He was loved by all who knew him especially, Jean (Plum) his wife and nephews Peter, Alan, Gary and their families.
Here is Nick back in the late 1960’s when he played football for Seaford. Sorry, not a great photo.
Joi Bennett. Ah that’s sad. I went through school with Nick. Occasionally met him at Lingfield races. Rest in peace dear friend.
Teresa Fowler. I think Nick was about two or three years older than us, Robin.
Roger Rooke. Remember Nick from school days. Later he was a keen B&H Albion supporter. Condolences to his wife Jean.
Ian Morris. Sorry to hear the sad news
Kev Powney. Sad to hear this, nice guy. I remember him from the boys club and also chief steward at The goldstone
Glenn Sheppard. Always up for a laugh was Nick. I last saw him at Eastbourne Borough football ground. R.I.P. Nick.
Jenny Haynes. So sad, Nick was a distant cousin of mine, His mum Aunt Annie Wooler( her maiden name) was related to my Nan Clare Cheal, all our love to Jean. Xxxx
Barry Thompson. Sad news. Spent a lot of time with Nick either golfing holiday,dog racing or playing Table Tennis.Good times. R.I.P. my old mate.
Janet Vacher. Sad news, too many of our Dads boys club lads passing! Condolences to Jean!
Peter Sowter. Sorry to hear such sad news. Nick and I played Centre Halves for Seaford Sunday’s 2nds in the late 60’s and him, Barry Thompson and myself played together for the Boys Club at Table Tennis. Met him last at Lords when Glynde won the village Green cup
Steve Watts. Used to play table tennis with Nick & Barry Thompson at the Boys club in Mercread Road. RIP Nick. You were a great guy and a real gentleman!
Eira Okeeffe. So sad to hear another classmate has passed,thinking of his family at this sad time.
Anthony Bailey. Not more bad news? He was a friend of my brother Andrew, the last time I met Nick was when I was living in Lewes and he was a post man, I will pass this on to my brother, rip Nick.
Mick Hamill. How very sad. A really lovely bloke! He, myself & Dick Sorrell were the Boys Club table tennis team in the early 60s, with many a great laugh & of course, playing & watching football. Only last week, looking at football programs we used to “swap”. R.i.p., Nicky
Bob Lowe. Very sad news indeed. I first met Nick through Table Tennis back in about 1968, at the Girl Guides Headquarters in Steyne Road, right behind Eric Kennards. (Seaford Table Tennis Club) Back then, I think he lived at 5, Sherwood Road in Seaford with his …See more
Bob Male. What can you say that hasn’t been said. Great sports man from boys club and onwards.Remember him at Chandlers also Lewes post office when worked out of there.R I P Nick. Losing too many mates
Roger & Karen Alexander. Very sad news. Roger & I remember him well from boys club and football.

WILLIAM BUNCE. Passed away on 17th October 2018. Bill will be sadly missed by his wife, family, and all who knew him. Bill’s funeral. will be held at 1 pm on Monday 5th November at St. John’s Church, High Street, Polegate.
Lynda Cornford Green. RIP. Bill was my Country Dancing partner in Junior School. He used to swing me off my feet !
Chris Clarke. I remember see Bill Bunce throw the discuss at school he was good they had to stop anyone running on the track around the field when he did it as he could land it on the track .
Linda Bishop. Condolences to his family,such sad news.(nee Scrivens)
Roger Rooke. Sad news indeed. I knew Bill from school and also Seaford RFC.
Chrissie Mac. Very sad news. Condolences to his family. RIP Bill.
Frank Winser. Sorry to hear this our condolences
Anthony Bailey. Sorry to hear this sad news. Bill was a great character and enjoyed his company, I live in Spain now but am making a quick trip to Seaford in November date of the Funeral would be appreciated. RIP bill. Anthony.
Diane Carey. Sorry to hear this Remember him well and strangely enough often came into my head when I drove past service station RIP Thoughts and prayers with his family
Nid Barnes. Another special Seafordian gone. A lovely chap.
Glenn Sheppard. Terrible news. Bill was liked by just about everyone at the school. A great bloke. Our thoughts are with his family.
Dave Lisseter. He was a good friend. This is so sad. RIP big man.
Bob Lowe. Very sad to hear this. Bill certainly was a very popular lad at the Secondary School. He broke so many school records on the field.No surprise there of course. Bill was a lovely guy. A gentle giant. RIP Bill.
Ken Bull. Remember Bill as a great asset in the school rugby team
Bob Male. R I P Bill always a genuine guy throughout school and later life. Always remember him practice shot put next to garage at station approach.
Peter Boorman. So very sad. I will always remember William emerging from a scrum with players clinging to his arms and legs. In his first year at school he was some 6 inches taller than the next tallest, standing like an oak in a field of corn.
John Evans. It has saddened me to hear this news. I was Williams sports master at Seaford Secondary School, for only one term, but I had great delight in watching him on the sports field. My sincere condolences to his wife and family.

MARJORIE ANNE JOYCE sadly passed away after a short illness on Thursday 4th October. The funeral is on Monday 22nd October 11am at Saint Andrews Church Bishopstone.
Linda Feldwicke. So sad to hear this news. A lovely lady always so friendly. R.I.P. Thinking of all the family. X
Lyn Gill. Sad news. Thinking of the family. X
Sheila Evenden. RIP Marjorie -sincere condolences to your family.
Ange Taylor. R I P Marjy thinking of you all at this sad time from little lark. Xx
Sandra Comer. Bless her. Thoughts and love to all the family xxx
Merryl Redhead. Lovely lady. Lots of love to Pauline, Pam & family x
Linda Jackson. So sorry to hear this sad news, love to you all x
Sandra Langridge. Sad news, thinking of all the family x
Bob Lowe. Very sad to hear this. Marjorie was a lovely lady. I often went round their home at no: 8 Troon Close, Bishopstone, and their home before that at 63, Vale Road, to play their organ for them. Her husband Frank also loved playing the organ. I think, in t…See more
Shirley Lowe. Thinking of Pam, Pauline, David & Michael at this very sad time. RIP Mrs Joyce xxx
Glenn Sheppard. Very sad news. One of the original Chyngtonians. Our thoughts are with all the family. Lovely lady. R.I.P.
David Pettitt. So sorry to hear this, fond memories of a lovely neighbour in Millberg Road.
Barry Thompson. Our next door neighbour for many years.R.I.P. Marge.x
Gill Bridge. My loving condolences and prayers to the family
Chris Braiden. RIP and bless you and your family at this time ⚘⚘⚘
John Earl. We had a full Church at St Andrews Bishopstone for Marjories funeral , a lovely service God bless her may she rest in peace.

YVONNE BOXALL. Our family to saddened to report the passing of our dear Mum Yvonne Boxall on 6th September 2018 after a short illness. We will hold a service at Eastbourne Crematorium Main Chapel on Tuesday 25th Septmber 2018 at 3.15pm and then will head to the Royal British Legion for refreshments. All are welcome to join us celebrate her life. Family flowers only please but if you would like to make a donation to the Diabetic Association in memory we would appreciate it. We have lived in Seaford since 1980, and so you may remember her from Clinton Hall Bingo and market, Seaford Photographic Society, LIttlewoods Football Pools or Seaford Spiritualist Church.

DAVID FAIRHURST. Seaford Museum is sad to report the death of a long standing volunteer, David Fairhurst. David was a member of the RAF and during his service at RAF Luqa in Malta helped the local Boy Scout group. He was to be a cub and scout leader for many years after. On leaving the RAF David worked as a technology teacher at Ardingly College and later at Newlands School in Seaford. He was an active member of the Seaford RAF Association, Seaford National Trust Group and Seaford Photographic Society. He printed and edited the magazines for the National Trust and Seaford Museum. Thank you for your service to Seaford David.
Fran Crisp. May he rest in peace after giving so much.
Peter White. David was a faithful, friendly and thoroughly reliable fixture in Seaford and especially at The Museum. He was one of those people (like George Jakens) who had a grasp of things technical and I.T. when many Museum members still thought suspiciously of them as smoke and mirrors! His service to the Museum was considerable, and I shall miss our many brief chats when meeting in the street.
Bob Lowe. Thought I recognised him. I often saw and spoke to David Fairhurst at Newlands School, when I was their postman for very many years. A truly lovely and hard working man, and will be really missed by many. Rip.
Gill Bridge. So sad to hear the news please send my love andcondolences to his family and special thoughts to the wider community
Lindsay Thomas. David taught me about computers in the 80s and was patient and kind while I built up my confidence. Always quietly friendly and polite. A lovely man.

DAVID ALLEN. Passed away on 31st July 2018
Ian Morris. Sorry to hear that Dave has also passed we all used to play football in the Boys Club gym on a Friday evening. Happy days
Barry Thompson. Sorry to hear that Dave Allen passed away in July.R.I.P. Dave.
Joi Bennett. Also sorry to hear about Dave, another one of the footy gang. Used to spend time at our place.

DENNIS BARNES. Sadly on May 7th our lovely dad Dennis Barnes passed away. He lived in Seaford almost all of his life, and loved it here. He will be greatly missed by his 4 daughters, 7 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.
Roy Elliott. Sincere condolences for your loss Diane, rest in peace Dennis.
Reg Bond. I remember all your family when you lived in Hindover Road with your Mum and Dad
William Kneller. Condolences RIP Dennis
Angela Bambridge. Sorry to hear this sad news Diane. Hope you are ok. Will let Mum know.
Christopher Wilson. So sorry to hear your news, I knew Dennis quite well. He was a very nice chap and well liked by all who knew him.
Liz Tuppen. Sorry to hear the sad news x
Wayne Funnell. Dennis used to work with my dad Tom Funnell great friend good memories will be missed xxxPhil Ward. Sorry to hear your sad news.
Rita Povey. Was that Aunt Madge with the black poodle that smiled Di?
Sandra Langridge. So sorry to hear this sad news, many a game of darts played with your dad , RIP Den xx
Elaine Goldsmith. Sorry to hear about your dad you lived behind us in Cinque Ports Way. A lovely man.
Dena Parsons Sorry to hear about your dad remember him well living over the back off us
Bill Purcell A good mate from school through life. May you now Rest In Peace Dennis. My condolences go out to family.
Jackie Norman Sorry to hear your news, lovely man, prayers to you and family x
John Earl. A good friend with Dennis in our school days. God bless him, and may he rest in peace.Condolences to all the family.
Julie Jenkins. So sorry to hear this, you used to live in Cinque Ports Way behind my family then you moved to Vale Road and your Dad worked on Southdown Buses with my Dad Gerry Reed x
Ian Reeves. Thinking of you at this sad time. I remember him well as he lived next door to my parents in Vale Road. I had moved out by then, but they were always great to my parents, even sitting with my mum until I could get to Seaford when my Dad died. A kind man.

LEONARD MILLS. It’s with great sadness that I announce the passing of my Great Grandad, Leonard Mills (Len) of Stoke Manor Close Seaford, on the 21st of January. He loved every second of living in Seaford for the past 27 years, following his retirement from his time in the Royal Navy and later his own decorating business. If any of you knew him I’d love to hear how you met, or your stories. Grandad really will be sadly missed.
Jenny Haynes. What a lovely man, met him and his wife when I worked in co.op in town , lovely couple, very sorry to hear the sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family x
Kalia Springall. We were neighbours until recently when we moved away. We always found him happy and full of stories, but most of all we admired him for the way he carried on regardless even with his poor sight and loss of hearing.
Roy Elliott. Sincere condolences to you and your family Hayley for your sad loss .
Liz Tuppen. So sorry to hear of the loss of your grandad. I got to know both your nan and grandad from them shopping in Safeway/Morrisons. They was both a lovely couple, i would sometimes be asked to help your grandad do his shopping too.
Thinking of you and your family xx

BILL SHEARING passed away on 13th January 2018.
Bill used to work for J.G.Smith, and was a long time cricketer for Seaford Cricket Club. He and wife Una lived in Bishopstone.
The funeral will be held at the Eastbourne Crematorium on 30th January at 3,15pm
Michelle Goodey. R.I.P Bill……loved listening to you sing. One of your favourites appeared to be ‘Oh, my old man’s a dustman. He wears a dustman’s hat, He wears cor blimey trousers and he lives in a council flat.
Jean Beard. So sad to hear this news. So many happy memories in Chichester Road and at cricket matches.
Sheila Evenden. R.I.P.
Lin Buchan. So sad for Una and all the family
Bob Lowe. So very sorry to hear about Bill. I knew Bill as one of my lovely passengers who I often picked up on the Cuckmere Buses. You’ll be very much missed my friend. R.I.P. Cuckmere Buses.
Tricia Eves. Very sorry to hear sad news.
Bill Purcel. l R.I.P now Bill. REspect.
Barry Thompson. Very sad news,R.I.P.
Sheila Lambert. Really sorry to hear of Bill’s passing, Una, love,xx
Sheila Eager. Love from all our family , thinking of you Una and family xx
Sheridan Jade Bryant. R.I.P Bill.. loved seeing you walking around in your bright red xmas hat and us singing ‘my old man’s a dustman’ making us all smile when you sung out loud. Our thoughts to all family and friends of Bill. Love from everyone at Hillersdon Court.xxx
Sharon Lesley Davis. Rip Bill my thoughts are with Una and the family xx
Andy White. Bill was the first plumber I worked with when I started my apprenticeship 42 years ago, lovely man, went to school with his children & knew all the family. Such a shame. Love to Mrs Bonz from Werdna.
Annie Tidzy. I remember Bill! RIP x
Sue Dumelow. Mike and I been fondly reminiscing about Bills plumbing days at J G Smith. RIP Bill.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. The outstanding thing about Bill was his smile. I never saw him without it. Even at cricket, if he was out for a ‘duck’, or if he had got 50, he still walked off the pitch with a smile. R.I.P.
Ann Stock. Bill used to help with W.I. Outings always kind, we had lovely days.

ANITA BISHOP from the Shepway, Seaford passed away on 4/11/2017
Paula Van Tassel. Very sorry to hear this-Mrs.Bishop was our mum’s(Marjorie Chapman at No.12) friend and neighbour for many years. My condolences to her family.
Lesley Wetlesen. Sad to hear. Mrs Bishop was a lovely lady!
Linda Funnell. Such sad news. I remember how surprised I was when Mrs Bishop officiated the marriage of my friend Su Sullivan in the 70’s. She was a Chyngton neighbour and friend to my mum and they were often mistaken for each other, being of similar appearance. Sincere condolences to her sons and the family.
Andrew Hall. Sad news, Mrs Bishop was such a lovely lady. Always very kind. Thoughts are with Graham, Gordon, Adrian and family.
Tracy Russell. Oh no this is such sad news. Thoughts & condolences to the family. Wonderful lady xx
Lynda Morgan. Such a lovely lady xx
Ali Parks-Trice. Oh no…..I really loved her. Always stopped for chats at the shop. I went to school with Graham. She will surely be missed. Love to her family. Another Chyngton legend gone. So sad. X
Bill Purcell. A very dear friend. Will miss you Mrs B. R.I.P. REspect. My condolences to her family.
Julia Coldicott. A really lovely lady , remember lots of chats from my childhood . R.I.P
Jackie Norman. R.I.P Mrs Bishop, prayers to your family xx
Sam Keech. Oh no!! Mrs bishop lived opp me when I was a child and her son was my babysitter! Such a lovely lady!! X Tammie Silver your old neighbour x Thoughts and love to you all x x

LOUISA FEATHERSTONE, an old Seafordian passed away on 3rd November. Aged 93. Louisa has lived in Seaford all her life and will be remembered by many as the head cook at Chyngton County Primary School.
Sue Davey. I remember her I worked with her at Chyngton school in the kitchen
Shirley Lowe. I worked with her in the School Kitchen for many years at Chyngton,lovely lady. RIP Lou x
John Earl. My wife Pat worked with her in the kitchen for several years ,she was a lovely lady God bless her and R.I.P.
Jan & Glenn Sheppard. R.I.P. auntie Lou. Will always remenber you with affection, and all the Seaford stories you used to tell us.
Bev Gregory. I remember her well x
Dave Earl. Fond memories.
Linda Jackson. I remember her as well
Pauline Smith. Was only talking about this lady’s lovely school puddings with some friends at the weekend! RIP x
Paul Stoner. Rip Lou
Ange Taylor. RIP Lou I remember you as aunty Lou when I was little.x
Sandra Comer. Bless her. RIP Louisa xx
Linda Woolgar. I knew her as auntie Lou.
Linda Feldwicke. I remember her. RIP x
Paul Edwin Giles. So sorry to hear this; I was her accountant for many years.
Sheila Evenden. RIP -remember her lovely dinners -one shilling -5p a day when I was at Chyngton.
Ali Parks-Trice. Bless her. Lovely lady at Chyngton school. I will always remember her fondly. Love to her family xxx

NORMAN GEORGE ALFRED GOODEY. Sadly passed away peacefully on the 19th August 2017.
Born 27th of June 1940. A very proud Seafordian,
Known by the man in the window that gave a big smile & wave to everyone who walked past A hard working man all his life, amazing Arsenal supporter & loved a good scotch & there was always room for “Just one more”.
Sandra Comer Rip xxx Mr Goodey xxx
Phil Ward. R I P. Norman.
John Earl. God bless you Norman. We were neighbours when we were kids up Vale road rest in peace condolences from the Earl family.
Marian Hicks My dear brother
Glenn Sheppard. There will be many a scotch drunk in his memory, I’m sure. R.I.P.
Pauline Lane. Nice lad, was our milk man in Alfriston, played football for Alfriston with my brother Tinker Mann.
Brian Groves. Old school mate always laughing rip
John Westwood. RIP Norman.
Elizabeth Payne. Will be sadly missed and I remember him well, my husband played football with him and afterwards many a pint was sunk. Lovely family too !!
Gerry Lambert. One of the best. RIP
Jenny Haynes. So sorry to hear the very sad news,lovely guy r.i.p. Xxx
Sheila Evenden. RIP.
Merryl Redhead. R.I.P. Norman x
Coral Finnie. RIP Norman X
Bill Wells. RIP, another good Seafordian gone.
Chris Hutchinson. A Gentleman RIP Norman
Tina Crispe. R.I.P Norman such sad news.
William Kneller. R I P Norman
Wayne Elliott. Rip,Norman
Mick Hamill. Lovely man, Norman! We played for Alfriston together, circa 1966 – 1969. Will be sadly missed! R.I.P. Norman
Jean Beard. Sorry to hear the sad news. Norman taught Paul to ride his 2 wheeler bike when they were kids in Chichester Road.
Ray Malfroot. A very good man, will be missed.
Jane Thorpe. My husband spoke very highly of him he knew him from work rip Norman
Ray French. Played football with Norman back in the late sixties and early seventies for the Seven Sisters Pub team he always had a cheeky smile R I P my friend
Claire Mcgrandle. Sleep tight grandad xxx

BRIAN WOODGATE sadly past away on 18th April 2017. He will be sadly missed by his wife Sally and family. The funeral was on 9th May 2017 at St. Leonards Church, which was packed to the rafters with his family and all his many friends.
Reg Bond. R.I.P. Blue Watch
Sheila Eager. Thoughts are with you Sally and family
Glenn Sheppard. One of the nicest men you could ever wish to meet. RIP Brian
Deborah Green. Wonderful man and family xx
Jane White. Wonderful service for a true gentleman. An honour to have known him.
Marian Hicks. Lovely send off for my cousin Brian
Sue Taylor. Thinking of you all at this sad time.
Diane Helm. So sad, thoughts are with you sally and all the family.x
Karen Ames. Thinking of You Sally and family .RIP Brian .
Hazel Cottis. So sorry to hear the sad news.My thoughts are with you.R.I.P.
Dee Bayley. So sorry to hear about your husband sally xx
Lesley Wetlesen. Sally I’m so so sorry, I’ve only just found this! Thinking of you so much! Xxx
Kathy Gledsdale. What a wonderful send off, he must of been a lovely man.
Andrew Hall. A well respected man …. as send offs go this truly showed how much he was loved and thought of by friends, family, colleagues and people he has taught, helped, rescued, saved along lifes journey.
Evelyn Simmons. So sorry, our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family Sally.
Linda Funnell. I am shocked and saddened by this news but hope Sally and family found comfort in the knowledge that Brian was so well liked and respected.
Stephen Templeman. I do not have any words in my heart to say,how sad to have had this very sad news !
Bill Purcell. R.I.P Brian. Respect.
Bob Male. Another genuine Seaford friend and mate R I P Brian.Thinking of you Sall and family.
Rosemary Collict It was, as funerals go, a lovely funeral
Nikki Wells. Such sad news I remember Brian with affection from my childhood days in Seafield close love & my best wishes to Sally & family x x x
Tina Cottis. To dear sally ,I’m so sorry to hear of your sad news ,Lots of love sent to you and your family.

SHARON WEBSTER sadly past away on 14th March after a sudden illness.
Jackie Norman. My thoughts are with Molly, Angela and Lisa x
Sara Landless. Such a shock. My love to you all. X
Janet Jenkins Thinking of you all x x x
Sandra Langridge So sorry to hear this sad news, thinking of you all xx

JOHN KETTLE. Sadly passed away at home on Friday 17th February 2017 Aged 89 years. Funeral Service at the Woodvale Crematorium South Chapel on Friday 10th March at 2.30pm. Family flowers only please. Donations if desired to The Royal British Legion. C/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service 22 Sutton Road Seaford BN25 1RU 01323 893889
Bob Lower I worked with john for ages at Harvey’s stores a good man and a good laugh condolences to his family
Chris Rolf From a child I have fond memories of John at Harvey’s. He’d was friends with Mum and Dad and would pop into the shop for a chat and a cuppa. We were only two doors down. He prepared and cut the best bacon you ever tasted. Condolences to his family at the passing of another Seaford character.
Janet Vacher Remember him well, he was also a friend and perhaps even a school friend of both my parents. Condolences to his family and yes, yet another Seaford character gone. So sad
Chris Clarke I remember John at Harvey’s stores my mum would send me over there for butter that he would cut from a big slab and he fascinated me how quickly he could knock it into shape with those butter patts. Always a smile on his face ,fond memories of life in the high street when our front door was never locked .Condolences to all his family.
Reg Bond One day many years ago, after the war, I was in Harvey’s borrowing a 28lb pack of sugar until our ration was delivered and John was preparing a whole boned out Gammon for cooking.
I went back to our shop and thought what a good idea it was, as up to then retailers could only buy cooked ham in tins for slicing.
This early encounter with my old friend John, was the start of me cooking a Gammon in a pot until new cooking methods were invented, which enabled me to cook up to six Gammons at a time.
Diane Helm So very sad, condolences to all of his family..
Candy Andrews Very sad to hear this news. My Mum & Dad, the late Ron & Edna Andrews, worked with John at Harvey’s along with some other lovely people! Very happy memories of all of them!
Christine Mitchell Sad to hear this news – I remember John & his family well from the Con Club days in Church Lane where I lived, & Christine & I are old school friends..condolences to all the family..
David Tolhurst I also worked with John in Harvey’s when I was 15 nice guy and a good friend to our step dad Stan .
Bill Purcell Can remember John when he worked in Harveys Stores, just across the road from us. Be at Peace now John. REspect.
Lynda Gill So sad to hear this news. Thinking of you Chris & all your family. X

MURIEL PERREN. Peacefully at Westerleigh Nursing Home, Seaford, on 16th February 2017, aged 94 years, of Perrens Broad Street, Seaford. Will be sadly missed by her Nieces and Nephews, Great Nieces and Nephews, Great Great Nieces and Nephews. Grateful thanks to the Matron and all the staff at Westerleigh Nursing Home for their care and friendship.

Linda Barrett wrote to me, to inform us that her sister, JUNE BARRETT passed away 13th February 2017. Her funeral is 27th Feb 2017, 2.30pm at St Leonards Parish Church. People who knew her are welcome to attend.
Sandra Comer Rip June sorry to hear your news Linda x
Linda Feldwicke Sorry to hear the sad news, rest in peace June x
Linda Jackson Sorry to hear about June x
Val Hylands So Sorry, I got to know June well when I was working as a carer she was a lovely lady RIP xxx
Trudi Tullett So sorry to hear this sad news x
Penny Halmshaw Sorry Linda from Pam Herbert and Penny
Bob Male Yet another Chyngton character gone.Had many good chats with June R I P June. Thinking of you Linda.
Hilary Luckett Condolences to you Linda and family, very sad to hear this xx Bob Lowe Terribly sad to hear about June. Love and condolences go to Linda and her family. RIP June. XX
Linda Barrett Thankyou for your comments everyone. So kind. I will miss her terribly. At peace now.

PETER EARL. Previously of Seaford, passed away peacefully on Friday 27th January 2017 at the Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury. Much loved husband of Norma, dearly loved dad of Steven and Catherine. His humour and love will be sadly missed by family and friends. Family flowers only, donations if desired to Cancer Research, further information from C Waterhouse & Sons, Funeral Directors, High Street, Burwash, East Sussex, TN19 7ET. Tel: 01435 882219.
David Garrity. Condolences to the family x
John Earl. Peter was my cousin and brother to Paul,He was a real gentleman and always greeted me Good day my lord . God Bless him ,rest in peace.

Kath passed away peacefully on 21st January at Eastbourne District General Hospital, aged 89, following a short illness. Much loved Mum of Ray & Steven, grandmother to Carly, Natalie, and Gavin, and great-grandmother. She was born in Seaford, and lived and worked there for most of her life.
Linda Barrett I remember this lovely lady when i was growing up in saltwood road. RIP Kath.x
Paula Van Tassel Sad news. While we were growing up in Chyngton, we were lucky to have such a kind and lovely neighbour. We’ll miss you Aunty Kath xx
Rosemary Male Such a lovely lady, always there with Fred when i was growing up. Will miss you. Love to Ray and family. Xxx
Jackie Norman So sad to hear that, such a lovely lady x
Bob Male Remember Kath from my younger years (also Fred ) from saltwood road and also more recent times.Will be sadly missed.Thinking of Ray and all the family R I P Kath.
Glenn Sheppard. So sad. A lovely lady. Always with a smile on her face, as above. Our thoughts are with the family,
Linda Funnell ‘Aunty’ Kath, as we affectionally called her, was a very sweet natured person and a good friend and neighbour to my parents when they were living opposite each other in Chyngton. My sincere condolences to Ray and Steve.
Bob Lowe So sorry to hear this very sad news. My sincere condolences to Ray and family. XX
Lesley Wetlesen Another Saltwood road lovely gone. Regards to Ray and Steve xx
Natalie Henry RIP Nan, we have comfort you are no longer suffering. You were the most amazing beautiful Nan and there won’t be a day that goes by I won’t be thinking of you. I will cherish the memories I have. Love you always Nat, Blake, Audrey and Grace xxxx
Geraldine Hunt We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and condolences at this sad time. Although Kath may not have enjoyed the best of health over the last few years, it now gives us great comfort to know that she is resting peacefully. Unfortunately we will not be able to be there personally to say our goodbyes but she will always be in our hearts and minds and loved by us all. Steve and Geraldine Hunt and family.

DENNIS KNELLER Passed away on 20th December 2016. I am sure there are a lot people who remember Dennis he has lived in Sunderland for a number of years in his younger days he was a electrician. He was also crippled he had a little three wheeler that he carried his tools and of an evening he often had a girl squeezed in there sorry to say he passed away this morning.
Lynne Davey Sorry to hear this news Bill, I remember Dennis well from my days growing up on Chyngton Estate – he and his 3 wheeler were a well known sight.
Ken Bull Remember Dennis when growing up,my dad John Bull Electrician for Jakens taught Dennis his trade,always at our house learning electrics r.i.p. Dennis happy memories
Glenn Sheppard. I remember Dennis was booked for speeding down Sutton Avenue, in his little disabled three wheeler that was supposed to be speed restricted to 30 mph. Not for Dennis though, especially going down hill. R.I.P.
Andy Kneller RIP Uncle Dennis, I have such great memories of you……. your blue 3 wheeled car and falling in the bath and pond to name just a couple x
John Earl So sorry to hear the sad news about Dennis . He worked for me when I was manager of Seymours shop in Eastbourne and when we worked for Jakens . He had a great attitude to life and never let his disability get the better of him . God bless him and may he rest in peace
Chris Clarke Sorry to hear about Denis Bill .I remember him tearing around in that three wheeler he sometimes worked with Colin Green doing rewires

ANDREW FINNIE. On 11th November 2016, peacefully in hospital with his family by his side, aged 64 years. Much loved husband, dad and grandad. Funeral service at Eastbourne Crematorium Main Chapel on Tuesday 29th November at 10.00am. Flowers or, if desired, donations to St Wilfrid’s Hospice c/o Seaford & Newhaven Funeral Service, 22 Sutton Road, Seaford, BN25 1RU. Tel: 893889
Hannah Grevatt. Best Dad and Grandad ever, we all miss him so much.
Julian Long. Sorry to hear about the passing of Andy, have a lot of fond memories of him when we were still at school and working with him in Seven Oaks.
Pete Wheeler. So sad to hear of Andy passing very fond memories from our youth RIP.
Glenn Sheppard. Very sad news. So sorry to hear this about my old friend. We had some great times together, along with Dave, in our ‘Bay days’. My condolences go to Coral and family.
Sandra Smith. Sad news. I remember the Finney boys well. Graham was in my class at school and their mum Sheila used to work in our shop. Condolences to the family.

WENDY LONG, died peacefully in her sleep last night (02-Nov-16) after her struggle with Cancer.
She was not only our mother / sister but also our friend, sparing partner and adviser.
Our love for her will never fade.
Adele, Nina, Julian, Eric, Gianna & Louise.
Kev Powney. Extremely sad to hear this julian. I knew Wendy when we were kids living in Bodiam Close. I always thought she was a lovely, wise and thoughtful person. So sorry for your loss.
Deborah Green. So sorry to hear this news , sending our condolences to all the family especially her daughters Nina and Adele xx
Glenn Sheppard. We are so sorry to hear this sad news and our sympathies go out to the whole family. Wendy was so brave to the end. R.I.P.
John Jordan, I’m so sorry, Wendy was a brave an wonderful lady. R.I.P. Wendy. My condolences goes out the all the family.
Ali Parks-Trice Oh no. So sorry and sad to hear this. I had no idea she was ill. Sending you all our heartfelt sympathy. I am stunned. She will never be forgotten by our family.

ROBERT CARD. Peacefully on the 27th October 2016 at Ystradgynlais Community Hospital, aged 80 years. Rob of Waun Gyrlais, Penrhos, formerly of Seaford, Sussex. Loving husband of the late Joyce and the late Betty, devoted brother of John and the late Mike, a dear friend of Caryl and family, he will be greatly missed.
Glenn Sheppard. We all remember Robert as the caretaker at Chyngton School, and he started the Chyngton Youth Club at St. Lukes Church. R.I.P.
Lesley Wetlesen Oh no! He and our mum worked at the school together! He was such a good pal to her! So sorry to hear!
David Tolhurst Remember Robert very well from chyngton school . I can see him now lovely man . Thoughts are with John and family
Pauline Smith. Always remember Mr Card as we knew him. Lovely man. RIP x
Heather J Baldwin He was a lovely man. We knew him because our mum worked at the school with him and he helped us form the youth club and agreed to run it. We had many committee meetings at his house. So sorry we lost touch with him after all he did for us. Thoughts go to his family.

BRIAN HARVEY. Known to us all as Mick, passed away on 11th October 2016. There were no newspaper notifications, therefore many of us were unaware of his passing, and were not able to go and pay our respects.
Lynda Gill Ah bless him. Back with his beloved Rosa.
Stephen Templeman It is so sad to here of Mike’s passing away !
He was one of the last dustcart crew , that used to work with my Dad.
Heather J Baldwin Oh this is such a sad day. Another lovely man who did a lot to support dad when our mum passed away. Part of our childhood. So sorry we didn’t know sooner.
Sheila Evenden RIP. Many happy memories from Saltwood Road days. Sincere Condolences to the Family. Sheila and Liz Evenden. Glenn Sheppard Another sad announcement. A really lovely man. He will now be happy to be with his wife Rosa again.

ROGER STEWARD’s funeral is on Monday 10th October at 11:30 at Eastbourne crematorium, then afterwards at the White Lion in Seaford for a celebration of his life and to share stories.
Roger, along with his brother Ron, started Phoenix Stores Removals on the corner of Church Street and South Street.
Further information regarding the funeral arrangements will be posted here when and if we receive them. Far too many memories of Roger to place them all on here, but we do list a few.
John Jordan. R.i.p.roger. great guy .will be missed .great to work with in the 80s and Ron to …
Elaine Goldsmith. RIP roger got many bits from your second hand store in the early days
Wayne Elliott. RIP roger,sleep well
Viv Long. Far too young, so sad, RIP Roger.
Margaret Nash. He was a nice man. Remember him and his brother. Often used to chat to him while waiting for the local bus. R. I. P Roger.
Glenn Seaford. Times Known Roger all my working life. Always had a laugh with him whenever we met. Remember the good times. R.I.P mate.
Jacqueline Lavery. I only spoke to him about 10 days ago , and he was still full of fun .rip Roger ,
Gareth Elliott. Used to work for Roger and played darts with him , Happy memories , RIP Roger
Philip Tobin. Used to have a chat lunchtime in the old Tuck Inn RIP Roger
Kevin Clark. So sorry to hear the sad news about Roger remember him well when I used to work on the old house removals..RIP Roger.
Sue Tinnuche. Arthur and I are really sad to hear this news, RIP xx
Jenny Tidy. RIP Roger I have lovely memories of our days down the “Hole” in the sixties! Lots of love
Stephen Dibs Steer. RIP Roger back with your brother Ron know the family well through marriage Roger’s niece Julie is my sister-in-law my thoughts and prayers go out to all.
Maggie Grinyer. RIP you were a chirpy chap who helped many a person …. You will be missed
Jean Beard. So sad! Paul and I have lots of lovely memories of Roger from the old days & lots of long chats around the town. Love to all the family.
Lucie Tidey. Thank you so much for posting this on Seaford Times. I am Roger Stewards daughter and it’s lovely to read everyone’s memories. I shall enjoy showing them to family members xxxx

ALAN DITCH passed away on the 25th of August aged 75. Alan had lived in the Royal Forest of Dean for many years. Alan’s wife expressed a wish to inform any one who new Alan during his time in Seaford. The funeral is 12th September 2016 in The Royal Forest of Dean . No flowers, just donations to the local hospice please .

JOAN MORGAN. Of Stafford Road past. Died 3rd August 2016 at Westerleigh Nursing Home after a long battle with Alzheimers. Will be sadly missed my her daughter Sandra, sons Ian and Keith and all her grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. Funeral at St. Leonards on Thursday 18th August at 2. 30. p.m. All welcome to Church. Donations to Alzheimers UK c/o Seaford Funeral Services, 22 Sutton Road, Seaford, BN25 1RU

JEAN HOAD, formerly Smith, nee Harding. Passed away 2nd August 2016, aged 87. Lived in Salisbury Road, and then for many years at Chyngton Avenue. Mother to Rosemary, Linda and Tim.
Lorraine Pope. My lovely neighbour for many years. God bless and sincere sympathy to Rosemary, Linda & Tim.
Reg Bond. Jean and my late wife Barbara were School friends and was always known as Jean Harding.
After our early married years in Bramber Lane
We moved to a Bungalow in Chyngton Avenue called Kinta and Barbara and Jean often had pram trips to the town with their

LESLIE JOHN TOLHURST. On 28th July 2016, aged 66 years. Beloved Father, Brother, Grandfather.
Hello this is Alicia Tolhurst-Brown here, Les’s daughter.
On behalf of all his family I very sadly have to announce that my father passed away peacefully on Thursday 28th July 2016. He had a sudden heart attack that took him away from us all to soon. For those who knew my father, you’ll know he loved his family, adored his grand daughter, he would do anything to help a neighbour and he certainly loved a party.
If he’s looking down from heaven right now he’d be raising a glass or five, to you all for such a wonderful time on earth.
Georgette Knight May we be the first to tell everyone what a wonderful man Les was. He was not only a very special neighbour but also a wonderful friend to myself and Doug. He was always ready to help and if you needed him he would be over in a heartbeat. We have many happy memories of Les especially every Christmas Day morning when you Les, and your family would come and have a drink (or 2 or 3 or 4!) with us. You will be sadly missed Les. All our love Doug Georgie Steve and little Jo xxxx
Paul Barnes So sorry to hear this, had many good years working with Les and shared an office for about 8 years and never ever seen him in a bad mood! Honestly about the most easy going and nicest blokes I’ve had the privilege to know
Cllr Dee Simson So upset to hear your sad news. He did so much for the community and will be missed by all who knew and loved him. His ever smiling face will never be forgotten
Stephanie O’fee Without the kindness, generosity and love from les I wouldn’t be who or where I am today. Thinking of everyone at such a sad time xxxxx
Hiedi Larter So many memories of uncle les, most of them involving him a little worse for wear. Chasing my mum round the house and sliding down the stairs backwards, playing songs on his organ at Christmas and most fondly me ‘decorating’ him when he fell asleep after Christmas dinner. Much love, sleep tight uncle les xx
Donna Hagland Loved by many, missed by all. A wonderful man that I was proud to call “my cuckoo”. Love and thoughts to all xxx
Peter Wheeler I am very sorry to hear this very sad news.Les and I grew up together and we’re good mates when we lived in Brooklyn rd many years back.Regrettably I found out too late to pay my respects to this wonderful man.Please accept my most sincere condolences.
Ray French New Les from school days Church Street and Seaford Head good memories, sorry to hear the sad news R I P David Freyer. I once played in a school pop group with him years ago called The Sunset Sound when we were kids. I always remembered Les to be the nice guy in the band,always first to help.
He was always doing his best for the benefit of the band,and a pretty good drummer too!
Though you loose contact over the years ,the memories of the fun we had together,years ago, always remain.
Along with,Stu Ritson,Simon Lilley,Ken Limedge I always remember the first gigs in The Crown Hailsham the rehearsals and the laughs….
My sympathy on his passing,he was always uplifting to be with,sad that he’s gone much too soon.

BETTY TINGLEY. Peacefully at Threeways Nursing Home on 25th July 2016, aged 87 years. Much loved Mother of Beverley and Andrew, loving Mother in law and deeply devoted Grandmother. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
Sheila Evenden. Lovely lady. RIP.
Jenny Tidy. So sorry to hear this she knew our Mum and would always stop for a chat! RIP Betty! x
Melanie Bacchus. Deepest sympathy to Beverley & family at this sad time. xx
Glenn & Janet Sheppard. So sorry to hear this. Such a lovely lady. Jan and my thoughts are with Beverley and her family.
Phil Ward. My condolences I knew the family when they lived in Broad Street.
Janet Vacher. Bless you Bev. Xxx Jan and Chris v
Sue Tinnuche. RIP Mrs Tingley x

TONY RUSSELL. Passed away peacefully at St Wilfrid’s Hospice on July 8th. Much loved husband, father, grandfather, brother, son-in-law, brother in law and father-in-law, who will be greatly missed by all.

COLIN PATRICK PARKS. Aged 88 years, died peacefully on 1st July 2016. Much loved dad of Mandy, now with Mum.
John Earl. God bless you Colin rest in peace .from the Earl family .
Wendy Moore R. I.P Colin thoughts for the family xx
Maggie Grinyer Rest in peace
Jackie Norman So sorry to hear that he was a good man x
Andrew Hall Always a joyful man. I remember his whistling well. Thoughts are with his family.
Philip Tobin Sad to hear this I worked with Colin and the Balcombe bros what a Gentleman he was
Ray French Played darts with Colin back in the 60s & 70s we very often walk home together after the match he was one of the best a true gent R.I.P
Glenn Sheppard I remember Colin well. He and brother Jackie were always in the Dads cricket team, against the boys, on Sunday afternoons at Chyngton in the 1960’s. Our thoughts are with the family. RIP.
Ian Morris A lovely man who lived next door to us in Saltwood Road. He used to really enjoy those Sunday afternoon “test” matches. Thoughts are with his family and friends RIP

LAURA JANE MORGAN. Formerly of Seaford. Much loved mother & grandmother, passed away peacefully on 11th June 2016, aged 90.

GORDON JOHN ENGLEFIELD. Formerly of Tutts Cycles Seaford.
Sadly passed away on 19th May on his birthday.
He will be very greatly missed by his sister Jen, his sons Martin, David and his wife Carol, his grandson Lee, great-grandson Hunter and Gloria.

KATHLEEN ELSIE KINGSHOTT. Passed away after a short illness on 18th May 2016, aged 96. Will be missed by her family and many friends.

ALAN LEWRY. Passed away on 15th April 2016. Will be sadly missed by his large family, and all who knew him.

JUNE CROOK. Former landlady of The Old Plough passed away on April 16th. Her funeral is on 6th May at Eastbourne Crem. at 1pm. She will be sadly missed. Andrew, Carolyn and Stewart.
Teresa Fowler. Sorry to read your sad news, Carolyn. I have many happy memories of evenings spent at the Old Plough, when your mother was landlady.
Glenn Sheppard. Just about everyone went into the Plough in those days. She was a great landlady. R.I.P.

PETER CHAPMAN. Retired traffic signal engineer, died peacefully at his home in Stevenage on 2nd April 2016 at the age of 65 after a period of illness. A former student of Chyngton Primary, Seaford Secondary Modern Schools and Lewes Technical College. He will be sadly missed by his daughter Sarah, his son Christopher and all of his family and friends.
Linda & Trev Funnell. Go with peace Pete and fly high with the Spitfires. Love Lin and Trev X
Dutch Van Tassel So much reminded me of his father,I have never met a man that knew so much about WW2 airplanes, fly high Pete know your up there somewhere in a Spitfire, I love you Brother!!!!!
Peter Wheeler. Very sad news.I last spoke to Peter in 2004 at a school reunion at the Seven Sisters as prior to that it was 1972 when we all socialised together. R.I.P and condolences to his family.
Glenn Sheppard Very sad news. We were all such good friends up on the Chyngton estate, but as we all become adults we move on. So glad that Pete and I met up and had a few pints together at the Welly a while ago. R.I.P Pete.
Rosie Wood So sorry to hear this news. I remember him as a very kind and gentle person.
Nick Lavato Good man, wonderful human being, honored to have called him friend!
Christine Donald Thinking of all the Family ….we too shall certainly miss our dear friend Rest in peace Pete x

JOHN BARTHOLOMEW. A tribute from his wife Denise says it all.
At 22.55 on 16/3/16 you peacefully fell asleep and left the struggle behind. Since 1981 when you came into my life we have laughed cried and fought together. And despite that you helped me raise 4 fantastic children who have made us so proud.
I have spent the last day reading posts, cards and listening to people whose life you have touched and I think we all agree you have left your mark.
My memories will never leave me but I will miss making more with you. We will say our farewell at Eastbourne crematorium on Monday 11/4/16 at 11.30 am if you would like to join us. ‘Don’t waste your money on flowers, and charity begins at home so buy yourself drink and remember the good times.’
Glenn Sheppard. Very, very sorry to have heard this sad news. We all grew up together on the Chyngton estate, and he was such a little bugger. We all were actually, but we had some great fun. So glad he met Denise when he did, she was so good for him. As we all get older, we see less of our old friends, but Johnny Bart never changed. Rest in Peace mate.
Keith Maskell. Fond memory’s of two raggy arse kids playing on the Chynton field always in trouble. Sleep well buddy.
Chris Prescott.Thankyou for the friendship, it’s a treasure that remains forever.
Roy Wigley. Great man. Sad loss. My thoughts go out to your family.
Tony Rye. Feeling sad Sussex lost one of best bikers John Bartholomew due to illness may you ride open roads and blue sky’s RIP John
Graham Butler I will be there Denise I will miss him you both became great friends . We had some great holidays .
Jackie White I will be there Denise. I wonder if he has met up with my John by now.. Next time I hear thunder I will think it is those 2 buggers racing around on their bikes. XXX

MICHAEL SATCHELL passed away on 23rd. February 2016. He will be sadly missed by all his family and all the many, many people who knew him.
Kev Powney. Really sorry to hear this, as an old Bodiam Close resident I knew mick as a decent guy who was always polite. My sympathies to your family.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Such sad news. A very popular Seafordian. All our condolences to Michael’s family.
Sheila Durman So sorry to hear this. Give all the family our condolences from John Durman and family. John worked with grandad for many years xx
Sara Williams So sorry to hear that. I remember him from bingo days. Please pass on condolences from my parents Tom and Yvonne Boxall x
William Kneller So sorry to hear this. Known him as long as I can remember. Condolences to Bett and family
Hazel Cottis I remember going to Ten Pin Bowling with Mick and friends at Hove. Thinking of all your family.
John Earl God bless you Mick rest in peace . Condolences to Betty Phil Ron Veronica and all the family. Cousin John and Pat xx
Lynne Plowright So sorry to hear that. I used to work with him when he used to be the handy man at Freshford Cottage, lovely man. My deepest condolences to you and family xx
Dave Scudder I remember Mick, he had a boat on the beach with Eric Long, and I had a boat with Derek Baker. I remember there was some sort of competition who could catch the most fish. He was always friendly and helpful. I can remember they used to catch welks and cook them in an old boiler on the beach. We all got along and helped each other out. RIP Mick

BEN COTTIS. On 4th February 2016, peacefully in hospital after a short illness aged 90 years.
Much loved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather.

HILDA DOBSON. On 3 February 2016, peacefully in Hospital, aged 97 years.
Much loved Mum to Ann, Nan to Wendy, Peter and Marc, Great Nan to Max and Alex.

BARBARA BOND. Formerly of Bonds Foodmarket, Alfriston Road, Seaford. Sadly passed away peacefully at Ashton House Nursing Home. Greatly missed by husband Reg and all the family.

CHRISTINE MARSH. Passed away peacefully after a long illness. Will be missed by family, and friends alike.

RAYMOND HEDGES. Peacefully in hospital on 18th January 2016 aged 82 years. Devoted husband of the late June, much loved dad, grandad and brother.
Susan Forshaw Remember him well. Good work colleague of my dad Berne Gillam. Rip Ray.
Tammie Silver Oh I am glad this has been put on here. See you on Wednesday Uncle Ray. Lots of love to you all Xxc lovely picture too.
Jim Still. Well remembered from the good old days of Southdown. Message from Jim Still , who used to work with Ray
Shirlee Ann McCourty I remember him when he drove the local bus always cheery & helpful R.I.P
Joanna Miriam Szalay Oh how sad, he was my favourite bus driver when I went to school, and he always let me stand up front with him xxx
Bob Lowe Another former Southdown bus driver sadly leaves us. You’ll be missed Ray, there’s no doubt about that. RIP my friend. My sincere condolences go to Lynda and Mervyn. xx

KATHLEEN COTTIS (Kath) (nee Kneller). Passed away on 9th January 2016. She will be sadly missed by her large family and many friends.
Lorraine Piggott. R.I.P Auntie Kath xx
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Such a sad time when someone you have known so well for so long passes away. We will miss our visits to you Kath. RIP.
Sheila Lambert. Rest in peace, Kath, x
Helen Layzell R.I.P Auntie Sis X X
Gina Hart. Bless her, she worked with our mum Edie Ward for years at the college. Love to the family x
Sarah Jackson God bless Aunty Sis xxx
Shaun Kneller So many memories. Bye bye Auntie Sis.

KENNETH NORMAN EVENDEN, (Ken) On 13th November 2015. Dearly beloved husband and father.
Barry Thompson. Very sad news of the passing of Ken a real Seaford character. Ken was godparent to my daughters Claire, Liz and Sheila. We are thinking of you at this sad time. Love from Barry,Margaret,Claire and David.
Peter Fellows’ Ken was our Postie for many years. A lovely man, never complained in all weathers and always had a smile and time for a chat. You could tell the time, when the mail arrived, always within a minute or two of the same time every day. RIP dear Ken
Lin Buchan. I think it is lovely that these are being posted. Thank you as Ken was an old friend and colleague of our dad and I remember him well as a child. Best regards to you all

DAVID RICHARD WESTWOOD. Passed away suddenly at home on 7th November 2015. Sadly missed by his family and friends.
Linda Barrett Dave was my next door neighbour. Rest In Peace Dave.

FRANCES ROSEMARY SATCHELL. Suddenly at home in Seaford on 5th November 2015. Aged 87 years.
Mum to Gill and Richard, Nan and Greatnanny cakes. Much loved sister to Mick, Phil, Ron, Veronica and the late Roly.
Linda Jackson So sorry for your loss Gill, I have such good memories of the times spent at your house in Saltwood Road x
Linda Funnell I am sorry to hear this. I stopped to say hello to her not so long ago, as I hadn’t seen her since my mums funeral. Sweet lady.
John Earl. God bless you Fran .R.I.P. Cousin John and Pat .
Ali Parks-Trice. Such sad news…such a lovely lady. I will miss chatting to her. Bless you all, our thoughts are with you all xx

ROBERT TWEEDY, (Bob). Passed away on 22 October 2015 aged 90 years.
Much loved dad of Caroline and brother of Pat.
Sandra Comer. God bless Mr Tweedy. Our sympathy to Caroline xxx
Heather J Baldwin. A lovely man and such a dear friend to our dad. You will be missed. Thoughts with you Caroline and Pat. xx
Alison Alexander. My sympathy to the family! I have childhood memories of time spent with Caroline and her family! My thoughts are with you.

PHILLIP COLE. Suddenly at home in Seaford, on 1st September 2015, aged 63 years.

BRIAN WALTER REED. Passed away on 16th August 2015, aged 76. Much loved husband of Davina and dearly loved father and Grandad who will be deeply missed.
David Reed. He will be sadly missed, but his memory will live on in all the various building works he has been involved in locally, one of a kind. Will miss you Dad.
David Tolhurst. Very sad news a really nice guy I have known him since I was a child,
Steve Powney. I worked with Brian for many years. A good tradesman, good worker, good man, good fun, Sadly will not be able to attend the funeral as I’m away. My deepest sympathy to Davina and family.
Martin Bulman. Grew up 2 doors from Brian. Was always friendly with my family. Deepest sympathy to Davina and family,
Ian Fears. Dave sorry to hear this had many dealings over the years with him he will be missed
Lesley Curtis. So sad. RIP Brian. Much love to V
Tracey Ransome. Will be missed so much as a fab dad and grandad. xxx

NOEL PELHAM MACKILLIGIN. Passed away peacefully in hospital at Eastbourne on 2nd August 2015, aged 84 years. Former Chairman of ESCC and Deputy Lieutenant of East Sussex.

FREDERICK WILLIAM LAMBERT. Passed away peacefully at Threeways Nursing Home Seaford on Thursday 23rd July 2015. Beloved husband of Valerie and much loved uncle of Lorraine.

KATHLEEN GOODMAN. Passed away on 5th July 2015. Sadly missed by all her family.

TERRY CROUCHER passed away on 28th June 2015, aged 70.
Keiron Francis. Such a shock and loss David. A true gent and our first football manager at Seaford Seagulls. Many of of us are so grateful for the time he gave us and local football. RIP Terry.
Tara Highway. David you have my deepest sympathy, my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this terribly sad time x
Darryl Keech. Sorry to hear this, I have great memories of your dad from our early football years. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care
Michael Balkham. I’m so sorry to hear that Dave. Will never forget him as manager with his pipe. Thoughts are with you and your family matey. Let me know if you need anything.
Wendy Moore. R.I.P.Terry thoughts for the family x
John Jordan. So sorry to hear. Terry R.I.P. My condolences to Terrys family .xxxx
Tina Smith. Thinking of you Maddy at this sad time Mike and Tina xx
So many messages & memories of Terry. Sorry I can’t include them all

ARTHUR PERRY. Passed away on 23rd June 2015 while fishing on his beloved boat.
He was a well-known local figure as Lifeboat man, teacher, supporter of Hailsham Football Club and owner of Perrywinkles Shellfish Bar. He will be dearly missed by his wife, children, grandchildren and friends..

SIMON PERRY. On 21st June 2015 suddenly aged 60 years. Beloved Father and Grandfather.

DAVID DENNIS. 5th December 1945 – 4th June 2015. Peacefully passed away with his family at his side. We are devastated at the loss of our dearest Dave. A very much loved and adored son, husband, father, grandfather and brother.
A wonderful friend to many people. Forever missed but never forgotten.
Tascha Jayne Relf. Such a fantastic man.
Pete Crowhurst. Always remember Dave as a friend, work colleague at Seymours and a pretty fair rugby player. It was a pleasure to have known you in my younger years and best wishes to the family. A sad loss.
Barry Thompson. R.I.P. Dave. Happy memories from school and boy’s club days.
Steve Roe. Played rugby at Seaford rugby club with Dave in the mid to late 70s so probably in the twilight of his playing career ,thoroughly nice man off the playing field and still very competitive on the pitch. Another sad loss. Best wishes to all the family in this sad time
Mick Hamill. So sorry to hear this. Fond memories of Dave at Boy’s Club & Seaford in the sixties. R.I.P.
Glenn Sheppard. Such a great sportsman. As a kid at school I’d wish that I could be as good at my chosen sports as Dave was at his. R.I.P.
Heather J Baldwin I am so sorry to read this. Back in the 60’s I spent many a happy evening at Jean Cantell’s dance studio with a group of friends of which Dave was one. My thoughts and sympathies to the family.

PETER JOHN FOYLE. Passed away on 6th May 2015 following a short but bravely borne illness. Loved and sadly missed by family and friends.
Viv Long. I have just been in to Coopers to make a donation and sadly it is the Peter that we were at school with R.I.P
Barry Thompson. Peter from Chyngton ,taken far to early.
Bill Purcell. May he now R.I.P.
Bob Lowe. Terribly sad to hear about Peter. Remember him well. I had the pleasure of working with Peter’s dad, Bill, for many years on the post. My love and condolence goes to Peter,s family. R.I.P. Peter.

CAROL ANNE DAYKIN, 65, of Seaford. Passed away peacefully in Eastbourne Hospital on 3 May 2015 after an incredibly long and brave fight. She leaves her brother, Roger, three daughters, Fiona, Michelle and Joanna, and three grandchildren, Ryan, Abby and Tegan.
Gilly Westwood. God bless her she never moaned. Love to you all. Gilly XXX
Linda Feldwicke. Very sad, such a lovely lady xx
Kathy Richardson. Very sad I knew her a long time ago..R.I.P…really nice lady…x
Paul Stoner. rip Carol my thoughts go out to her family & friends

JOHN BOOTS. The Conservative Party candidate for Seaford East Ward John Boots has died, Lewes District Council announced this evening (Thursday May 7). A spokesperson for the district council said: “We extend our condolences to his family. In accordance with election law and having taken advice from the Electoral Commission the poll for Seaford East Ward has had to be abandoned and the town council election for that ward will be rearranged as soon as possible.”

SYLVIA HARPER passed away peacefully in her sleep on 24th March, 2015 to join her beloved husband Gordon. Loving mother to Kim and Debbie and devoted Grandmother to Samantha, Collin, Charlotte and Jonathan. Sylvia was a retired schoolteacher and an active member of the community, including membership of the Women’s Institute and the Spiritualist Church. She also had significant involvement with assisting to run the WI horticultural group and was an accomplished Lacemaker. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Donations if desired to St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne.

MAUREEN SHERWIN. It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that my Mum Maureen Sherwin nee Harriott passed away last Wednesday 11 March, 2015. She was the last surviving sister of Joan, Betty and Ella. So end of an era. Mum started her working life in L Cameron and Sons, Chemist in the Pharmacy Dept. In the following years she worked for Peek Winch and Todd a retail food supplier in Newhaven in accounts and then Eustace and Partner/E Plan as accounts manager and was a shop assistant in Medicare which then became Superdrug and remained there until she retired (she worked past retirement age) Mum’s funeral will be at Eastbourne Crematoriam on Wednesday 1 April at 12.15pm.

TERENCE LEONARD THURSTON. 12.2.34 – 10.3.15. Terence was an illustrator and much of his work was for magazines and book jackets. He moved to Seaford in 1980 and apart from a brief spell in Eastbourne, returned to Seaford, a place he loved.
A special Husband, Dad and Grandad. A perfect gentleman, loved and missed so much.

MAUREEN CONSTANCE DENT. Died 9th March 2015 at St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Adored Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Friend

COLIN KEITH BLENKARN. It is with deep regret that we have to announce that Colin Keith Blenkarn, beloved son of the late Alfred and Joyce Blenkarn, died suddenly of a heart attack on 17th February 2015, aged 59. He was devoted to his parents and looked after them in their final years. He was a very dear brother to Elizabeth, Alfred and Robin and will be greatly missed by them, his nephews, Jason and Peter and his extended family. Colin initially supported his father in the Bakery and Confectionery Business, ‘Blenkarns Ltd’ which was opened in Seaford, East Sussex in 1970, and he then took over the running of the business until it closed in 2007 when he retired. He was a kind, thoughtful person who enjoyed painting in his retirement. We shall miss his sense of humour and his willingness to give advice.
Steve Powney very sorry.new him at school great sense of humour and a nice person.
Simon Blain RIP Colin . What a lovely fella. Seaford will miss you mate.
Richard Woolmer So sorry to hear this had some good chats on the bus to art college many years ago and since. Very sad.
Reg Dove Lovely memories of a nice man and decent neighbour….RIP Colin.
Daréna Fox Sad news, have happy memories of their lovely bakery….May he rest in peace x.
Richard Tobin RIP Colin I remember him well from our school day.

LES EVEREST. (Smokey) Following a long illness he passed away peacefully today at the Abundant Grace Nursing Home in Seaford. An ‘old boy’ of South Heighton where he was born in 1925 at number 7 Hampden Gardens – the youngest of 11 children. Later of Bishopstone village where he worked as a tractor/combine driver for many years. More recently of Seaford, where he tended his allotments with great care and pride until arthritis got in the way. Will be sadly missed by his family and friends.
Christopher Swan So sorry Ian. Condolences from me and my family over here in Nogent, Champagne-Ardenne.
Harvey Foxwell Sorry to hear this news Ian ,your dad was a great man ,great memories x
Peter Sowter sorry to hear the sad news about Smokie. He was a dignified man and I have such fond memories of him going right back to childhood, The whole family have our condolences

RON BISHOP. On 15th February 2015 after a short illness. Aged 90 years. Beloved Husband of the late Vi, much loved Dad and Grandad (Grumps).
John Morgan sad loss of a real Seaford character one of the old school plumbers and a real Morlings man a real gentleman lovely man to talk to and help me out many a time a pleasure to have known you Ron.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. I’m sorry for your loss Heather & Lesley. A smashing man that we all knew. Always had a smile on his face. Always spoke to us whenever we met. R.I.P. Ron.
Richard Bryant He was a great man and friend to all R.I.P
Lynda Morgan Lovely man and two lovely daughters. RIP Ron. Thinking of you girls xx
Stephen Dibs Steer A True Gent will be sadly missed by all who loved and knew him.

DOROTHY COTTIS (Doll) passed away peacefully at home on Monday 2nd February 2015 aged 84 years. Dearly beloved wife of the late Ron Cottis and much loved sister of Ray, Daphne and Roy and devoted Aunt to all her nieces and nephews.

GEORGE FREDERICK SOWTER. Died peacefully on Saturday 3rd January, 2015 aged 97, 3 weeks after his wife Anne.
A True Gentleman much loved and sadly missed by the whole family. Many thanks to Threeways Nursing Home for their kindness and care of both George and Anne.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. Sad to hear this news. Mr. Sowter was a lovely man. As it says above ‘a true gentleman’ and also a true Seafordian. Known by us all. R.I.P.
Sandra Langridge. Lovely lovely couple, bless them, both together again.
Jayne Breden. Will be missed by many many people. Such wonderful couple x
Bill Purcell. A very close neighbour to my parents and a wonderful couple, they will be sadly missed by everyone that knew them. May they be together now and peacefully R.I.P
Kate Smith. They were such a lovely couple. They were customers when I worked at Bishopstone nurseries, and friends of my gran.
Ruth Dunstall. He was a lovely man and very funny, he loved Anne so much and she was so good to talk to, very down to earth, they will both be sadly missed by all the staff that loved them both, xx
Jane Berg. Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts of our lovely Dad, so proud of him, will keep him in our hearts. Ann, Jane, and Peter Sowter & families

KATHLEEN HAYNES. Died at home on 30th December 2014. Dearly loved by all her family and friends.

CEREDIG LEWIS (Keri) Peacefully at home on 19th December 2014 Aged 83 years. Dearly beloved Husband, Father and Grandad.

CONSTANCE VERA MACE. Died at Palm Court Nursing Home, Eastbourne on 19th November 2014.
Constance was a Seafordian. No other information, or photograph available.
Glynis Chorley. RIP Constance Mace
Jacqui Palmer Jenner. Rest easy with the angels Constance.
Janet Vacher. She was Constance Shoesmith a true Seafordian. Went to Seaford County Primary School with my Mum. She is in one of the pictures on Seaford times. Was married to Eric Mace for many years and it was lovely to see her grandchildren at the funeral too. She is at peace now.

BLABER RON peacefully on 13th November 2014 aged 94 years. Dearly beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather, sadly missed by all his family and friends.
John Earl. God bless you Ron , rest in peace . He was a good goalie in his younger days.
Janice Pook. Dear Ron. Lived 2 doors up from me. My father introduced him to his wife pat. They were great friends right up to when my father passed away. Boy you loved to talk Ron. Rip.xx
Lynda Gill. So sorry. Read a couple of his books only yesterday. Had found them at my mum and dads house.
Hazel Cottis. Sad to hear Ron has passed away.R.I.P. Ben and Hazel Cottis.

Gp Capt. E J GOODMAN OBE Sadly passed away on Monday 10th November 2014.
Aged 80, Gp Capt. Goodman ( John ) was born and spent his early life in Seaford. He attended Lewes Grammar School and then enjoyed an outstanding career in the RAF.

THE RT REVD COLIN DOCKER. (Seaford vicar in the early 1970’s)
The Rt Revd Colin Docker, Bishop of Horsham, from 1975 to 1991, in the diocese of Chichester, died suddenly at home on Monday 3rd November, just one month shy of his 89th birthday.

GODFREY THURSTON HOPKINS. Died on 27th October 2014 aged 101.

DERICK LARTER, headteacher at Seaford County Primary School for more than 20 years, has died at the age of 87. He was an active supporter of Seaford Young Musicians for many years and was a member of Seaford Rotary Club for more than four decades.
Mr Larter, of Links Road, Seaford, is survived by his widow and two children and by grandchildren Natalie and Kai Harrower.
Gill Francis. I remember him well, as I’m sure both my sons will, both at Seaford Primary School. A lovely, fair & calm man.
Matthew Dunn. Great headmaster and great man.
Neal Dench. What a great shame. My first headmaster, and what a great one he was. Thank you for posting this – there’s no way I’d have found out otherwise.
Dee Taylor. Such a great man. Love to your family xx
Carolyn Keeley. Very sad he was my headmaster amazing man.
Simon Francis. Pleasure of working with him on the board of governors. Very straight and fair man.

AUDREY PARKS on 31st October 2014 Peacefully in Hospital aged 82 years. Dearly beloved wife of Colin, mum of Mandy. Sadly missed by all her family.

DOROTHY MAY POOLE. Passed away on 27th September 2014. Dorothy lived in Seaford for 22 years. She was a very keen cyclist and photographer. Dorothy also supported good causes especially the RNLI.

WILLIAM CLARKE (Nobby), Monte Cassino veteran, aged 91years. Passed away peacefully with his close family at his side on 15th August 2014.
‘Spike’ was a great bloke. First time you met him, you instantly liked him. Not many people you can say that about, I didn’t know him as well as I wish I had.

COLIN MADDOCK. Died peacefully at home on the I.O.W. on the 10th August 2014. He lived and worked in Seaford and Eastbourne for many years.
Colin Maddock ran the ‘Lindell Printing’ business for many years at Croft Lane and Cradle Hill Estate.

DONALD WILLIAM EVANS. 03.04.1930 – 25.07.2014
From Bishopstone (formerly Denton). Lost his Battle with Lymphona and passed away peacefully on 25th July surrounded by his loved ones. Now Re-united with his Late Wife Audrey.

JEFFREY GIBBS, passed away peacefully in his sleep at home on 24th July 2014, aged 64 years.
Most of us older Seafordians knew Jeff. He lived on the corner of Walmer Road and Saltwood Road, with his family. He would always be at his garden gate, and everyone would stop and talk to him.

EILEEN SPINK. Passed away peacefully on Saturday 17th May 2014, aged 87. Sadly missed by all her family..

WINIFRED MAY PARKER. Passed away peacefully on 28th April 2014. Sadly missed by all her family.
Mrs. Parker worked in Woolworth’s for many years.

EDIE BARRETT. Passed away on 9th. April 2014, aged 93. Sadly missed by her daughters June and Linda, and will also be missed by all the many people who knew her throughout her long life.

OLIVE HUGGETT (nee Ridley) 1941 – 2013 Passed away peacefully at home Saturday 28th September 2013, age 72 years

LES BONE passed away peacefully on 4th September 2013 with his family at his side.

WILLIAM PENWILL. (Bill) Passed away on the 14th July. Sadly missed by all his family and all his friends at Seaford Baptist Church.
Most of us from the last decade will remember Bill from his time working at ‘Safeways’. We knew him because he was our neighbour when he lived at home with his parents in East Street.

PATRICIA ‘PAT’ WOOD of Seaford, Sussex, passed away in Eastbourne General Hospital on Wednesday 5th June 2013, aged 82 years. Pat leaves her sons Dave and Andy, daughters-in-law Kathy and Karen and her grandchildren Michael, Sam, Joseph and Baz.
Pat was the wife of the late Mick Wood and they lived at Sheep Pen Lane.

ANDY ANDERSON 10th May 2013 aged 80 years. Of Andy Anderson & Son Locksmiths. Much loved husband of Barbara, father of Greg and Geraldine.
Andy opened ‘County Hardware’ in the lower High Street. Later worked from home as a locksmith. His son is now continuing the locksmith business.

DAVID NORSWORTHY. Local travel agent and proprietor of Austen Travel has died peacefully at home at the age of 67. He leaves a beloved wife, three step children and sixteen grandchildren.

CHRISTINE BALKHAM. (nee Bone) Passed away, and will be sadly missed by her family and all her friends.

ROBERT SENNECK (known to many as Bob) passed away in the early hours of 5/2/2013.
Played cricket for Seaford.

LESLIE BAKER (Les) 29.01.1922 – 26.12.2012 Passed away after a short illness and sadly missed by his family and friends.
Les lived at 1, Saltwood Road. When the Chyngton Boys played cricket against the Chyngton Dads, in the 1960’s, Les always opened the batting for the Dads.

LOLA RICHARDSON, passed away peacefully on 14 December 2012 aged 85. Loving mum to Jane and David.
What can you say about Lola. One of the most wonderful people you could ever wish meet in your life. She would do anything for anyone, and most of her life she did. Most people will remember her from her time working on the Deli in Woolworths.

MURIEL BARRY, nee Baker, 14-10-1920 to 05-12-2012. Formerly of Kedale Road, Seaford, then Hove and latterly Worthing. Died after a short illness. Loving Mom to Wendy, Mom-in-law to Tony and Nanny to Chris & Nick.

SHEILA KNELLER. On 26th November 2012 peacefully in her sleep at home in Seaford. Dearly beloved wife of William, mother of Graham, Martin, Helen, Duncan and Gavin.

MICHAEL BESANT, on 5th November 2012 in Seaford, aged 83 years.
Mick was always, for many years, taking photographs of Seaford and Seafordians, but is there a better picture, or a more updated picture than the one I have of him in the ‘Boys Club’ from many years ago??

RAYMOND ELLIOTT. (Ray). 6th.Nov. 1935 – 24th.Sept. 2012 passed away peacefully at Eastbourne DGH.
Ray known, and liked by most Seafordians. Good footballer for Seaford Town, and a long serving member of the Seaford Royal British Legion.

JACK KELLY. Passed away on 10th September 2012. He will be sadly missed by his large family and all his many friends. Now reunited with his loving wife Babs.

PEGGY ELIZABETH JOAN CAMBRIDGE. (Peg) of Seaford. Passed away peacefully on 19th September 2012, after a short illness, aged 85 years. Dearly loved wife of Ken for 67 years.

TREVOR SPINK passed away peacefully on Saturday 15th September, 2012 aged 91.

ELSIE LOUGHLIN. Our lovely Elsie passed away on 9th July 2012 aged 92. She will be sadly missed by all her friends.
A wonderful lady. Always had a great sense of humour and enjoyed a good laugh.

FREDERICK WITCHLOW. (Fred) passed away peacefully on 27 June 2012 aged 83 years. Former proprietor of Frenchs Garage and long time resident of Seaford. Much loved husband of the late Wendy and father of Peter and David.

EDITH WARD (Edie) slipped peacefully away with her family around her on 23 June 2012 aged 87 years.

JOHN HERITAGE 92, passed away peacefully in Eastbourne on Thursday 21st June 2012.
Geography teacher at the Seaford Secondary school for as long as anyone can remember.

PAULINE POWNEY (nee Highsted) lost her brave fight against cancer on 13th April 2012. Beloved wife of Mick, mother of Nick, Lee and Mark.

JOAN HUNT peacefully on 21 March 2012 in a Seaford Nursing Home aged 85 years. Beloved wife of the late Laurie Hunt.

ROY NORMAN. Passed away on 4th March 2012 aged 73 years.
Many of us only know Roy because of his footballing exploits. He played for Seaford teams for so long, as his father did before him. I wonder how many goals he scored for Seaford?

TONY MASKELL. Peacefully on 31st January 2012, aged 74 years.
I knew Tony as a joker. When ever we met, he had a joke to tell, and we would laugh from beginning to the end, even if the ending was useless. By the time you say goodbye, time had flown by, and you walked down the road still laughing.

JANE WILLIAMS. (nee Huntly) on 23rd January 2012 at home in Seaford aged 60 years. Much loved wife of Trevor.
Everyone knew Jane, and everyone liked her.

JUNE NUNN (NEE CHEAL). Passed away in the first week of January 2012. Sadly missed by her large family, and all her many friends. Now reunited with her loving husband Bill.

SALLY BAWDEN. Died unexpectedly at home on 14th December, 2011 A lovely lady who enjoyed life to the full. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.
Sally looked after all the tenants, as manager, in the ‘Alms Houses’ in Croft Lane for many years. Please someone send in a photo of her, because we would love to see her again.

BARBARA KELLY (BABS) Passed away on 8th December 2011. Will be missed by her loving husband Jack, and all her family.

NORMA ELAINE STONE. Passed away peacefully on the 7th October 2011, at Threeways Nursing Home, Seaford. Widow of the late Frederick Stone.

STEVE CLEMENT. His life was taken tragically on 29th July 2011. Beloved husband of Carol, father of Garry and Mary.
Glenn & Jan Sheppard. A friend of ours throughout our working lives that we miss meeting up with for a chat.

BRUCE RICHARD SAUNDERS. Peacefully in Seaford on 15 July 2011 aged 82 years. Dearly beloved husband of Doreen, much loved father of Michael and Brenda

GRACE CONSTANCE EVEREST (Women’s Land Army) Suddenly in hospital on Thursday 30th June 2011. Grace Constance Everest, 87, of Seaford. Much loved wife of Les (Smokey), dear mother to Ian and Malcolm.
I sat with Mrs. Everest when Alan Lamb hit 18 off the last over to win a one dayer against Australia. She was so exited. Ian. Please send in a photo of your mum.

WILLIAM NUNN. (BILL). Passed away on 5th March 2011. Sadly missed by his wife, June and his daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren, along with his many friends.
Bill, originally from Newhaven, ran his own Seaford building company, and was a wonderful person. It’s good to see his cheerful face again.

JEAN PULLINGER. (nee Logan) on 20th January 2011 aged 62 years. Much loved wife and mother.

JUNE HEDGES. Loving wife of Ray, mother of Lynda and Mervyn. Passed away in January 2011.